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Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
2012 Issue 5
A Study of the Composition of The Journey to the West from the Perspective of Western Literary Theory
Zhu Hongbo Department of Chinese; East China Normal University;the academic committee of China’s Society of The Journey to the West
Norms and Nature Appreciation
Robert Stecker; Department of Philosophy and Religion; Central Michigan University
The Degeneration of the Space: On Baudrillard’s Critique of Contemporary Architecture and Urban Space
Wan Shuyuan;The Faculty of Liberal Arts; Tongji University
Literature as a Passage of Life: An Overview of Deleuze-Guattari’s Literary Critical Thought
Yin Jing; College of Foreign Languages; Henan University
The Problems of Aesthetic Study and the Dialectical Reflection in Adorno’s Aesthetics
Li Tao;the School of Humanities in Tongji University; Shanghai
The Visible and the Articulable: Investigating Foucault’s Philosophy of Art through Paintings
Zhang Zhong; School of Journalism and Communication; Shandong University
Unnatural Narratology and Contemporary Narrative Poetics:An Interview with Professor Brian Richardson
Shang Biwu; School of Foreign Languages; Zhejiang Gongshang University Central China Normal University. Brian Richardson; University of Maryland
The Modernized Representation of Chinese Classical Literature in Taiwan Modern Poetry
Wu Sheng;in Chinese Department; Guangzhou University
Literariness, Anti-Essentialism and Spatial Turn
Wang Wei;Institute of Literary Studies; Fujian Academy of Social Sciences
Confronting the Challenge of Cultural Studies: The Future of Comparative Literature
Wang Ning Shanghai Jiaotong University and Professor of English at Tsinghua University
Chinese Folk Literature as a Discipline: With a New Interpretation of Hu Shih’s Vernacular Literature
Li Xiaoling; International College of Chinese Studies; East China Normal University
Fundamental Issues about Aesthetics Study of Chinese Myth in the Past 100 Years
Wang Huaiyi; The College of Liberal Arts; Jiangsu Normal University
The Sound of the Study of “Literature”: A Survey of Issues of Sound in Ancient Liteary Texts and Studies on Texts
Chen Yinchi; Department of Chinese Fudan University
On Du Fu’s Reception of Yu Xin’s Poetry and the Implications to Du’s Poetic Theory
Zhong Yao Department of Chinese Literature and Language; Peking University
On the “Flavour” in Poetry Commentaries in Song Dynasty
Huang Aiping; School of International Education; South China University of Technology; Sun Xun ;College of Liberal Arts; Shanghai Normal University
On the Rationality and Casual Criticism in Poetry Commentaries in Song Dynasty
Xie Shanshan Chinese Departement;Guangdong Wuyi University; Deng Qiaobin Departement of Chinese; Jinan University
wen yi li lun yan jiu tou gao zhi nan
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