Can Helicobacter pylori infection influence human reproduction?
Elena Moretti;Natale Figura;Giulia Collodel;Antonio Ponzetto;Collodel;Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine;University of Siena;53100 Siena;Italy;Department of Medical;Surgical and Neurological Sciences;University of Siena and Policlinico S Maria alle Scotte;53100 Siena;Italy;Department of Internal Medicine;University of Torino;10126 Torino;Italy;
Overview of the phytomedicine approaches against Helicobacter pylori
Filipa F Vale;Mónica Oleastro;Centro de Patogénese Molecular;Unidade dos Retrovírus e Infec??es Associadas;Instituto de Medicina Molecular e Instituto de Investiga??o do Medicamento;Faculdade de Farmácia;Universidade de Lisboa;Lisboa;Portugal;Departamento de Doen?as Infeciosas;Instituto Nacional Saúde Dr.Ricardo Jorge;1649-016 Lisboa;Portugal;
Blood pressure and stature in Helicobacter pylori positive and negative persons
Marcela Kopacova;Ilona Koupil;Bohumil Seifert;Miluska Skodova Fendrichova;Jana Spirkova;Viktor Vorisek;Stanislav Rejchrt;Tomas Douda;Ilja Tacheci;Jan Bures;2~ Department of Internal Medicine-Gastroenterology;Charles University in Praha;Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Kralove;University Teaching Hospital;50005 Hradec Kralove;Czech Republic;Centre for Health Equity Studies;Stockholm University;Karolinska Institute;17177 Stockholm;Sweden;Institute of General Practice;First Faculty of Medicine;Charles University;12002 Praha;Czech Republic;Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Diagnostics;Charles University in Praha;Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Kralove;University Teaching Hospital;50005 Hradec Kralove;Czech Republic;
Role of dental plaque,saliva and periodontal disease in Helicobacter pylori infection
Pradeep S Anand;Kavitha P Kamath;Sukumaran Anil;Department of Periodontics;People’s College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre;Bhopal;Madhya Pradesh 462037;India;Department of Oral Pathology;People’s Dental Academy;Bhopal;Madhya Pradesh 462037;India;Department of Periodontics and Community Dentistry;College of Dentistry;King Saud University;Riyadh 11545;Saudi Arabia;
Role of microRNAs in gastric cancer
Hideyuki Ishiguro;Masahiro Kimura;Hiromitsu Takeyama;Department of Gastroenterological Surgery;Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences;Nagoya 467-8601;Japan;
miRNA polymorphisms and risk of gastric cancer in Asian population
Hai-Bing Hua;Ting-Ting Yan;Qing-Min Sun;Department of Gastroenterology;Jiangyin Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Department of Pharmacy;Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Molecular diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant hepatitis B virus
Jeong Han Kim;Yong Kwang Park;Eun-Sook Park;Kyun-Hwan Kim;Digestive Disease Center;Department of Internal Medicine;School of Medicine;Konkuk University;Seoul 143-729;South Korea;Department of Pharmacology and Center for Cancer Research and Diagnostic Medicine;IBST;School of Medicine;Konkuk University;Seoul 143-729;South Korea;Institute of Functional Genomics;Konkuk University;Seoul 143-729;South Korea;
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in cirrhotic patients:Systematic review
Ashish Aggarwal;Kanika Puri;Suthat Liangpunsakul;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Medicine;Indiana University Medical Center;IN 46202;United States;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Medicine;Indiana University Medical Center and Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center;Indianapolis;IN 46202;United States;
Pathogenic role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in primary biliary cirrhosis
Ignazio Grattagliano;Giuseppe Calamita;Tiziana Cocco;David Q-H Wang;Piero Portincasa;Italian College of General Practitioners;50100 Florence;Bari 70124;Italy;Department of Bioscience;Biotechnology;and Biopharmaceutics;"Aldo Moro" University Medical School;Bari 70124;Italy;Department of Basic Medical Science;Neurosciences;and Sense Organs;"Aldo Moro" University Medical School;Bari 70124;Italy;Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Saint Louis University School of Medicine;St.Louis;MO 63104;United States;Clinica Medica "A.Murri";Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology;"Aldo Moro" University Medical School;Bari 70124;Italy;
Antitubercular therapy in patients with cirrhosis:Challenges and options
Naveen Kumar;Chandan Kumar Kedarishetty;Sachin Kumar;Vikas Khillan;Shiv Kumar Sarin;Departments of Hepatology;Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences;Vasant Kunj;New Delhi 110070;India;Departments of Pulmonology;Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences;Vasant Kunj;New Delhi-110070;India;Departments of Microbiology;Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences;Vasant Kunj;New Delhi-110070;India;
Acute pancreatitis:The stress factor
Marcelo G Binker;Laura I Cosen-Binker;CBRHC Research Center;1053 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires;Buenos Aires 1426;Argentina;Department of Molecular and Cell Biology;Henry M Goldman School of Dental Medicine;Boston University;Boston;MA 02118;United States;
Identification of biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma by semiquantitative immunocytochemistry
Hong Mu;Kai-Xuan Lin;Hong Zhao;Shu Xing;Cong Li;Fang Liu;Hai-Zhen Lu;Ze Zhang;Yu-Lin Sun;Xi-Yun Yan;Jian-Qiang Cai;Xiao-Hang Zhao;State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology;Cancer Institute Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;Center of Basic Medical Sciences;Navy General Hospital of Chinese PLA;Department of Abdominal Surgery;Cancer Institute Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College;Key Laboratory of Protein and Peptide Pharmaceutical;National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules;Institute of Biophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Department of Pathology;Cancer Institute Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;
Down-regulated γ-catenin expression is associated with tumor aggressiveness in esophageal cancer
Wang-Kai Fang;Lian-Di Liao;Wei Gu;Bo Chen;Zhi-Yong Wu;Jian-Yi Wu;Jian Shen;Li-Yan Xu;En-Min Li;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;The Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for High Cancer Incidence Coastal Chaoshan Area;Shantou University Medical College;Institute of Oncologic Pathology;Shantou University Medical College;Department of Oncology Surgery;Affiliated Shantou Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University;
Changes in intestinal microflora in rats with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Yan Li;Xiang-Yong Liu;Ming-Ming Ma;Zhi-Jiang Qi;Xiao-Qiang Zhang;Zhi Li;Guo-Hong Cao;Jun Li;Wei-Wei Zhu;Xiao-Zhi Wang;Department of Respiratory Medicine and Intensive Care Unit;Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University;Department of Intensive Care Unit;Zhangqiu People’s Hospital;Department of Cell Biology;Binzhou Medical University;Department of Intensive Care Unit;Dezhou People’s Hospital;
ABCB4 mutations underlie hormonal cholestasis but not pediatric idiopathic gallstones
Milan Jirsa;Ji?í Bronsky;Lenka Dvo?áková;Jan ?perl;Vít ?majstrla;Ji?í Horák;Ji?í Nevoral;Martin H?ebí?ek;Center for Experimental Medicine;Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine;14021 Prague;Czech Republic;Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics;First Faculty of Medicine;Charles University in Prague;12801 Prague;Czech Republic;Department of Pediatrics;Second Faculty of Medicine;Charles University in Prague and University Hospital Motol;15006 Prague;Czech Republic;Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders;First Faculty of Medicine;Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague;12808 Prague;Czech Republic;Department of Hepatogastroenterology;Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine;14021 Prague;Czech Republic;Bormed Private Health Centre;72200 Ostrava;Czech Republic;1~ Department of Internal Medicine;Third Faculty of Medicine;Charles University in Prague;10034 Prague;Czech Republic;
Late biliary complications in human alveolar echinococcosis are associated with high mortality
Pascal Frei;Benjamin Misselwitz;Meher K Prakash;Alain M Schoepfer;Bettina M Prinz Vavricka;Beat Müllhaupt;Michael Fried;Kuno Lehmann;Rudolf W Ammann;Stephan R Vavricka;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University Hospital Zurich;8091 Zurich;Switzerland;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois;1011 Lausanne;Switzerland;Swiss Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary and Transplantation Center;Department of Surgery;University Hospital Zurich;8091 Zurich;Switzerland;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Stadtspital Triemli;8063 Zurich;Switzerland;
Two rare gastric hamartomatous inverted polyp cases suggest the pathogenesis of growth
Hirohito Mori;Hideki Kobara;Takaaki Tsushimi;Shintaro Fujihara;Noriko Nishiyama;Tae Matsunaga;Maki Ayaki;Tatsuo Yachida;Tsutomu Masaki;Department of Gastroenterology and Neurology;Kagawa University School of Medicine;1750-1 Ikenobe;Miki;Kita;Kagawa 761-0793;Japan;Department of Gastroenterological Surgery;Ehime Rosai Hospital;13-27;Minamikomatsubara;Niihama;Ehime 792-8550;Japan;
Transmesosigmoid hernia:Case report and review of literature
Bin Li;Akram Assaf;Yun-Guo Gong;Lian-Zhong Feng;Xue-Yong Zheng;Chao-Neng Wu;Department of General Surgery;the Second Hospital of Jiaxing;Saudi Red Crescent Authority;Dammam 31129;Saudi Arabia;Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases;Zhongshan Hospital;Fudan University;Institute of Biomedical Science;Fudan University;