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Nondestructive Testing
2013 Issue 12
Ultrasonic Techniques of Hot Cracks for Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Weld
YUAN Guang-Hua;CHANG Nan;ZHOU Lu-Sheng;ZHANG Guo-Feng;State Nuclear Power Plant Service Company;
Automatic Detection System Using Ultrasonic Small Diameter Copper Bar
YANG Shun-Min;DONG Xiao-Li;SONG Wen-Ai;YANG Lu;School of Information and Communication Engineering;North University of China;School of Electronics and Computer & Technology;North University of China;
The Radioscopy Testing Mechod of Spot Weld Seam of the Small Diameter Tubule
WANG Zeng-Yong;YANG Gui-Zhu;LI Jian-Wen;SUN Chao-Ming;TANG Guang-Ping;Institute of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
The Application of TKY Notes Model in Phased Array Testing
LU Ming-Hui;SHAO Hong-Liang;LIU Xun-Feng;CHENG Jun;Ministry of Education;Nanchang Hangkong University;
Application of Acoustic Vibration Technique in the Strength Testing of Post Insulator
XIA Chao;WU Zhang-Qin;YANG Xiao-Hong;North China Electric Power University & Yunnan Power Grid Company Postgraduate Workstation;Metals Reseach institute of Yunnan Electric Power Testing Research institute Company;Department of Mechanical Engineering in North China Electric Power University;
Measurement of Shear-Wave Sound Velocity Using Normal Probe for the New Heat-Resistant Steel
ZHANG Ji-Zhou;YUAN Shi-Li;HE Shun-Kai;Babcock & Wilcox Beijing Company Ltd;
Research on High-Frequency Ultrasonic Guided Waves In-service inspection of Tank Bottom
DENG Jin;LI Bing;LIU Shu-Hong;WEI Kong-Shan;China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute;Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing;Nanchang Hangkong University;Quality Supervisory Centre of Chemical Equipment;
Acoustic Emission Detection On-Line and Evaluation for Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet
ZHANG Ying;ZHANG Sheng-Yu;DAI Guang;HOU Xiao-Feng;ZHU Xu-Guang;Northeast Petroleum University;Daqing Petrochemical Company;
Ultrasonic Immersion Testing of Thick Wall Tube Used as Control Poles in Nuclear Power Station Driving Machines
MAO Ying;ZHENG De-Zhuo;WANG Guo-Quan;State Nuclear Power Plant Service Company;
Liquid Penetrate Testing of Tiny Defects
HUANG Lei;MO Xia-Lin;ZHU Li-Jun;YANG She-Min;Tubular Goods Research Institute of CNPC;Beijing Longshine Oil Tubular Technology Co Ltd;XI’AN XAE Flying Aviation Manufacturing Technology Co Ltd;CNPC South East Asia pipline Co Ltd;
Simulation on the Directional Characteristic of Rectangular Probe Using Pulsed Eddy Current Testing
ZHOU De-Qiang;YOU Li-Hua;YAN Xiang-Yang;ZHANG Qiu-Ju;School of Mechanical Engineering;Jiangnan University;Wuxi GS Precision Tool Co Ltd;
Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Compression Damage in Honeycomb Sandwich Composite
WU Guan-Hua;LIU Si-Yi;WU Wei;ZHONG Jing-Ling;Nanchang Hangkong University;AVIC China Helicopter Research and Development Institute;
Honeycomb Structure Composite Inspection With Ultrasound Phased-Array Technology
BAI Xiao-Bao;SUN Jian-Gang;ZHOU Jian-Ping;ZHOU Li;JIANG Yun-Xi;Matrix U/E Technologies Ltd;Shanghai Satellite Equipment Research Institute;Shanghai Aerospace Precision Machinery Research Institute;
Laser Ultrasonic Technology and Its Applications
ZENG Wei;YANG Xian-Ming;WANG Hai-Tao;TIAN Gui-Yun;FANG Lin;College of Automation Engineering;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Yantai Furun Industrial Company with Limited Liability;School of Electrical;Electronic and Computer Engineering;Newcastle University;
Principle and Applications of High Temperature Thickness Measurement with EMAT
Steven QI;GAO Hui-Dong;Robin XU;ZHENG Kai;Innerspec Technologies;Jiangsu Special Equipment Inspection Institute;
The Characteristics Comparison Experiments of Computed Radiography and Film Radiography Techniques
WANG Jun;QIANG Tian-Peng;ZHENG Kai;Jiangsu Province Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Institute;
Ultrasonic Inspection for the Tube Nodes of Welding Lines of Offshore Platform Structural
XU Xue-Wu;ZHANG Yong-Shan;China National Offshore Oil Co Ltd;Zhanjiang;Zhanjiang Zhonghai Oil Inspection Engineering Co Ltd;
Analysis of inaccurate for steel plate on Ultrasonic Gauge-measured Thickness
SI Chun-Jie;Jinan Iron and Steel Co Ltd;
The Selection and Application of TRL Probe for Safe-end Dissimilar Weld Ultrasonic Inspection
LU Wei;YIN Peng;LIU Yun;NIE Yong;China Nuclear Power Operation Technology Corporation Ltd;
Comparison of Fan shaped and Amplitude Display Eddy Current Testing Signal for Discontinuity Estimation
ZHANG Cai-Liang;SHEN Xiao-Zhong;Foster Wheeler Energy Management Co Ltd;Changzhou Changbao Precision Special Tube Co Ltd;
Comparison of Scan Baselines of Digital and Analog Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors
LIU Ying-He;XU Wan-De;LI Quan-Yu;MA Cheng-Bao;Tianjin Youlian Spiral Pipe Co Ltd;Tianjin Youfa Steel Pipe Groop Co Ltd;
zhai yao zhuan xie
Index for Volume 35,2013 of NDT