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Foreign Language Teaching and Research
2001 Issue 1
xin nian de hua
Retrospect of and prospect for fuzzy linguistics research in China
wu shi xiong ; chen wei zhen
On discoursal ideological logic
xiong xue liang
On the theory of the point of view in discourse
xiong zuo qing
The neo-Gricean theory of anaphora
jiang wang zuo
"China English" in the past 20 years
du rui qing ; jiang ya jun
Stylistic features of webchat English
dong qi ming ; liu yu mei
On the measurement of English vocabulary size
deng zhao chun
An analysis of coinages in Chinese learners' composition
lou bao cui
bo shi sheng pei yang za yi
lu jian ming
Wu Tieping: Fuzzy Linguistics (1999)
miao dong sheng
Abstracts of major papers in this issue