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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2016 Issue 28
Management of acute pancreatitis in Japan: analysis of nationwide epidemiological survey
Shin Hamada;Atsushi Masamune;Tooru Shimosegawa;Division of Gastroenterology;Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine;
Mechanisms of resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors in metastatic colorectal cancer
Vincenzo Sforza;Erika Martinelli;Fortunato Ciardiello;Valentina Gambardella;Stefania Napolitano;Giulia Martini;Carminia della Corte;Claudia Cardone;Marianna L Ferrara;Alfonso Reginelli;Giuseppina Liguori;Giulio Belli;Teresa Troiani;Oncologia medica;Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale "F. Magrassi e A. Lanzara";Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli;Department of Medical Oncology;Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA;University of Valencia;Department of Internal and Experimental Medicine;Magrassi-Lanzara;Institute of Radiology;Seconda Università di Napoli;Department of Pathology;Istituto Nazionale Tumori "Fond. Pascale" - IRCCS;Department of General and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery;S. M. Loreto Nuovo Hospital;
Immunotherapy in human colorectal cancer: challenges and prospective
Xuan Sun;Jian Suo;Jun Yan;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;The First Hospital;Jilin University;James Graham Brown Cancer Center;Department of Medicine;University of Louisville School of Medicine;
Immunological battlefield in gastric cancer and role of immunotherapies
Minyu Wang;Rita A Busuttil;Sharon Pattison;Paul J Neeson;Alex Boussioutas;Cancer Genetics and Genomics Laboratory;Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre;Sir Peter Mac Callum Department of Oncology;The University of Melbourne;Department of Medicine;The University of Melbourne;Royal Melbourne Hospital;Department of Medicine;Dunedin School of Medicine;University of Otago;Southern Blood and Cancer Service;Southern District Health Board;Cancer Immunology Research;Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre;Pathology Department;University of Melbourne;
Benefits and harms of endoscopic screening for gastric cancer
Chisato Hamashima;Division of Cancer Screening Assessment and Management;Center for Public Health Science;National Cancer Center;
Hepatitis C virus: Promising discoveries and new treatments
Juliana Cristina Santiago Bastos;Marina Aiello Padilla;Leonardo Cardia Caserta;Noelle Miotto;Aline Gonzalez Vigani;Clarice Weis Arns;Laboratory of Virology;Institute of Biology;State University of Campinas - UNICAMP;Internal Medicine Department;Infectious Diseases division;FCM-UNICAMP;
Personality traits and emotional patterns in irritable bowel syndrome
Maria Rosaria A Muscatello;Antonio Bruno;Carmela Mento;Gianluca Pandolfo;Rocco A Zoccali;Psychiatry Unit;Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging;University of Messina;
Metabolic complications in liver transplant recipients
Miguel Jiménez-Pérez;Rocío González-Grande;Edith Omonte Guzmán;Víctor Amo Trillo;Juan Miguel Rodrigo López;UGC de Aparato Digestivo;Unidad de Hepatología-Trasplante Hepático;Hospital Universitario Regional de Málaga;
Re-evaluation of classical prognostic factors in resectable ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas
Daniel ?kerberg;Daniel Ansari;Roland Andersson;Department of Surgery;Clinical Sciences Lund;Lund University;and Sk?ne University Hospital;
Pathophysiological role of guanylate-binding proteins in gastrointestinal diseases
Nathalie Britzen-Laurent;Christian Herrmann;Elisabeth Naschberger;Roland S Croner;Michael Stürzl;Division of Molecular and Experimental Surgery;Department of Surgery;University Medical Center Erlangen;Translational Research Center;Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;Physical Chemistry I;Ruhr-University Bochum;Department of Surgery;University Medical Center Erlangen;Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
Management of psoriasis patients with hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection
Claudio Bonifati;Viviana Lora;Dario Graceffa;Lorenzo Nosotti;Center for the Study and Treatment of Psoriasis San Gallicano Dermatologic Institute;IRCCS;Gastrointestinal and Liver Department;National Institute for Health;Migration and Poverty;
Enhanced recovery pathways in pancreatic surgery: State of the art
Nicolò Pecorelli;Sara Nobile;Stefano Partelli;Luca Cardinali;Stefano Crippa;Gianpaolo Balzano;Luigi Beretta;Massimo Falconi;Division of Pancreatic Surgery;Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center;San Raffaele Scientific Institute;"Vita-Salute" University;Department of Surgery;Università Politecnica delle Marche;Department of Anesthesiology;San Raffaele Scientific Institute;"Vita-Salute" University;
Specific CD8~+ T cell response immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma and viral hepatitis
Elia Moreno-Cubero;Juan-Ramón Larrubia;Translational Hepatology Unit;Guadalajara University Hospital;University of Alcalá;Department of Biology of Systems;University of Alcalá;Department of Medicine and Medical Specialties;University of Alcalá;
Prevention and management of hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients with hematological malignancies treated with anticancer therapy
Man Fai Law;Rita Ho;Carmen KM Cheung;Lydia HP Tam;Karen Ma;Kent CY So;Bonaventure Ip;Jacqueline So;Jennifer Lai;Joyce Ng;Tommy HC Tam;Department of Medicine and Therapeutics;Prince of Wales Hospital;Department of Medicine;North District Hospital;
Polyethylene glycols: An effective strategy for limiting liver ischemia reperfusion injury
Gianfranco Pasut;Arnau Panisello;Emma Folch-Puy;Alexandre Lopez;Carlos Castro-Benítez;Maria Calvo;Teresa Carbonell;Agustín García-Gil;René Adam;Joan Roselló-Catafau;Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharma- cological;University of Padova and Veneto Institute of Oncology;IRCCS;Experimental Pathology Department;Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona;Centre Hépatobiliaire;AP-HP H?pital Paul Brousse;Inserm U935;Université Paris-Sud;Villejuif;75008 Paris;France;Unitat de Microscòpia òptic Avan?ada;CCi TUB;Centre Científics i Tecnològics;Faculty of Medicine;University of Barcelona;Physiology Department;Faculty of Biology;Universitat de Barcelona;Hospital Clinico de Zaragoza;
c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated Rubicon expression enhances hepatocyte lipoapoptosis and promotes hepatocyte ballooning
Akiko Suzuki;Keisuke Kakisaka;Yuji Suzuki;Ting Wang;Yasuhiro Takikawa;Division of Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Iwate Medical University;
TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism is associated with gastric cancer: a case-control study in the Venezuelan population
Keila Torres;Luis Labrador;Elvis Valderrama;Miguel Angel Chiurillo;Laboratorio de Genética Molecular "Dr. Jorge Yunis-Turbay";Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud;Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado;Barquisimeto 3001;Venezuela;Postgrado en Ciencias Biológicas;Departamento de Biología Celular;Universidad Simón Bolívar;Departamento de Anatomía Patología;Hospital Antonio María Pineda-UCLA;Departamento de Patologia Clínica;Universidade Estadual de Campinas;
Trends and predictions for gastric cancer mortality in Brazil
Angela Carolina Brand?o de Souza Giusti;Pétala Tuani Candido de Oliveira Salvador;Juliano dos Santos;Karina Cardoso Meira;Amanda Rodrigues Camacho;Raphael Mendon?a Guimar?es;Dyego LB Souza;Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte;Graduate Program in Collective Health;Health School;Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte;National Cancer Institute;Cancer Hospital Ⅲ;Rio de Janeiro;Natal 59010-000;Brazil;Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte;University Hospital Onofre Lopes;Polytechnic Health School Joaquim Venancio;Oswaldo Cruz Foundation;Department of Collective Health;Graduate Program in Collective Health;Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte;
Can optical diagnosis of small colon polyps be accurate? Comparing standard scope without narrow banding to high definition scope with narrow banding
Hassan Ashktorab;Firoozeh Etaati;Farahnaz Rezaeean;Mehdi Nouraie;Mansour Paydar;Hassan Hassanzadeh Namin;Andrew Sanderson;Rehana Begum;Kawtar Alkhalloufi;Hassan Brim;Adeyinka O Laiyemo;Department of Medicine and Cancer Center;Howard University College of Medicine;
Epidemiology of functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants and toddlers: A systematic review
Ana Paula Ferreira-Maia;Alicia Matijasevich;Yuan-Pang Wang;Institute and Department of Psychiatry;University of S?o Paulo Medical School;Department of Preventive Medicine;University of S?o Paulo Medical School;
Systemic mastocytosis: A rare cause of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
Cláudio Martins;Cristina Teixeira;Suzane Ribeiro;Daniel Trabulo;Cláudia Cardoso;Jo?o Mangualde;Ricardo Freire;élia Gamito;Ana Luísa Alves;Isabelle Cremers;Cecília Alves;Anabela Neves;Ana Paula Oliveira;Department of Gastroenterology;Setúbal Hospital Center - S?o Bernardo Hospital;Department of Pathology;Setúbal Hospital Center - S?o Bernardo Hospital;Department of Hematology;Setúbal Hospital Center - S?o Bernardo Hospital;