Femtosecond pulse shaping technology and its applications
Yao Yun-Hua;Lu Chen-Hui;Xu Shu-Wu;Ding Jing-Xin;Jia Tian-Qing;Zhang Shi-An;Sun Zhen-Rong;State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy and Department of Physics;East China Normal University;School of Sciences;Nantong University;
Research progress of memristors and memristive mechanism
Liu Dong-Qing;Cheng Hai-Feng;Zhu Xuan;Wang Nan-Nan;Zhang Chao-Yang;Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites Laboratory;National University of Defense Technology;State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing;National University of Defense Technology;
Highly accurate computation of finite-time Lyapunov exponent
Cao Xiao-Qun;Song Jun-Qiang;Ren Kai-Jun;Leng Hong-Ze;Yin Fu-Kang;School of Computer Science;National University of Defense Technology;Science and Technology on Parallel and distributed Processing Laboratory;National University of Defense Technology;
Stacking effects in topological insulator Bi2Se3:a first-principles study
Chen Yan-Li;Peng Xiang-Yang;Yang Hong;Chang Sheng-Li;Zhang Kai-Wang;Zhong Jian-Xin;Hunan Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Energy Materials and Devices;Faculty of Materials;Optoelectronics and Physics;Xiangtan University;College of Physical Science and Mechanical Engineering;Jishou University;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;
Effect of irradiation damage on the dark electric properties of single junction GaAs/Ge solar cells
Yue Long;Wu Yi-Yong;Zhang Yan-Qing;Hu Jian-Min;Sun Cheng-Yue;Hao Ming-Ming;Lan Mu-Jie;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;The Fifth Electronics Research Institute of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology;Science and Technology on Realiability Physics and Application of Electronic Component Laboratory;Harbin Normal University;School of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Astronautics;