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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2014 Issue 40
History and present status of pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer
Tom Treasure;Mi?el Milo?evi?;Francesca Fiorentino;Joachim Pfannschmidt;Clinical Operational Research Unit;University College London;London WC1E 6BT;United Kingdom;Clinic for Thoracic Surgery;Institute for Pul-monary Diseases of Vojvodina;University of Novi Sad;Novi Sad 402920;Serbia;Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery;National Heart and Lung Institute;Imperial College;London W12 0NN;United Kingdom;HELIOS Klinikum Emil von Behring;Lungenklinik Heckeshorn;14165 Berlin;Germany;
Evidence-based assessment of proton-pump inhibitors in Helicobacter pylori eradication: A systematic review
Vinayak Nagaraja;Guy D Eslick;The Whiteley-Martin Research Centre;Discipline of Surgery;The University of Sydney;Nepean Hospital;Penrith;NSW 2751;Australia;
Clinical management of advanced gastric cancer: The role of new molecular drugs
Ferdinando De Vita;Natale Di Martino;Alessio Fabozzi;Maria Maddalena Laterza;Jole Ventriglia;Beatrice Savastano;Angelica Petrillo;Valentina Gambardella;Vincenzo Sforza;Luigi Marano;Annamaria Auricchio;Gennaro Galizia;Fortunato Ciardiello;Michele Orditura;Division of Medical Oncology;Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Surgery;Second University of Naples School of Medicine;80131 Naples;Italy;Ⅷ General and Gastrointestinal Surgery;School of Medicine;Second University of Naples School of Medicine;80138 Naples;Italy;Divisions of Surgical Oncology;Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Surgery;Second University of Naples School of Medicine;80131 Naples;Italy;
Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus dual infection
Gaia Caccamo;Francesca Saffioti;Giovanni Raimondo;Division of Clinical and Molecular Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;University Hospital of Messina;98124 Messina;Italy;
Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B
Federica Branchi;Clara Benedetta Conti;Alessandra Baccarin;Pietro Lampertico;Dario Conte;Mirella Fraquelli;Second Division of Gastroenterology;IRCCS Fondazione Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico;Università degli Studi di Milano;20122 Milan;Italy;First Division of Gastroenterology;IRCCS Fondazione Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico;Università degli Studi di Milano;20122 Milan;Italy;
Chemotherapy-related reactivation of hepatitis B infection: Updates in 2013
Hwi Young Kim;Won Kim;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center;Seoul 156-707;South Korea;
Hepatitis D virus infection, replication and cross-talk with the hepatitis B virus
Chi-Ruei Huang;Szecheng John Lo;Institute of Microbiology and Immunology;National Yang-Ming University;Department and Institute of Biomedical Sciences;College of Medicine;Chang Gung University;Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences;College of Medicine;Chang Gung University;
Hepatitis B virus coinfection in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: A review
Hsin-Yun Sun;Wang-Huei Sheng;Mao-Song Tsai;Kuan-Yeh Lee;Sui-Yuan Chang;Chien-Ching Hung;Department of Internal Medicine;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine;Department of Internal Medicine;Far Eastern Memorial Hospital;Department of Internal Medicine;National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch;Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology;National Taiwan University College of Medicine;Department of Laboratory Medicine;National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine;Department of Medical Research;China Medical University Hospital;China Medical University;
Recent advances in molecular diagnostics of hepatitis Bvirus
Sibnarayan Datta;Soumya Chatterjee;Vijay Veer;Molecular Virology Laboratory;Defence Research Laboratory;Assam;PIN 784001;India;Biodegradation Technology Laboratory;Defence Research Laboratory;Assam;PIN 784001;India;
Non-invasive diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease
Sebastian Mueller;Helmut Karl Seitz;Vanessa Rausch;Department of Internal Medicine;Salem Medical Center;University of Heidelberg;69121 Heidelberg;Germany;Center for Alcohol Research;University of Heidelberg;69121 Heidelberg;Germany;
Acute alcoholic hepatitis, end stage alcoholic liver disease and liver transplantation: An Italian position statement
Gianni Testino;Patrizia Burra;Ferruccio Bonino;Francesco Piani;Alessandro Sumberaz;Roberto Peressutti;Andrea Giannelli Castiglione;Valentino Patussi;Tiziana Fanucchi;Ornella Ancarani;Giovanna De Cerce;Anna Teresa Iannini;Giovanni Greco;Antonio Mosti;Marilena Durante;Paola Babocci;Mariano Quartini;Davide Mioni;Sarino Aricò;Aniello Baselice;Silvia Leone;Fabiola Lozer;Emanuele Scafato;Paolo Borro;Regional Alcohologic Centre;Liguria Region;Alcohol Unit and Related Diseases;Department of Internal and Specialist Medicine;IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST National Institute for Cancer Research;16100 Genova;Italy;Gastroenterology;Department of Surgical and Gastroenterological Sciences;University Hospital of Padova;Veneto Region;35100 Padova;Italy;Internal Medicine;University of Pisa;56100 Pisa;Italy;Department of DependenceASS4 Medio Friuli;Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia;34100 Trieste;Italy;Regional Transplantation Centre;Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia;33100 Udine;Italy;Regional Transplantation Centre;Liguria Region;16100 Genova;Italy;Regional AlcohologicCentre;Toscana Region;Alcohol Unit;Careggi Hospital;University of Firenze;50100 Firenze;Italy;Department of Dependence;Molise Region;86100 Campobasso;Italy;Alcohol Unit;Department of Dependence;Molise Region;86100 Campobasso;Italy;Alcohol Unit;ASL di Ravenna;Emilia Romagna Region;48100 Ravenna;Italy;Alcohol Unit;ASL 4 di Terni;Umbria Region;05100 Terni;Italy;Hepatology Unit;Santa Maria Hospital;05100 Terni;Italy;Gastroenterology;Ordine Mauriziano Hospital;Piemonte Region;10100 Torino;Italy;Italian Clubs of Alcoholics in Treatment;84134 Salerno;Italy;Department of Toxicology;University of Genova;16100 Genova;Italy;World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Health Promotion on Alcohol and Alcohol-related Health Problems;Europe Region;Istituto Superiore di Sanità;00100 Roma;Italy;
Alcoholic disease: Liver and beyond
Alba Rocco;Debora Compare;Debora Angrisani;Marco Sanduzzi Zamparelli;Gerardo Nardone;Gastroenterology Unit;Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery;University Federico Ⅱ of Naples;80131 Naples;Italy;
Alcoholism: A systemic proinflammatory condition
Emilio González-Reimers;Francisco Santolaria-Fernández;María Candelaria Martín-González;Camino María Fernández-Rodríguez;Geraldine Quintero-Platt;Servicio de Medicina Interna;Hospital Universitario de Canarias;Universidad de La Laguna;Tenerife;38320 Canary Islands;Spain;
Ethanol and liver: Recent insights into the mechanisms of ethanol-induced fatty liver
Jinyao Liu;Department of Legal Medicine;Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine;Ube;Yamaguchi 755-8505;Japan;
Gastrointestinal dysfunction in liver cirrhosis
Evangelos Kalaitzakis;Department of Gastroenterology;Sk?ne University Hospital;University of Lund;22185 Lund;Sweden;
Small RNA- and DNA-based gene therapy for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, where we are?
Kyung-Hyun Kim;Kwan-Kyu Park;Department of Pathology;College of Medicine;Catholic University of Daegu;Daegu 705-718;South Korea;
ADV36 adipogenic adenovirus in human liver disease
Francesca M Trovato;Daniela Catalano;Adriana Garozzo;G Fabio Martines;Clara Pirri;Guglielmo M Trovato;Department of Medical anPediatric Sciences;Internal Medicine;University of Catania95100 Catania;Italy;Department of Biomedical Science;University of Catania;95100 Catania;Italy;
Novel strategies for managing pancreatic cancer
Welley S Loc;Jill P Smith;Gail Matters;Mark Kester;James H Adair;Department of Chemistry;The Pennsylvania State University;University Park;PA 16802;United States;National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease;The National Institutes of Health;Bethesda;MD 20892;United States;Department of Medicine;The Pennsylvania State University;College of Medicine;Hershey;PA 17033;United States;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;The Pennsylvania State University;College of Medicine;Hershey;PA 17033;United States;Department of Pharmacology;ThePennsylvania State University;College of Medicine;Hershey;PA17033;United States;Departments of Materials Science and Engineering;and Bioengineering;The Pennsylvania State University;University Park;PA 16802;United States;
Robotic surgery of the pancreas
Daniel Joyce;Gareth Morris-Stiff;Gavin A Falk;Kevin El-Hayek;Sricharan Chalikonda;R Matthew Walsh;Department of General Surgery;Digestive Disease Institute;Cleveland Clinic;Cleveland;OH 44195;United States;
Adjuvant therapy in pancreatic cancer
Owain Peris Jones;James Daniel Melling;Paula Ghaneh;Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine;University of Liverpool;5th Floor UCD Building;Daulby Street;Liverpool L69 3GA;United Kingdom;
SIBLINGs and SPARC families: Their emerging roles in pancreatic cancer
Ferda Kalea?as?o?lu;Martin R Berger;Visiting Scientist at Toxicology and Chemotherapy Unit;German Cancer Research Center;D-69120 Heidelberg;Germany;Department of Pharmacology;Faculty of Medicine;University of Yeditepe;34755 Ata?ehir/?stanbul;Turkey;Toxicology and Chemotherapy Unit;German Cancer Research Center;D-69120 Heidelberg;Germany;
Magnetic resonance imaging of pancreatitis: An update
Sriluxayini Manikkavasakar;Mamdoh AlObaidy;Kiran K Busireddy;Miguel Ramalho;Viragi Nilmini;Madhavi Alagiyawanna;Richard C Semelka;Department of Radiology;University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;Chapel Hill;NC 27599-7510;United States;
Halofuginone for fibrosis, regeneration and cancer in the gastrointestinal tract
Mark Pines;Institute of Animal Sciences;the Volcani Center;Bet Dagan 50250;Israel;
Review of natural products with hepatoprotective effects
Eduardo Madrigal-Santillán;Eduardo Madrigal-Bujaidar;Isela álvarez-González;María Teresa Sumaya-Martínez;José Gutiérrez-Salinas;Mirandeli Bautista;ángel Morales-González;Manuel García-Luna y González-Rubio;J Leopoldo Aguilar-Faisal;José A Morales-González;Laboratorio Medicina de Conservación;Escuela Superior de Medicina;Instituto Politécnico Nacional;Plan de San Luis y Díaz Mirón;Col. Casco de Santo Tomás;Del. Miguel Hidalgo;México DF 11340;México;Laboratorio de Genética;Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas;Instituto Politécnico Nacional;Unidad profesional Adolfo López Mateos;Col. Lindavista;Delegación Gustavo A. Madero;México DF 07738;México;Secretaria de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado;Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit;"Ciu-dad de la Cultura Amado Nervo";Nayarit 28000;México;Laboratorio de Bioquímica y Medicina Experimental;División de Investigación Biomédica;Centro Médico Nacional "20 de Noviembre";ISSSTE;México DF 03100;México;área Académica de Farmacia;Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud;UAEH;Pachuca;Hidalgo 42000;México;Escuela Superior de Cómputo;Instituto Politécnico Nacional;Av. Juan de Dios Bátiz s/n esquina Miguel Othón de Mendizabal;Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos;México DF 07738;Mexico;Facultad de Odontología;UNAM;México DF 04510;Mexico;
Intestinal microbiota pathogenesis and fecal microbiota transplantation for inflammatory bowel disease
Zi-Kai Wang;Yun-Sheng Yang;Ye Chen;Jing Yuan;Gang Sun;Li-Hua Peng;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Chinese PLA General Hospital;Chinese PLA Medical Academy;Department of Gastroenterology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangdong Provincial Key Labo-ratory of Gastroenterology;Institute of Disease Control and Prevention;Academy of Military Medical Sciences;Beijing 100071;China;
Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and inflammation
Xing-Chun Wang;Aaron M Gusdon;Huan Liu;Shen Qu;Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism;Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital;Tongji University;Nanjing Medical University;Department of Neurology and Neuroscience;Weill Cornell Medical College;New York;NY 10065;United States;
Abdominal tuberculosis of the gastrointestinal tract: Revisited
Uma Debi;Vasudevan Ravisankar;Kaushal Kishor Prasad;Saroj Kant Sinha;Arun Kumar Sharma;Division of GE Radiology;Department of Superspeciality of Gastroenterology;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160 012;India;Department of Radiodiagnosis;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160 012;India;Division of GE Histopathology;Department of Superspeciality of Gastroenterology;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160 012;India;Department of Superspeciality of Gastroenterology;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160 012;India;Division of GE Virology;Department of Superspeciality of Gastroenterology;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160 012;India;
Gut-liver axis improves with meloxicam treatment after cirrhotic liver resection
Astrit R Hamza;Avdyl S Krasniqi;Pramod Kadaba Srinivasan;Mamdouh Afify;Christian Bleilevens;Uwe Klinge;René H Tolba;Institute for Laboratory Animal Science and Experimental Surgery;University Hospital Rheinisch-Westf?lische Technische Hochschule Aachen;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of AbdominalSurgery;University Clinical Center of Kosova;Prishtina 10000;Kosovo;Department of Anesthesiology;University Hospital Rheinisch-Westf?lische Technische Hochschule Aachen;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of Surgery;University Hospital Rheinisch-Westf?lische Technische Hochschule Aachen;52074 Aachen;Germany;
Modulating effects of acyl-CoA synthetase 5-derived mitochondrial Wnt2B palmitoylation on intestinal Wnt activity
Christina Klaus;Ursula Schneider;Christian Hedberg;Anke K Schütz;Jürgen Bernhagen;Herbert Waldmann;Nikolaus Gassler;Elke Kaemmerer;Institute of Pathology;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of Chemical Biology;Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology;44227 Dortmund;Germany;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of Pediatrics;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;
Wireless esophageal pH capsule for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: A multicenter clinical study
Xiao-Jun Yang;Tian Gan;Lei Wang;Zhuan Liao;Xiao-Hong Tao;Wei Shen;Xiao-Yan Zhao;Department of Gastroenterology;Xinqiao Hospital;Third Military Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Departmentof Gastroenterology;First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University;
Effect of Danshao Huaxian capsule on Gremlin and bone morphogenetic protein-7 expression in hepatic fibrosis in rats
Xue-Ke Zhao;Ming-Liang Cheng;Rong-Min Wu;Yu-Mei Yao;Mao Mu;Juan-Juan Zhu;Bao-Fang Zhang;Ming-Yu Zhou;Department of Infectious Diseases;Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College;Department of B Ultrasound;Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guizhou Province;
Targeted migration of mesenchymal stem cells modified with CXCR4 to acute failing liver improves liver regeneration
Hu-Cheng Ma;Xiao-Lei Shi;Hao-Zhen Ren;Xian-Wen Yuan;Yi-Tao Ding;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School;Key Medical Center for Hepatobiliary Diseases of Jiangsu Province;
Effect of oridonin-mediated hallmark changes on inflammatory pathways in human pancreatic cancer(BxPC-3) cells
Ru-Yi Chen;Bin Xu;Su-Feng Chen;Si-Si Chen;Ting Zhang;Jun Ren;Jian Xu;The College of Life Science;Zhejiang Chinese Medical University;Department of General Surgery;Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital;School of Medicine;Zhejiang University;
MicroRNA signatures in chemotherapy resistant esophageal cancer cell lines
Richard Hummel;Corina Sie;David I Watson;Tingting Wang;Alfiya Ansar;Michael Z Michael;Mark Van der Hoek;Joerg Haier;Damian J Hussey;Department of Surgery;Flinders University;Bedford Park;South Australia 5042;Australia;Department of General and Visceral Surgery;University of Muenster;48149 Muenster;Germany;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Flinders University;5042 Bedford Park;South Australia;Australia;Adelaide Microarray Centre;SA Pathology;5000 Adelaide;South Australia;Australia;Comprehensive Cancer Centre;University of Muenster;48149 Muenster;Germany;
Membrane-bound mucins and mucin terminal glycans expression in idiopathic or Helicobacter pylori, NSAID associated peptic ulcers
Yaron Niv;Doron Boltin;Marisa Halpern;Miriam Cohen;Zohar Levi;Alex Vilkin;Sara Morgenstern;Vahig Manugian;Erica St Lawrence;Pascal Gagneux;Sukhwinder Kaur;Poonam Sharma;Surinder K Batra;Samuel B Ho;Department of Gastroenterology;Rabin Medical Center;Tel Aviv University;Beilinson Hospital;Tel Aviv 49100;Israel;Department of Pathology;Rabin Medical Center;Hasharon Hospital;Tel Aviv 49100;Israel;Department of Cellular andMolecular Medicine;Glycobiology Research and Training Center;University of California San Diego;San Diego;CA 92161;United States;Department of Pathology;Rabin Medical Center;Beilinson Hospital;Tel Aviv 49100;Israel;Department of Medicine;VA San Diego Healthcare System and University of California San Diego;San Diego;CA 92161;United States;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;University of Nebraska MedicaCenter;Omaha;NE 68198;United States;Department of Pathology;Creighton University Medical Center;Omaha;NE 68114;United States;
Risk factor analysis of perioperative mortality after ruptured bleeding in hepatocellular carcinoma
Hao-Ming Lin;Li-Ming Lei;Jie Zhu;Guo-Lin Li;Jun Min;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University;ICU of Cardiac Surgery;Guangdong General Hospital;Department of Emergency Surgery;Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University;
Effect of somatostatin in advanced gastric cancer after D2 radical gastrectomy
Wu Song;Jian-Hui Chen;Xin-Hua Zhang;Jian-Bo Xu;Yu-Long He;Shi-Rong Cai;Fang-Hai Han;Chuang-Qi Chen;Gastric Cancer Center;Sun Yat-Sen University;Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery;The First Affiliated Hospital;Sun Yat-Sen University;
Chronic Liver Failure-Sequential Organ Failure Assessment is better than the Asia-Pacific Association for the Study of Liver criteria for defining acute-on-chronic liver failure and predicting outcome
Radha K Dhiman;Swastik Agrawal;Tarana Gupta;Ajay Duseja;Yogesh Chawla;Department of Hepatology;Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research;Chandigarh 160012;India;
Prevalence of and risk factors for gallstones in Uighur and Han Chinese
Li Zhu;Aikebaier Aili;Cheng Zhang;Aili Saiding;Kelimu Abudureyimu;Xinjiang Medical University;Department of Minimally Invasive Hernia and Abdominal Surgery;People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;
Therapeutic effects of globular adiponectin in diabetic rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Hong Ma;Fan Cui;Jing-Jing Dong;Guo-Ping You;Xiang-Jiu Yang;Hua-Dong Lu;Yan-Ling Huang;Department of Endocrinology;Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University;Department of Endocrinology;Xiamen Zhongshan Teaching Hospital of Fujian Medical University;Department of Pathology;Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University;
Detection of pancreatic cancer with normal carbohydrate antigen 19-9 using protein chip technology
Xiao-Li Jin;Bin Xu;Yu-Lian Wu;Department of Surgery;Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Department of Surgery;Second Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;
Association between Helicobacter pylori infection and migraine: A meta-analysis
Jing Su;Xiao-Ying Zhou;Guo-Xin Zhang;Department of Gastroenterology;The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University;First Clinical Medical College of Nanjing Medical University;
Standard triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in China: A meta-analysis
Ben Wang;Zhi-Fa Lv;You-Hua Wang;Hui Wang;Xiao-Qun Liu;Yong Xie;Xiao-Jiang Zhou;Department of Gastroenterology;The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University;
Effect of gastrectomy with bursectomy on prognosis of gastric cancer: A meta-analysis
Wei-Song Shen;Hong-Qing Xi;Bo Wei;Lin Chen;Department of General Surgery;Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital;
Computer planned, image-guided combined resection and ablation for bilobar colorectal liver metastases
Vanessa M Banz;Matthias Baechtold;Stefan Weber;Matthias Peterhans;Daniel Inderbitzin;Daniel Candinas;Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine;Inselspital;Berne University Hospital and University of Berne;CH-3010 Berne;Switzerland;ARTORG Center for Computer-Aided Surgery;University of Berne;CH-3010 Berne;Switzerland;
Acute mediastinitis arising from pancreatic mediastinal fistula in recurrent pancreatitis
In Soo Choe;Yong Seok Kim;Tae Hee Lee;Sun Moon Kim;Kyung Ho Song;Hoon Sup Koo;Jung Ho Park;Jin Sil Pyo;Ji Yeong Kim;In Seok Choi;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Konyang University College of Medicine;Daejeon 302-718;South Korea;Department of General Surgery;Konyang University College of Medicine;Daejeon 302-718;South Korea;
Gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma: A computed tomography report of six cases
An Ren;Feng Cai;Yan-Ning Shang;En-Sen Ma;Zhen-Guo Huang;Wu Wang;Jie Luo;Department of Radiology;China-JapanFriendship Hospital;Department of Radiology;Beijing Union Hospital;