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Foreign Language Education
2001 Issue 4
Accessibility Theory and Anaphora
zhou ping
Categorization:Cognition in Language
wen xu ; jiang xiao hong
A Study of the Relationship Between Nonce Word,Parody and Their Chinese Sense
xu jian ping ; shen da zheng
Cognitive and Pedagogical Approach to English Metaphor
chang xiao mei
A Probe into Non-equivalent Idioms in Russian
jiang xi ping
Color Words:Their Semantic Cognition and Semantic Structure
zhong shou man
Context and Choice of Words in E-C Translation
liu ming dong
Equivalence Translation of the Subconscious and Implied Ideas of a Tang Poem
wang zhen guo ; li yan lin
Cultural Barriers of Chinese EFL Learners in English Reading
liao dao sheng
Genre,Genre Analysis and Genre-based Teaching Approaches
wang shui lian
ren zhi yu yong xue gai lun ping jie
wei zai jiang
shang wu huo dong zhong dao qian ce lue de yu yong fen xi
zhou rui zuo
bai xiang si de shan luan he zuo luo bo dui bi shang xi
liu pei hong