How to establish endoscopic submucosal dissection in Western countries
Tsuneo Oyama;Naohisa Yahagi;Thierry Ponchon;Tobias Kiesslich;Frieder Berr;Department of Endoscopy;Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center;Cancer Center;Keio University School of Medicine;35 Shinanomachi;Shinjuku-ku;Tokyo 160-8582;Japan;H?pital Edouard Herriot;Specialités Digestives;Pavillon H;Place;d’Arsonval;69437 Lyon;France;Department of Medicine I;University Hospital Salzburg and Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology;Paracelsus Medical University;
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection: Current options and developments
Yao-Kuang Wang;Fu-Chen Kuo;Chung-Jung Liu;Meng-Chieh Wu;Hsiang-Yao Shih;Sophie SW Wang;Jeng-Yih Wu;Chao-Hung Kuo;Yao-Kang Huang;Deng-Chyang Wu;Department of Internal Medicine;Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital;School of Medicine;College of Medicine;E-Da Hospital;I-Shou University;Department of Internal Medicine;Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital;Cancer for Stem Cell Research;Kaohsiung Medical University;Center for Infectious Disease and Cancer Research;Kaohsiung Medical University;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Ten Chan Hospital;
Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation: Fact and fiction
Massimo Bellini;Dario Gambaccini;Paolo Usai-Satta;Nicola De Bortoli;Lorenzo Bertani;Santino Marchi;Cristina Stasi;Gastrointestinal Unit;Department of Gastroenterology;University of Pisa;Gastrointestinal Unit;P. Brotzu Hospital;Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine University of Florence;Epidemiological Observatory;Regional Health Agency of Tuscany;
Cancer immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer utilizing α-gal epitope/natural anti-Gal antibody reaction
Masahiro Tanemura;Eiji Miyoshi;Hiroaki Nagano;Hidetoshi Eguchi;Katsuyoshi Matsunami;Kiyomi Taniyama;Nobutaka Hatanaka;Hiroki Akamatsu;Masaki Mori;Yuichiro Doki;Department of Surgery;Osaka Police Hospital;10-31 Kitayamacho Tennoujiku;Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Clinical Investigation;Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine;Department of Digestive Surgery and Surgical Oncology;Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine;Department of Gastroenterological Surgery;Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine;Department of Pharmacognosy;Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences;Hiroshima University;Department of Surgery and Institute for Clinical Research;National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center;
Dysbiotic infection in the stomach
Hisashi Iizasa;Shyunji Ishihara;Timmy Richardo;Yuichi Kanehiro;Hironori Yoshiyama;Department of Microbiology;Shimane University Faculty of Medicine;Department of Internal Medicine II;Shimane University Faculty of Medicine;
Intra-abdominal drainage following pancreatic resection: A systematic review
Filip ?e?ka;Martin Love?ek;Bohumil Jon;Pavel Skalicky;Zdeněk ?ubrt;?estmír Neoral;Alexander Ferko;Department of Surgery;Medical Faculty and University Hospital Hradec Králové;First Department of Surgery;Medical Faculty and University Hospital Olomouc;Department of Field Surgery;Military Health Science Faculty Hradec Králové;Defence University Brno;