Asparaginase mediated acid adaptation of mycobacteria
Xiaolang Cai1;Beibei Wu2;Yang Fang1;Houhui Song1 1College of Animal Science and Technology;Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University;Lin’an 311300;China 2Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Hangzhou 310051;China
Norovirus epidemic strain GⅡ.4 evolution——A review
Qingping Wu1;Liang Xue1;2;Jumei Zhang1 1 Guangdong Institute of Microbiology;State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology;South China;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application;Guangdong Open Laboratory of Applied Microbiology;Guangzhou 510070;China 2 School of Bioscience and Bioengineering;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510006;China
Arsenic metabolism in purple nonsulfur bacteria
Changjiang Lv1;Chungui Zhao1;Suping Yang1;Yinbo Qu2 1 Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology;Huaqiao University;Xiamen 361021;China 2 State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China