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Control & Automation
1999 Issue 4
The application of sigle-chip microcomputer in multi-function and wisdom system to control power coefficient
zhang zhao chen wang chun feng wu jia xiang liu xiao feng
Terminal Server and Supporting Multiple User
yao zuo zhang yong hui dong zhan qiu
Realization of Data Communictions between TMS320C80 and PC
li ji feng he song hua wan jing hua
Add clock/calender to LonWorks Node
shou jia yu lu yang zhang wei yong wu ren bing
the application of GPS in distributed real-time vehicle tracking system
zhang yong hui yao zuo yang xue liang
Design of Automatic Generating Set Controlled by Microcomputer
zheng zhao ju ma yun feng shen wen ling
Cautions on Intranet-based Accounting computerization
yan zuo zhang zhen yu
shu kong gong zuo zhan jie gou de yan jiu yu she ji
fu xiao mei liu jia bin tian hai zuo meng hua
ji suan ji shi jian xiao zhun fang fa
luo juan
Application of PLC in the Experimental Device for Controled Nuclear Fusion Research
shen zuo wang ling li ya hong
The Soft-starter and Its Controlling Based on DH-485 Network
wang xiao chu wu nai you he jie hu zhi gang
The Design of RS-485 Repeater in Half-Duplex Communication
chen shou fa huang shu juan
The Methods of Developing Client/Server System in VFP
huang huai liang
Temperature Controlling System Using PWM Method
ling li zhu xiao song
Techniques for Multimedia Compression
zhang hu yin chen zuo
The Computer Monitoring System of Distributed Subststion
zhou meng ran cui bei ming
The Implementation and Application of Real Time Multi-port Serial Communication
song hai sheng dan gen li ren you zhi zhang jia zuo
guo ji guo nei dong tai
dos6.22 sheng ji dao win95/win98 ruan gu zhang yi li
wang geng sheng
Instnce of One to more Data Communication with MSCOMM Control Box of VB
xia hai yan luo jia rong wang ling
The Pneumatic Servo and Data Collecting System Based 8098 Single-chip Computer
qiu zhi cheng tan da long liu qing he
The Digital-to-analog Converter TLC615 with Serial Interface and Its Application in The Switching Mode Power Supply
wang chang long huang kao li he fu you li xu zuo xian zhang
gong lv chao sheng zi dong gong xi tong de zai xian you hua kong zhi
chen xiao feng yang peng yu zhang xiao hua
On the Characteristic of Japanese Software Projsct Development
zheng jun zhang yu rong yu qing song
An Industrial control configuration software based on Web
xie tao zhang wei yong xia xiao bo
The Design and Realization of Distributed Simulator Monltoring Laboratory
wang ji peng mu xiao jiang
The embedded measurement system based on instustrial PC
bao ke jin