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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2013 Issue 43
Challenges in diagnosing adhesive small bowel obstruction
Thijs R van Oudheusden;Bart AC Aerts;Ignace HJT de Hingh;Misha DP Luyer;Department of Surgery;Catharina Hospital;5623 EJ;Eindhoven;The Netherlands;Department of Surgery;Amphia Hospital;4818 CK;Breda;The Netherlands;
High intensity focused ultrasound,liver disease and bridging therapy
Mearini Luigi;Deparment of Urology;University of Perugia;Azienda Ospedaliera di Perugia;06100 Perugia;Italy;
Role of innate immunity in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma
Rajagopal N Aravalli;Department of Radiology;University of Minnesota Medical School;Minneapolis;MN 55455;United States;
Bridging and downstaging treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation
Maurizio Pompili;Giampiero Francica;Francesca Romana Ponziani;Roberto Iezzi;Alfonso Wolfango Avolio;Department of Internal Medicine;Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore;8-00168 Rome;Italy;Interventional Ultrasound Unit;Pinetagrande Hospital;81030 Castelvolturno;Italy;Department of Bioimaging and Radiological Sciences;Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore;8-00168 Rome;Italy;Transplant Center;Catholic University;1-00168 Rome;Italy;
Enteric bacterial proteases in inflammatory bowel diseasepathophysiology and clinical implications
Ian M Carroll;Nitsan Maharshak;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease;University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;Chapel Hill;NC 27599;United States;Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease;Tel Aviv Medical Center;Sackler School of Medicine;Tel Aviv University;Tel Aviv 69643;Israel;
Beyond white light endoscopy: The role of optical biopsy in inflammatory bowel disease
Julia Liu;Aldona Dlugosz;Helmut Neumann;Division of Gastroenterology;the Centre of Excellence for Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research;University ofAlberta;Alberta T6G 2X8;Canada;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Medicine;Karolinska University Hospital;Karolinska Institutet;SE-141 86 Stockholm;Sweden;Department of Medicine 1;Interdisciplinary Endoscopy;University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;91054 Erlangen;Germany;
Mucosal healing and deep remission: What does it mean?
Gerhard Rogler;Stephan Vavricka;Alain Schoepfer;Peter L Lakatos;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;University Hospital Zürich;8091 Zürich;Switzerland;Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology;University of Zurich;8006 Zürich;Switzerland;Gastroenterology;Triemli Spital;8063 Zürich;Switzerland;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et Université de Lausanne;1011 Lausanne;Switzerland;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;1st Department of Medicine;Semmelweis University;H1083 Budapest;Hungary;
Has the risk of colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease decreased?
Nynne Nyboe Andersen;Tine Jess;Department of Epidemiology Research;Statens Serum Institut;DK-2300 Copenhagen;Denmark;
Autoantibodies and an immune-based rat model of inflammatory bowel disease
Hadi Esmaily;Yara Sanei;Mohammad Abdollahi;Faculty of Pharmacy;Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences;Tehran 1985717443;Iran;Faculty of Pharmacy;Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center;Tehran University of Medical Sciences;Tehran 1417614411;Iran;
Clostridium difficile and inflammatory bowel disease: Role in pathogenesis and implications in treatment
Orna Nitzan;Mazen Elias;Bibiana Chazan;Raul Raz;Walid Saliba;Infectious Disease Unit;Ha’emek Medical Center;Afula 18101;Israel;Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine;Technion-Israel Institute of Technology;Haifa 31096;Israel;Department of Internal Medicine C;Ha’emek Medical Center;Afula 18101;Israel;
Extravascular use of drug-eluting beads: A promising approach in compartment-based tumor therapy
Simon Binder;Andrew L Lewis;J-Matthias Lhr;Michael Keese;Faculty of Medicine Mannheim;University of Heidelberg;68167 Mannheim;Germany;Biocompatibles UK Ltd.;Department for Research and Development;Farnham GU98QL Surrey;United Kingdom;Karolinska Institute;Department of Clinical Science;Intervention and Technology;17177 Stockholm;Sweden;Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery;University Hospital Frankfurt;60590 Frankfurt am Main;Germany;
Role of sirtuins in ischemia-reperfusion injury
Eirini Pantazi;Mohamed Amine Zaouali;Mohamed Bejaoui;Emma Folch-Puy;Hassen Ben Abdennebi;Joan Roselló-Catafau;Experimental Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Unit;Institut of Biomedical Research of Barcelona-Spanish National Research Council;Barcelona;08036 Catalonia;Spain;Molecular Biology and Anthropology applied to development and health;Faculty of Pharmacy;Monastir 5000;Tunisia;Experimental Pathology Department;Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona-Spanish National Research Council;Barcelona;08036 Catalonia;Spain;
Rare cystic liver lesions: A diagnostic and managing challenge
Andreas Bakoyiannis;Spiros Delis;Charina Triantopoulou;Christos Dervenis;First Surgical Department-HPB Surgical Unit;Konstantopouleion Agia Olga General Hospital;14233 Athens;Greece;Radiology Department;Konstantopouleion Agia Olga General Hospital;14233 Athens;Greece;
Branched-chain amino acids in liver diseases
Kazuto Tajiri;Yukihiro Shimizu;The Third Department of Internal Medicine;Toyama University Hospital;Toyama 930-0194;Japan;Gastroenterology Unit;Nanto Municipal Hospital;Toyama 932-0211;Japan;
Liver diseases in pregnancy: Diseases not unique to pregnancy
Ashraf A Almashhrawi;Khulood T Ahmed;Rubayat N Rahman;Ghassan M Hammoud;Jamal A Ibdah;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of MissouriColumbia;Columbia;MO 65212;United States;
Liver diseases in pregnancy: Diseases unique to pregnancy
Khulood T Ahmed;Ashraf A Almashhrawi;Rubayat N Rahman;Ghassan M Hammoud;Jamal A Ibdah;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of Missouri-Columbia;Columbia;MO 65212;United States;
Liver diseases in pregnancy: Liver transplantation in pregnancy
Ghassan M Hammoud;Ashraf A Almashhrawi;Khulood T Ahmed;Rubayat Rahman;Jamal A Ibdah;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of Missouri;Columbia;MO 65212;United States;
Use of exclusive enteral nutrition in adults with Crohn’s disease: A review
Catherine L Wall;Andrew S Day;Richard B Gearry;Department of Paediatrics;University of Otago;Christchurch 8140;New Zealand;Department of Medicine;University of Otago;Christchurch 8140;New Zealand;
Diagnosis of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
Takahiro Nakazawa;Itaru Naitoh;Kazuki Hayashi;Katsuyuki Miyabe;Shuya Simizu;Takashi Joh;Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism;Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences;Nagoya 467-8601;Japan;
Efficacy of switching to telbivudine plus adefovir in suboptimal responders to lamivudine plus adefovir
Hana Park;Jun Yong Park;Seung Up Kim;Do Young Kim;Kwang-Hyub Han;Chae Yoon Chon;Sang Hoon Ahn;Department of Internal Medicine;CHA Bundang Medical Center;CHA University;Seongnam-si 463-712;South Korea;Department of Internal Medicine;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 120-752;South Korea;Institute of Gastroenterology;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Research Center;Seoul 120-752;South Korea;Institute of Gastroenterology;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 120-752;South Korea;Liver Cirrhosis Clinical Research Center;Seoul 120-752;South Korea;Brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science;Seoul 120-752;South Korea;
8-bromo-7-methoxychrysin inhibits properties of liver cancer stem cells via downregulation of β-catenin
Mei-Fang Quan;Li-Hong Xiao;Zhi-Hong Liu;Hui Guo;Kai-Qun Ren;Fei Liu;Jian-Guo Cao;Xi-Yun Deng;Medical College;Hunan Normal University;Department of pathology;Hunan Provincial Tumor Hospital;
Laparoscopy-assisted percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy enables enteral nutrition even in patients with distorted anatomy
Adam Hermanowicz;Ewa Matuszczak;Marta Komarowska;Elzbieta Jarocka-Cyrta;Jerzy Wojnar;Wojciech Debek;Konrad Matysiak;Stanislaw Klek;Department of Pediatric Surgery;Medical University of Bialystok;15-001 Bialystok;Poland;Department of Gastroenterology and Oncology and Plastic Surgery;Medical University of Poznan;60-015 Poznań;Poland;General and Oncology Surgery Unit;Stanley Dudrick’s Memorial Hospital;32-050 Skawina;Poland;
Is early limited surgery associated with a more benign disease course in Crohn’s disease?
Petra Anna Golovics;Laszlo Lakatos;Attila Nagy;Tunde Pandur;Istvan Szita;Mihaly Balogh;Csaba Molnar;Erzsebet Komaromi;Barbara Dorottya Lovasz;Michael Mandel;Gabor Veres;Lajos S Kiss;Zsuzsanna Vegh;Peter Laszlo Lakatos;First Department of Medicine;Semmelweis University;H-1083 Budapest;Hungary;Department of Medicine;Csolnoky F Province Hospital;H-8200 Veszprem;Hungary;Department of Surgery;Csolnoky F Province Hospital;H-8200 Veszprem;Hungary;Department of Medicine;Grof Eszterhazy Hospital;H-8500 Papa;Hungary;Department of Infectious Diseases;Magyar Imre Hospital;H-8400 Ajka;Hungary;Department of Gastroenterology;Municipal Hospital;H-8100 Varpalota;Hungary;First Department of Pediatrics;Semmelweis University;H-1083 Budapest;Hungary;
Dendritic cell co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory markers in chronic HCV: An Egyptian study
Hanan Fouad;Maissa Saeed El Raziky;Rasha Ahmed Abdel Aziz;Dina Sabry;Ghada Mahmoud Abdel Aziz;Manal Ewais;Ahmed Reda Sayed;Medical Biochemistry Department;Faculty of Medicine;Cairo University;11562 Cairo;Egypt;Gastroenterology and Tropical Department;Faculty of Medicine;Cairo University;11562 Cairo;Egypt;Medical Biochemistry Department;Faculty of Medicine;Beni Sueif University;19206 Kornish Al Nile;Bani Sweif;Egypt;
Characteristics of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with chronic kidney disease
Chang Seok Bang;Yong Seop Lee;Yun Hyeong Lee;Hotaik Sung;Hong Jun Park;Hyun Soo Kim;Jin Bong Kim;Gwang Ho Baik;Yeon Soo Kim;Jai Hoon Yoon;Dong Joon Kim;Ki Tae Suk;Department of Internal Medicine;Hallym University College of Medicine;Chuncheon 200-704;South Korea;Department of Biology;Stanford University;Stanford;CA 94305;United States;Department of Internal Medicine;Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine;Wonju 220-786;South Korea;
Events associated with apoptotic effect of p-Coumaric acid in HCT-15 colon cancer cells
Saravana Kumar Jaganathan;Eko Supriyanto;Mahitosh Mandal;IJ N-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre;Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering;Universiti Teknologi Malaysia;Johor Bahru 81310;Malaysia;Department of Research and Development;PSNA College of Engineering and Technology;Dindigul 624622;India;School of Medical Science and Technology;Indian Institute of Technology;Kharagpur 721302;West Bengal;India;
Screening of SLC25A13 mutation in the Thai population
Parith Wongkittichote;Chonlaphat Sukasem;Atsuo Kikuchi;Wichai Aekplakorn;Laran T Jensen;Shigeo Kure;Duangrurdee Wattanasirichaigoon;Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine;Faculty of Science;Mahidol University;Bangkok 10400;Thailand;Division of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine;Department of Pathology;Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital;Mahidol University;Bangkok 10400;Thailand;Department of Pediatrics;Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine;Sendai 980-8577;Japan;Department of Community Medicine;Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital;Mahidol University;Bangkok 10400;Thailand;Department of Biochemistry;Faculty of Science;Mahidol University;Bangkok 10400;Thailand;Division of Medical Genetics;Department of Pediatrics;Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital;Mahidol University;Bangkok;10400 Thailand;
Single-incision vs three-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy for complicated and uncomplicated acute cholecystitis
Shu-Hung Chuang;Pai-Hsi Chen;Chih-Ming Chang;Chih-Sheng Lin;Department of Biological Science and Technology;National Chiao Tung University;Department of Surgery;Mackay Memorial Hospital;Hsin-Chu Branch;College of Management;Fu Jen Catholic University;Department of Nursing;Mackay Memorial Hospital;Hsin-Chu Branch;
Transanal natural orifice specimen extraction for laparoscopic anterior resection in rectal cancer
Fang-Hai Han;Li-Xin Hua;Zhi Zhao;Jian-Hai Wu;Wen-Hua Zhan;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University;
MicroRNA-143 suppresses gastric cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis by targeting COX-2
Xiao-Li Wu;Bin Cheng;Pei-Yuan Li;Huan-Jun Huang;Qiu Zhao;Zi-Li Dan;Dean Tian;Peng Zhang;Department of Gastroenterology;Tongji Hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Tongji Hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
PU.1-silenced dendritic cells prolong allograft survival in rats receiving intestinal transplantation
Xing-Wei Xu;Bo-Wen Ding;Chuan-Rong Zhu;Wu Ji;Jie-Shou Li;Jinling Hospital;Research Institute of General Surgery;Nanjing University;School of Medicine;Department of General Surgery;Xuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Biliary casts after liver transplantation: Morphology and biochemical analysis
Yu-Long Yang;Cheng Zhang;Mei-Ju Lin;Li-Jun Shi;Hong-Wei Zhang;Jing-Yi Li;Qiang Yu;Department of Minimally Invasive Biliary Surgery;Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University;
Amelioration of carbon tetrachloride-induced cirrhosis and portal hypertension in rat using adenoviral gene transfer of Akt
Gang Deng;Xiang-Jun Huang;Hong-Wu Luo;Fei-Zhou Huang;Xun-Yang Liu;Yong-Heng Wang;Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery;the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;
Insulin-like growth factor-1 induces lymphangiogenesis and facilitates lymphatic metastasis in colorectal cancer
Zhen-Jun Li;Xiao-Jiang Ying;Hong-Liang Chen;Ping-Jiang Ye;Zhi-Liang Chen;Gang Li;Hua-Feng Jiang;Jiang Liu;Shu-Zhen Zhou;Department of Colorectal Surgery;Shaoxing People’s Hospital;Shaoxing Hospital of Zhejiang University;
Identification of Annexin A1 protein expression in human gastric adenocarcinoma using proteomics and tissue microarray
Zhi-Qiang Zhang;Xiu-Juan Li;Gui-Tao Liu;Xiang-Yang Zhang;Yu Xia;Hao Wen;Department of Gastroenterology;the First Affiliated Hospital;Xinjiang Medical University;Department of Pathophysiology;Collage of Preclinical Medicine;Xinjiang Medical University;Occupational Diseases Prevention and Treatment Institution;the Fifth Affiliated Hospital;Xinjiang Medical University;Department of Liver and Laparoscopic Surgery;Digestive and Vascular Centre;the FirstAffiliated hospital;Xinjiang Medical University;
Is Dor fundoplication optimum after laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia? A meta-analysis
Ming-Tian Wei;Ya-Zhou He;Xiang-Bing Deng;Yuan-Chuan Zhang;Ting-Han Yang;Cheng-Wu Jin;Bing Hu;Zi-Qiang Wang;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;West China Hospital;Sichuan University;Endoscopic Center;West China Hospital;Sichuan University;
Mesenteric vein thrombosis in a patient heterozygous for factor Ⅴ Leiden and G20210A prothrombin genotypes
Paras Karmacharya;Madan Raj Aryal;Anthony Donato;Department of Internal Medicine;Reading Health System;West Reading;PA 19611;United States;
Development of enterohepatic fistula after embolization in ileal gastrointestinal stromal tumor: A case report
Yun Ho Lee;Ja Seol Koo;Chang Ho Jung;Sang Yoon Chung;Jae Joong Lee;Seung Young Kim;Jong Jin Hyun;Sung Woo Jung;Rok Seon Choung;Sang Woo Lee;Jai Hyun Choi;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Korea University Ansan Hospital;516 Gojan-dong;Danwon-gu;Ansan-si;Gyeonggi-do 425-707;South Korea;
Unusual early-stage pancreatic sarcomatoid carcinoma
Chuan-Li Ren;Ping Jin;Chong-Xu Han;Qin Xiao;Dao-Rong Wang;Lin Shi;Da-Xin Wang;Hui Chen;Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;Pathology Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;Abdominal Surgery Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;Transonogram Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;Laboratory Medicine Centre Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;Geratology Department;Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital and Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University;