Colorectal cancer and immunity:what we know and perspectives
Simon Pernot;Magali Terme;Thibault Voron;Orianne Colussi;Elie Marcheteau;Eric Tartour;Julien Taieb;Service d’Hépatogastro-entérologie et d’oncologie digestive;H?pital Européen Georges-Pompidou;Université Paris Descartes;Sorbonne Paris Cité;INSERM U970;Paris Cardiovascular Research Center;Université Paris-Descartes;Service d’Immunologie biologique;H?pital Européen Georges-Pompidou;Université Paris Descartes;
Proteomics for discovery of candidate colorectal cancer biomarkers
Paula lvarez-Chaver;Olalla Otero-Estévez;María Páez de la Cadena;Francisco J Rodríguez-Berrocal;Vicenta S Martínez-Zorzano;Unidad de Proteómica;Servicio de Determinación Estructural;Proteómica y Genómica;Centro de Apoyo Científico y Tecnológico a la Investigación;Universidad de Vigo;Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende;área de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular;Departamento de Bioquímica;Genética e Inmunología;Facultad de Biología;Universidad de Vigo;Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende;
Colorectal cancer screening:20 years of development and recent progress
Miroslav Zavoral;Stepan Suchanek;Ondrej Majek;Premysl Fric;Petra Minarikova;Marek Minarik;Bohumil Seifert;Ladislav Dusek;Department of Medicine;1st Faculty of Medicine;Military University Hospital;Charles University;Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses;Masaryk University;Genomac Research Institute;Centre for Applied Genomics of Solid Tumors;Institute of General Medicine;1st Faculty of Medicine;Charles University;
Current and future molecular diagnostics in colorectal cancer and colorectal adenoma
Andy Hin-Fung Tsang;Ka-Ho Cheng;Apple Siu-Ping Wong;Simon Siu-Man Ng;Brigette Buig-Yue Ma;Charles Ming-Lok Chan;Nancy Bo-Yin Tsui;Lawrence Wing-Chi Chan;Benjamin Yat-Ming Yung;Sze-Chuen Cesar Wong;Department of Health Technology and Informatics;Faculty of Health and Social Sciences;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Department of Surgery;Prince of Wales Hospital;State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China;Sir Y K Pao Centre for Cancer;Department of Clinical Oncology;Hong Kong Cancer Institute and Prince of Wales Hospital;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
An updated review of gastric cancer in the next-generation sequencing era:Insights from bench to bedside and vice versa
Hiroyuki Yamamoto;Yoshiyuki Watanabe;Tadateru Maehata;Ryo Morita;Yoshihito Yoshida;Ritsuko Oikawa;Shinya Ishigooka;Shun-ichiro Ozawa;Yasumasa Matsuo;Kosuke Hosoya;Masaki Yamashita;Hiroaki Taniguchi;Katsuhiko Nosho;Hiromu Suzuki;Hiroshi Yasuda;Yasuhisa Shinomura;Fumio Itoh;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;St. Marianna University School of Medicine;Division of Cancer Cell Research;Institute of Medical Science;University of Tokyo;Department of Gastroenterology;Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology;Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine;Department of Molecular Biology;Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine;
Somatic alterations in mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial dysfunction in gastric cancer progression
Hsin-Chen Lee;Kuo-Hung Huang;Tien-Shun Yeh;Chin-Wen Chi;Institute of Pharmacology;School of Medicine;National Yang-Ming University;Division of General Surgery;Department of Surgery;Taipei Veterans General Hospital;Institute of Clinical Medicine;School of Medicine;National Yang-Ming University;Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology;School of Medicine;National Yang-Ming University;Department of Medical Research and Education;Taipei Veterans General Hospital;
HLA variants related to primary sclerosing cholangitis influence rejection after liver transplantation
Bjarte Fosby;Sigrid Nss;Johannes R Hov;James Traherne;Kirsten M Boberg;John Trowsdale;Aksel Foss;Pl-Dag Line;Andre Franke;Espen Melum;Helge Scott;Tom H Karlsen;Norwegian PSC Research Center;Division of Cancer;Surgery and Transplantation;Oslo University Hospital;Institute of Clinical Medicine;Faculty of Medicine;University of Oslo;KG Jebsen Inflammation Research Centre;Research Institute of Internal Medicine;Oslo University Hospital;Department of Transplantation Medicine;Division of Cancer;Surgery and Transplantation;Oslo University Hospital;Division of Immunology;Department of Pathology;University of Cambridge and Cambridge Institute for Medical Research;University of Cambridge;Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology;Christian-Albrechts-University;Department of Pathology;Divisoin of Diagnostics and Intervention;Institute of Pathology;Oslo University Hospital;
Immunohistochemical assessment of NY-ESO-1 expression in esophageal adenocarcinoma resection specimens
Stephen J Hayes;Keng Ngee Hng;Peter Clark;Fiona Thistlethwaite;Robert E Hawkins;Yeng Ang;Department of Histopathology;Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust;Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences;University of Manchester;Department of Gastroenterology;Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust;Department of Medical Oncology;The Christie NHS Foundation Trust;Department of Medical Oncology;Paterson Institute of Cancer Research;University of Manchester;
Single hepatocellular carcinoma ≤ 3 cm in left lateral segment: Liver resection or radiofrequency ablation?
Jong Man Kim;Tae Wook Kang;Choon Hyuck David Kwon;Jae-Won Joh;Justin Sangwook Ko;Jae Berm Park;Hyunchul Rhim;Joon Hyeok Lee;Sung Joo Kim;Seung Woon Paik;Department of Surgery;Samsung Medical Center;Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science;Samsung Medical Center;Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine;Samsung Medical Center;Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Medicine;Samsung Medical Center;Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;
Combined detection tumor markers for diagnosis and prognosis of gallbladder cancer
Yun-Feng Wang;Fei-Ling Feng;Xu-Hong Zhao;Zhen-Xiong Ye;He-Ping Zeng;Zhen Li;Xiao-Qing Jiang;Zhi-Hai Peng;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Qianfoshan Hospital;Shandong University;Department of General Surgery;Yangpu Hospital;Tongji University School of Medicine;The First Department of Biliary Surgery;Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital of the Second Military Medical University;Central Experiment Laboratory;Yangpu Hospital;Tongji University School of Medicine;
Primary rectal squamous cell carcinoma treated with surgery and radiotherapy
Jun-Feng Wang;Zhen-Xing Wang;Xiao-Xiao Xu;Cui Wang;Jian-Zhong Liu;Department of Colorectal Cancer;Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy;National Clinical Research Center of Cancer;Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology;Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy;National Clinical Research Center of Cancer;Department of Hematology;Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy;National Clinical Research Center of Cancer;