Experiment on Pulse Thermal Controlled Microscale Boiling Instability
Zong Luxiang;Xu Jinliang;Liu Guohua;State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources;North China Electric Power University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer for Low Grade Energy;North China Electric Power University;School of Energy and Environment;Anhui University of Technology;
Homoepitaxial Growth on on-Axis 4H-SiC Substrates
Sun Zhe;LüHongliang;Wang Yuehu;Jia Renxu;Tang Xiaoyan;Zhang Yuming;Zhang Yimen;Yang Fei;Niu Yingxi;Key Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Technology;School of Microelectronics;Xidian University;State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute;