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Nondestructive Testing
2015 Issue 9
Evaluation of Key Points of Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing in ASME 2013 NDE Part 2:Computerized Imaging Techniques
LI Yan;NDT Subcommittee of Wuxi Boiler and Pressure Vessel Society;
Modeling and Analysis of Vibrothermography for the Detection of Microcracks
MA Feng-nian;GUO Xing-wang;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Ultrasonic Immersion-TOFD Detecting Technology Applied in Girthed Welds of Thin Walled Pipes
FU Yue;LU Chao;CHEN Guo;WANG Chan;Science and Technology College of Nanchang Hangkong University;Key Lab.of Nondestructive Testing;Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;Xi′an Aero-Dynamic Limited;China Aero-Industry Group;
Testing and Simulation of Folding Defects within Cold-drawn Thin Wall CuCrZr Alloy Tubes
CHANG Sheng-ping;WANG Wan-jing;LI Qiang;ZHAO Si-xiang;XU Yue;WEI Ran;PENG Ling-jian;QIN Si-gui;SHI Ying-li;REN Shu-gui;LIU Guo-hui;WANG Tie-jun;LUO Guang-nan;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Science;Advanced Technology & Materials Co.;Ltd.;
The Method of On-Line NDT of Low Cycle Fatigue Specimen Cracks
ZHENG Jian-jun;ZHANG Zhao;WANG Qian;BAI Wei;Aviation Technology Key Laboratory of Full Scale Aircraft Structure Static and Fatigue Test;Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China;
Comparison of Acceptance Standards for Liquid Penetration Examination in Nuclear Power Stations
DING Hong-feng;Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd.;
Evaluation Experiment of the Channel Consistency of Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing Instrument
HU Xi-yang;SHEN Gong-tian;LU Chao;LIU De-yu;China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute;Key Laboratory on NDT of the Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;
Comparison of the POD of Detecting Welding Imperfections by Methods of Film Radiography and Digital Radiography
HUANG Wen-da;GUO Wei-can;QIANG Tian-peng;JIA Jiong-ming;DONG Mao-hui;Zhejiang Provincial Special Equipment Inspection Instituite;Jiangsu Instituite of Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection;Zhejiang SANHUA Climate and Appliance Controls Group Co.;Ltd.;Jadeshine Co.;Ltd.;
Intensity Parameter Testing of Missile Unsupported Random Launching Site
CHENG Hong-jie;ZHAO Yuan;College of Marine;Northwestern Polytechnic University;Department of Basic Sciences;the Second Artillery Engineering University;
Radiographic Examination Evaluation of 06Ni9DR Steel Welding Butt Joint
ZHANG Hui-yu;XIE Jian-qiao;ZHANG Tao;LIU Jin-dong;GUO Chang-fa;Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau of Offshore Oil Engineering Technology Inspection Center;
Performance of CR System and Industrial Film in 9 MeV X-ray Radiography
YANG Ming;WANG Dong;SU Zhi-jun;JIA Qing-long;TANG Qian;HAN Bing;No.96630 Army of PLA;
Test of the Transverse Wave Produced by Vertical Incidence of a Longitudinal Transducer which Entered on the Solid Interface Vertically
YANG Yu-wei;ZHU Wen;LU Yuan;Xi′an Special Equipment Inspection Institution;
The Discrepancy of Nondestructive Testing Technology of Nuclear Island Main Equipment at the Stage of Manufacturing and PSI(Pre-Service Inspection)
ZHU Cong-bin;GE Lin-tao;ZHU Kun;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
The Technology and Tooling Experiment of the X-Ray Detection of the Turbine Rear Casing of the Engine of Large Passenger Plane
ZHUANG Zhi-qiang;CHEN Chen;LI Yu-long;WANG Sen;JIANG Wei;QIAN Yue-lin;Shanghai Research Institute of Materials;AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co.;Ltd.;
Non-destructive Testing of High-Strength Bolts for MW Grade Wind Tower
ZHANG Jian-guo;ZHAO Lei;ZHANG Rui-gang;LI Yan;Xi′an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Design and Application of Eddy Current Testing Contrast Sample in Aircraft Maintenance
ZHANG Ya-rong;ZHONG Li-ying;ZHANG Jing-tong;CHEN Xin;XUE Lei;Branch Hanzhong Aircraft;China Aviation Aircraft Co.;Ltd.;
Common Defects of Steam Turbine Low-pressure Rotor Blade in Nuclear Power Plant and Their Inspection Techniques
YIN Feng;HONG Yuan-ping;DAI Heng-cai;QIU Wen-jun;LI Shi-wei;CHEN Qi-rong;CAO Feng;CNNC Nuclear Power Operation Management Co.;Ltd.;Sanmen Nuclear Power Co.;Ltd.;
Improvement on Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Processing for High Pressure Turbine Blade of Aero-Engine
XU Ya-ya;LI Ze;LIU Xing-yong;Xi′an Aero-Engine PLC.NDT Center;
The Radiographic Inspection of GQ80 Railway Tank Car
YU Xiao-qing;WANG Jian-hong;Xi′an Railway Transportation Equipment Co.;Ltd.;
Ultrasonic Shear Wave Test Method of Steel Pipe in Axial Direction
WANG Ji-bao;Liaoning Provincial Institute of Safety Science;
An Additional Electric Device of Hand-Operated γ-Ray Detection Machine
WANG Yong;LAN Jin;LIU Zhi-quan;China Energy Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;Anhui No.2 Electric Power Engineering &Construction Corporation Ltd.;
Damage Detection Based on Lamb Wave and Its Applications in the Structure Health Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades
DU Yong-feng;HOU Bin;LI Wan-run;LIU Peng;Institute of Earthquake Protection and Disaster Mitigation;Lanzhou University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province;Western Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University of Technology;