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2010 Issue 2
An introduction to sociophysics
CHENG Jie;ZHANG Jian-Wei;DI Zeng-Ru
2009 nian du wu li ke xue er chu ke xue ji jin xiang mu ping shen gong zuo zong shu
li hui hong ; pu zuo ; peng guang xiong
Heisenberg and China\'s physics community
JIN Zhong-Yu;WANG Shi-Ping
ALL-optical logic gates based on micro-nanometer semiconductor waveguides
ZHAI Yao;SUN Yang;XU Xue-Jun;CHEN Shao-Wu
The microstructure of liquid water
TU Yu-Song;FANG Hai-Ping
Physics in the study on economics
WANG You-Gui;GUO Liang-Peng
Effects of the anticancer drug cisplatin on DNA structure studied by single-molecule methods
HOU Xi-Miao;ZHANG Xing-Hua;WEI Kong-Ji;JI Chao;DOU Shuo-Xing;WANG Wei-Chi;LI Ming;WANG Peng-Ye
Physics Highlights
Progress in the development of pMOS metal gate electrode materials
YANG Zhi-Chao;HUANG An-Ping;XIAO Zhi-Song
Heterojunction technology for novel silicon-based solar cells
CHEN Chen;JIA Rui;ZHU Chen-Xin;LI Wei-Long;LI Hao-Feng;LIU Ming;LIU Xin-Yu;YE Tian-Chun