Chronic hepatitis C virus infection and atherosclerosis: Clinical impact and mechanisms
Luigi E Adinolfi;Rosa Zampino;Luciano Restivo;Amedeo Lonardo;Barbara Guerrera;Aldo Marrone;Fabio Nascimbeni;Anna Florio;Paola Loria;Department of Medical;Surgical;Neurological;Metabolic;and Geriatric Sciences;Second University of Naples;80100 Naples;Italy;Department of Internal Medicine;Endocrinology;Metabolism and Geriatrics;University of Modena and Reggio Emilia;41126 Modena;Italy;Vascular Surgery;Second University of Naples;80100 Naples;Italy;
Adaptive immune response during hepatitis C virus infection
Juan Ramón Larrubia;Elia Moreno-Cubero;Megha Uttam Lokhande;Silvia García-Garzón;Alicia Lázaro;Joaquín Miquel;Cristian Perna;Eduardo Sanz-de-Villalobos;Translational Hepatology Unit;Guadalajara University Hospital;University of Alcalá;E-19002 Guadalajara;Spain;Department of Medicine and Medical Specialities;School of Medicine;University of Alcalá;E-28801 Alcalá de Henares;Spain;
Tools for the diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection and hepatic fibrosis staging
Verónica Saludes;Victoria González;Ramon Planas;Lurdes Matas;Vicente Ausina;Elisa Martró;Institut d’ Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol;Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol;08916 Badalona;Spain;CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública;08003 Barcelona;Spain;Centre for Epidemiological Studies on HIV/STI in Catalonia -ICO;08916 Badalona;Spain;Liver Unit;Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol;08916 Badalona;Spain;Ramon Planas;CIBER Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas;08036 Barcelona;Spain;CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias;07110 Bunyola;Spain;
Clinicopathological study of primary biliary cirrhosis with interface hepatitis compared to autoimmune hepatitis
Mio Kobayashi;Yuko Kakuda;Kenichi Harada;Yasunori Sato;Motoko Sasaki;Hiroko Ikeda;Mitsuhiro Terada;Munenori Mukai;Shuichi Kaneko;Yasuni Nakanuma;Department of Human Pathology;Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine;Kanazawa 920-8640;Japan;Division of Pathology;Kanazawa University Hospital;Kanazawa 920-8641;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Kouseiren Takaoka Hospital;Takaoka 933-8555;Japan;Department of Pathology;Kouseiren Takaoka Hospital;Takaoka 933-8555;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medicine;Kanazawa 920-8640;Japan;
Tumors of the angle of Treitz: A single-center experience
Yi-Bin Xie;Hao Liu;Liang Cui;Gu-Sheng Xing;Lin Yang;Yue-Min Sun;Xiao-Feng Bai;Dong-Bing Zhao;Cheng-Feng Wang;Yan-Tao Tian;Department of Abdominal Surgical Oncology;Cancer Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;Department of Diagnostic Radiology;Cancer Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;Department of Pathology;Cancer Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;
Psychosocial issues in evidence-based guidelines on inflammatory bowel diseases: A review
Winfried Huser;Gabriele Moser;Petra Klose;Antonina Mikocka-Walus;Department of Internal Medicine Ⅰ;Klinikum Saarbrücken;D-66119 Saarbrücken;Germany;Department Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy;Technische Universit?t München;D-81675 München;Germany;Department of Internal Medicine Ⅲ;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Medical University of Vienna;1090 Vienna;Austria;Department Internal Medicine Ⅴ;Kliniken Essen-Mitte;Essen;D-45276 Essen;Germany;Department of Health Sciences;University of York;Heslington;York;YO105DD;United Kingdom;
Colonic and anal metastases from pancreato-biliary malignancies
Farshid Ejtehadi;Nikolaos A Chatzizacharias;Rebecca J Brais;Nigel R Hall;Edmund M Godfrey;Emmanuel Huguet;Raaj K Praseedom;Asif Jah;Department of HPB and Transplant Surgery;Addenbrooke’s Hospital;Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;Cambridgeshire CB2 0QQ;United Kingdom;Department of Histopathology;Addenbrooke’s Hospital;Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;Cambridgeshire CB2 0QQ;United Kingdom;Cambridge Colorectal Unit;Addenbrooke’s Hospital;Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;Cambridgeshire;CB2 0QQ;United Kingdom;Department of Radiology;Addenbrooke’s Hospital;Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;Cambridgeshire CB2 0QQ;United Kingdom;
Colonoscopy-induced ischemic colitis in patients without risk factors
Sang Ok Lee;Sae Hee Kim;Sung Hee Jung;Chan Woong Park;Min Ji Lee;Jin A Lee;Hyun Cheol Koo;Anna Kim;Hyun-Young Han;Dong-Wook Kang;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Eulji University College of Medicine;Eulji University Hospital;Daejeon 302-779;South Korea;Department of radiology;Eulji University College of Medicine;Eulji University Hospital;Daejeon 302-779;South Korea;Department of pathology;Eulji University College of Medicine;Eulji University Hospital;Daejeon 302-779;South Korea;
Successful treatment of liver abscess secondary to foreign body penetration of the alimentary tract: A case report and literature review
Lee-Won Chong;Cheuk-Kwan Sun;Chin-Chu Wu;Cheuk-Kay Sun;Division of Hepatology and Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital;Institute of Clinical Medicine;School of Medicine;National Yang Ming University;Department of Radiology;Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital;Department of Emergency Medicine;E-Da Hospital;I-Shou University;School of Medicine;Chung Shan Medical University;School of Medicine;College of Medicine;Fu Jen Catholic University;School of Medicine;College of Medicine;Taipei Medical University;