Helicobacter pylori infection in older people
Alberto Pilotto;Marilisa Franceschi;Geriatrics Unit;Azienda ULSS 16 Padova;St. Antonio Hospital;71-35127 Padova;Italy;Endoscopic Unit;Department of Surgery;ULSS 4 AltoVicentino;36014 - Santorso;Italy;
Involvement of heat shock proteins in gluten-sensitive enteropathy
Erna Sziksz;Domonkos Pap;Gábor Veres;Andrea Fekete;Tivadar Tulassay;ádám Vannay;MTA-SE;Pediatrics and Nephrology Research Group;H-1083 Budapest;Hungary;First Department of Pediatrics;Semmelweis University;H-1083 Budapest;Hungary;MTA-SE;"Lendulet" Diabetes Research Group;H-1083 Budapest;Hungary;
Changes in iron transporter divalent metal transporter 1 in proximal jejunum after gastric bypass
Andrés Marambio;Guillermo Watkins;Fabiola Castro;Andrea Riffo;Roberta Zú?iga;Jaime Jans;María E Villanueva;Guillermo Díaz;Department of Surgery;University of Chile Clinical Hospital;Santiago 8380456;Chile;Department of Gastroenterology;Chilean Air Force Clinical Hospital;Santiago 7560171;Chile;Department of Pharmacological and Toxicological Chemistry;University of Chile Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty;Santiago 8380492;Chile;Pathology Service;University of Chile Clinical Hospital;Santiago 8380456;Chile;
Role of cystatin C and renal resistive index in assessment of renal function in patients with liver cirrhosis
?or?e ?ulafi?;Milo? ?tuli?;Radmila Obrenovi?;Danijela Mileti?;Dragana Mija?;Milica Stojkovi?;Marija Jovanovi?;Milica ?ulafi?;Clinic of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Clinical Center of Serbia;and School of Medicine;University of Belgrade;11000 Belgrade;Serbia;Institute of Medical Biochemistry;Clinical Center of Serbia;11000 Belgrade;Serbia;Department of Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacy;Faculty of Pharmacy;University of Belgrade;11000 Belgrade;Serbia;
Prognostic factors in stage IB gastric cancer
Toru Aoyama;Takaki Yoshikawa;Hirohito Fujikawa;Tsutomu Hayashi;Takashi Ogata;Haruhiko Cho;Takanobu Yamada;Shinichi Hasegawa;Kazuhito Tsuchida;Norio Yukawa;Takashi Oshima;Mari S Oba;Satoshi Morita;Yasushi Rino;Munetaka Masuda;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Kanagawa Cancer Center;Yokohama 241-0815;Japan;Department of Surgery;Yokohama City University;Yokohama 236-0004;Japan;Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology;Yokohama City University;Yokohama 236-0004;Japan;
Hematologic diseases: High risk of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea
Tae-Geun Gweon;Myung-Gyu Choi;Myong Ki Baeg;Chul-Hyun Lim;Jae Myung Park;In Seok Lee;Sang Woo Kim;Dong-Gun Lee;Yeon Joon Park;Jong Wook Lee;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Seoul St Mary’s hospital;The Catholic University of Korea;College of Medicine;Seoul 137-701;South Korea;Division of Infectious Diseases;Department of Internal Medicine;Seoul St Mary’s hospital;The Catholic University of Korea;College of Medicine;Seoul 137-701;South Korea;Department of Laboratory Medicine;Seoul St Mary’s hospital;The Catholic University of Korea;College of Medicine;Seoul 137-701;South Korea;Division of Hematologic Diseases;Department of Internal Medicine;Seoul St Mary’s hospital;The Catholic University of Korea;College of Medicine;Seoul 137-701;South Korea;
Controlled attenuation parameter for evaluating liver steatosis in chronic viral hepatitis
Giovanna Ferraioli;Carmine Tinelli;Raffaella Lissandrin;Mabel Zicchetti;Barbara Dal Bello;Gaetano Filice;Carlo Filice;Department of Infectious Diseases;Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo;Medical School University of Pavia;27100 Pavia;Italy;Clinical Epidemiology and Biometric Unit;Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo;27100 Pavia;Italy;Department of Pathology;Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo;27100 Pavia;Italy;
Potential role of human papilloma virus in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer
Miroslaw Snietura;Dariusz Waniczek;Wojciech Piglowski;Agnieszka Kopec;Ewa Nowakowska-Zajdel;Zbigniew Lorenc;Malgorzata Muc-Wierzgon;Tumor Pathology Department;Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology;Gliwice Branch;44-101 Gliwice;Poland;Clinical Department of General;Colorectal and Trauma Surgery;Silesian Medical University;41-200 Sosnowiec;Poland;Department of Internal Diseases;Silesian Medical University;41-902 Bytom;Poland;
Novel method for extracting exosomes of hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Lin Zhu;Xiu-Hua Qu;Yu-Lin Sun;Yang-Ming Qian;Xiao-Hang Zhao;Third School of Clinical Medicine;Southern Medical University;Center of Basic Medical Sciences;Navy General Hospital of Chinese PLA;State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology;Cancer Institute and Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;
Prognostic factors in patients with middle and distal bile duct cancers
Hyung Jun Kwon;Sang Geol Kim;Jae Min Chun;Won Kee Lee;Yoon Jin Hwang;Department of Surgery;Kyungpook National University Medical Center;Daegu 702-210;South Korea;Department of Surgery;School of Medicine;Kyungpook National University;Daegu 700-422;South Korea;Department of Preventive Medicine;School of Medicine;Kyungpook National University;Daegu 700-422;South Korea;
Rapid improvement in post-infectious gastroparesis symptoms with mirtazapine
Shinjini Kundu;Shari Rogal;Abdulkader Alam;David J Levinthal;Medical Scientist Training Program;University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;Pittsburgh;PA 15261;United States;Division of Gastroenterology;Hepatology;and Nutrition;Department of Medicine;University of Pittsburgh Medical Center;Pittsburgh;PA 15213;United States;Department of Psychiatry;Stony Brook University Hospital;Stony Brook;NY 11794;United States;