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Microcomputer Applications
2001 Issue 6
Learners' Garden C++ Smart Pointer in CORBA
Yang shengyun;Lai Cuomin
An Optimal Model to Calculate the Income and Risk of Asset Combined Investments with Excel
Ning Yuncai;LI Xiangyi;Zhang Lihua
Applications of Jini Technology and Its Comparison With EJB
ZHU Qian;CHEN FuMing;Xu Bing
Previewing and Printing RTP Files by Calling API Functions
LIU Guangfu
Programmable Interfaces of Accessing SQL Server With VB and Their Application
Jiu Jun;Ma Xudong;Shi Jian
Real-Time Storing of Production Data and Their General Query With DDE
Tuang Baoyu;Jiang Shiqing
Design and Implementation of a LAN for Open Accounting Computerization
Zhang Keyou;Nian Guihua
Combination of MATLAB and VB Applied in Programming for Signal Analyzing and Processing
Zhong Shuncong;Ding Kang;Sun Zhijuan
On the Dynamic Mathematical Model of Moisture Separators and Its Simulation
Zhang Qinshun;Deng Chen;Zhou Wenjin
On Interconnection of Unix and Windows Based on Samba
ZHOU Haiguang
Dynamic Business Object Model of the E-Business System
YU Shi;Chen Jiaxun
On Principles of IP Phone Technology and Its Future
Zhang Zuliang;Yang Peilin;Chen Gang
On Agent-Based Online CAI Systems
he guo tian ; zuo chao lian ; tan xing wen
Design and Implementation of the Rule Base in a Remote Diagnostic System
ZHANG Zhan;SHAO Peng;GAO Chuanshan
An Email System Based on Linux and Qmail
Yan Hua;GAO Chuanshan;Sun Yi