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Microcomputer Applications
2003 Issue 2
The Metod of Integration Between OA and ERP Based on Workflow
guo ying zhong ; wan yan zuo ; han wei
Security Protection & Meter Reading Terminal Box Design & Implementation Based on MCU
yuan hua min ; xiong wei ming ; lv ying hua
Analysis of Sniffer
ding yong ; huang ling yun ; jiang chao gen
The Highly Reliable Distributed Control System of the Primary and Stand by Transmitters
feng ming qin ; wu gang ; zhang jing
Intelligent Encrypted Methods Applied on the Hardware Circuit
hou wei yan ; liu xiao dan
A New Position-Based Routing Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Mobile Network
ding song ; huang chuan he ; wu xiao bing
How to Choose the Best Accessing Point
li xu fang
The Analysis and Implementation of A User Management Database Instance
hou jing ; lv qiang ; qian pei de ; yang ji wen
Bidirectional Insertion Sort
tang kai shan
DVB-C Data Broadcast the System Take the Application in the Network in the Breadth
wang chao ; liu li min ; wang xin
Constitution of Modern Intellingent Community
zhao ming zuo
Developing the Full - Screen View Function with Visual Basic 6.0
chen hua guang ; wang jing wen ; zhang yi xing
yi zhong kuai su kang niu qu zhi xian jian ce suan fa
ding mao xiang ; wu wei
visual basic zhong chuan xing tong xin de shi xian
xie ming shan
man che si te bian jie ma de vhdl shi xian
liu yan ; wang hong cheng
workbench5.0 zai shi yan jiao xue zhong de shi yong
zhao ya dong
shi shi shu ju ku wen jian de yi zhong jie gou ding yi ji sou suo suan fa
qi zhi gang ; yuan xiao hui
lai gao xuan zhai