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Foreign Language Research
2012 Issue 6
A Study of Chunks from the Perspective of Hermeneutics
Li Ji-min;Li Ling;Gao Xi-xia
On Infinite Language Use of Finite Language Form
Liu Yu-hong
A Study of Exclamation Acquisition by Chinese EFL Learners
Liu Ke-cheng;Peng Shuang
The Semantic-Pragmatic Interpretations of the Chinese Scalar Item “Yixie”
Chen Bing-fei;Guo Tao-mei
Re-examing the Definitions of “Recast” in L2 Research
Yao Pei-zhi
Modeling Approach to a DRT-Based 2D-RS Model
Zhang Xu-hong
Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism of Logical Metonymy
Gao Cui-yu
xin xi dong tai
Discussion on the Russian Language Semantics
Sun Shu-fang
On Outlook and Progress of Translation Thinking Research
Huang Zhong-lian