Adsorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+ on Graphene Nanosheets Prepared Using Thermal Exfoliation
LI Bao-Qin;YUAN Wen-Hui;LI Li;The Key Laboratory of Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention and Soil Remediation;Guangdong Vocational College of EnvironmentalProtection Engineering;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;South China University of Technology;College of Environmental Science and EngineeringSouth China University of Technology;
Radiation Response Behavior of a Diacetylene/Agarose Gel Dosimeter
CHEN Jian;WANG Xiao;LI Lei;ZENG Guang;SUN Peng;HUANG Wei;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology;Sichuan University;
Insight into Macroscopic Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching for Silicon Nanowires
LIU Lin;LI Zhi-Sheng;HU Hui-Dong;SONG Wei-Li;State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources;School of Renewable Energy;North China Electric Power University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Storage Materials;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Advanced Materials and Technology;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Contact Resistance Effects in Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors
XIA Ji-Ye;DONG Guo-Dong;TIAN Bo-Yuan;YAN Qiu-Ping;HAN Jie;QIU Song;LI Qing-Wen;LIANG Xue-Lei;PENG Lian-Mao;Key Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Nanodevices;Department of Electronics;Peking University;Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-bionics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;