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Journal of Wuhu Vocational Institute of Techology
2014 Issue 4
Tao Xing-zhi’s Chinese Educational Dream
The Backwash to Technical Rationality
JIA Sheng-chao;,ZHAO Ming-liang;
Teaching Reform for the Course of Statistics in the Food Major in Higher Vocational Institutes
JI Mu-yin;,TONG Chuan-wang;,XU Yue-ming;
Reform and Practice of Dynamic Web Development Course Based on the ASP.NET
WANG Fu-huan;,YANG Qi;
Innovation and Practice in NC Technology Specialty construction dependent on Skill Comtests
DAI Xiao-dong;,JIANG Ying;,ZHU Qiang;
On development of Cultural tourism in Wuhu
ZHOU Hui-min;
The Study on the Application of Indium Trichloride in Organic Synthesis
Hong Juan;,Wu Wei-ya;,Zhang Qiang;
Androgyny, Wild Zone and Gender Internalization
On Philosophical Intonation of Searle’s Speech Act Theory
WANG Jun-li;
Discussion on Calligraphy works Appreciation
WU Qian-kuan;
2014 nian di 16 juan zong mu lu