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Journal of Wuxi Institute of Commerce
2002 Issue 4
Numerical Study of Fluid's Flowing Characteristics in a Parallel Plate Channel with Baffles
FAN Xiao-wei;LIU Yin;SUN Kun-feng;ZHANG Ding-cai
Application of Meter's Insulating Property
LI Guo-ping
ASP Application Based on 0040 Technologies
SHEN Jian-guo
On Examining the Capital Provided by the Shareholders
ZHU Ping-hua
Category, Birth and Pronunciation of HSK and SDTV
HE Ji-jun;ZHAN Xu-zuo
Approaches to Standard Chinese Teaching
LU Wen-qin
Aesthetic Life Education in Literature Teaching
LI Yu-ge
How to Improve English by Self-Study
WU Ping
On English Reading Teaching Strategies
Interpretation of Xin Qiji's Shi Er
ZHAO Qi-jun
Interpretation of Liu Yong's Yulinling
ZHANG Xi-gui