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Nondestructive Testing
2016 Issue 6
Application of Ultrasonic TOFD Secondary Wave Detection Technology in Nondestructive Testing of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds
CHEN Zhen-hua;ZHANG Chong;LI Xin-lei;LU Chao;Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing;Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;Hangzhou Huan NDT Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Procedure for Cracks in Fillets Weld
ZUO Yan-tian;FANG Yu;LIU Qing-yan;XUE Li-jie;Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection & Technical Research;Key Lab of Safety Science of Pressurized System;Ministry of Education;East China University of Science and Technology;
Inspection and Assessment of the Defects of Exterior Walls Cement Coating
ZHU Lei;FANG Zhi-ming;WANG Zhuo-lin;ZHU Bin;JIANG Li-xue;XU Qing-feng;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Engineering Structure Safety;Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Co.;Ltd.;
Application of Visual Beam Ultrasonic in Inspection of Weld in Tubular Node
WANG Shao-jun;SONG Pan;CHENG Jun;ZUO Yan-tian;Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research;Beijing Qingyun Aviation Instrument Co.;Ltd.;
Water Path Length Correction in Ultrasonic C-scan Inspection for the Ring Forgings
ZHANG zhen;XU You-chang;BU Xiong-zhu;WANG Xin-zheng;Technology Research Institute;Nanjing Chenguang Group Co.;Ltd.;School of Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science &Technology;
Development and Application of Broadband High Sensitive Flexible Phased Array Probe
CHANG Jun-jie;WEI Qiang;YUKIO Ogura;LU Chao;CHEN Guo;Key Lab.of Nondestructive Testing;Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;Japan Probe Co.;Ltd.;
The Ultrasonic Inspection of CRDM Housing Canopy Welds in CPR1000 Power Plants
YUAN Shu-xian;LI Jun;LIN Zhong-yuan;HONG Mao-cheng;WU Jin-feng;CGNPC Inspection Technology Co.;Ltd.;Jingsu Guoxin Jingjiang Power Co.;Ltd.;
Wall Thickness Ultrasonic Testing and Thinning Cause of Float Drain Valve
JIANG Bo;OU Peng;QIAO Bao-hong;CHEN Chao;YANG Zhen-ke;Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;
TOFD Inspection of Nuclear Class Pipe Elbows
DENG Li;ZHENG Zi-ang;LU Qi;State Nuclear Power Plant Service Company;
Application of CIVA Simulation Software in Phased Array Inspection of Turbine Blade Root in the Nuclear Power Plant
CHEN Bing-chuan;LU Wen-jie;WANG Ming-hui;State Nuclear Power Plant Service Company;
Analysis of the Abnormality during Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging for a Steel Plate
HOU Yao-min;HOU Jia-yong;Yantai Huajian Testing Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Shandong Huading Nondestructive Testing Co.;Ltd.;
Development of EMAT Based Axial Load Measurement System for In-service Bolts
DING Xu;WU Xin-jun;School of Mechanical Science and Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Automatic Visual Inspection System of Shaft Part Surface
SUN Kuo-yuan;JIANG Li-xing;WANG Jun-ya;ZHANG Feng;HAN Shuo;College of Navigation and Aerospace Engineering;Information Engineering University;College of Geospatial Information;Information Engineering University;
Development of an Ultrasonic Probe Capable of Displaying Pressure from the Operator
WANG Yong;QUAN Fu-bao;LAN Jin;PAN Wan-miao;CHEN Wei;Anhui No.2Electric Power Engineering & Construction Corporation Ltd.;China Energy Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Additive Manufacture Technique and Related NDT for its Products
LING Song;Shanghai Research Institute of Materials;Shanghai Key Lab.of Application and Evaluation of Engineering Materials;
Terms Interpretation for the New Edition National Standard of Certification of NDT Personnel
JIN Yu-fei;Shanghai Research Institute of Materials;
Radiographic Inspection Method and Acceptance Standard of EPR Main Pipeline Weld Based on RCCM
YANG Wei-guang;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Some Understanding and Application of EN 12680-3:2012 Founding-Ultrasonic Examination-Part 3 Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Castings
LI Ming;XU Liang-jun;Yantai Hua Jian Testing &Engineering Co.;Ltd.;