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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2013 Issue 42
Understanding and treatment of chronic pancreatitis
Asbjφrn Mohr Drewes;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;9100 Aalborg;Denmark;
Animal models of pancreatitis: Can it be translated to human pain study?
Jing-Bo Zhao;Dong-Hua Liao;Thomas Dahl Nissen;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology and Surgery;Aalborg University Hospital;DK 9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Institute of Clinical Medicine;Aarhus University;DK 8200 Aarhus N;Denmark;The College of Bioengineering;Chongqing University;Biomedical Research Laboratory;Aalborg University Hospital;DK 9000 Aalborg;Denmark;
Pathophysiology of chronic pancreatitis
Christina Brock;Lecia Mφller Nielsen;Dina Lelic;Asbjφrn Mohr Drewes;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;DK-9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Center for Sensory-Motor Interactions;Department of Health Science and Technology;Aalborg University;DK-9220 Aalborg;Denmark;
Morphological and functional evaluation of chronic pancreatitis with magnetic resonance imaging
Tine Maria Hansen;Matias Nilsson;Mikkel Gram;Jens Brφndum Frφkjr;Mech-Sense;Department of Radiology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;
Ultrasonography in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis: New aspects
Georg Dimcevski;Friedemann G Erchinger;Roald Havre;Odd Helge Gilja;Section of Gastroenterology;Department of Medical Gastroenterology;Haukeland University Hospital;5021 Bergen;Norway;Department of Clinical Medicine;University of Bergen;5006 Bergen;Norway;Department of Medicine;Voss Hospital;5700 Voss;Norway;National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology;Haukeland University Hospital;5021 Bergen;Norway;
Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Bjrn Lindkvist;Institute of Medicine;Sahlgrenska Academy;University of Gothenburg;SE-413 45 Gothenburg;Sweden;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;Sahlgrenska University Hospital;SE-413 45 Gothenburg;Sweden;
Nutrition in chronic pancreatitis
Henrik Hφjgaard Rasmussen;φivind Irtun;Sφren Schou Olesen;Asbjφrn Mohr Drewes;Mette Holst;Centre for Nutrition and Bowel Disease;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;Faculty of Health;Aalborg University;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Department of Gastroenterologic Surgery;University Hospital North-Norway;9013 Troms;Norway;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;
Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus in chronic pancreatitis
Nils Ewald;Philip D Hardt;Justus-Liebig-University Giessen;35392 Giessen;Germany;Department of Internal Medicine;General Hospital Luebbecke-Rahden;32312 Luebbecke;Germany;
Pain and chronic pancreatitis: A complex interplay of multiple mechanisms
Jakob Lykke Poulsen;Sφren Schou Olesen;Lasse Paludan Malver;Jens Brφndum Frφkjr;Asbjφrn Mohr Drewes;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;DK-9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Mech-Sense;Department of Radiology;Aalborg University Hospital;DK-9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Center for Sensory-Motor Interactions;Department of Health Science and Technology;Aalborg University;DK-9000 Aalborg;Denmark;
Pharmacological pain management in chronic pancreatitis
Sφren S Olesen;Jacob Juel;Carina Graversen;Yuri Kolesnikov;Oliver HG Wilder-Smith;Asbjφrn M Drewes;MechSense;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Mech-Sense;Department of Radiology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Department of Neurorehabilitation Engineering;Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience;University Medical Center G ttingen;Georg-August University;D-37077 Gttingen;Germany;Pain Service;Department of Oncology;East Tallinn Central Hospital;19086 Tallinn;Estonia;Pain and Nociception Neuroscience Research Group;Department of Anaesthesiology;Pain and Palliative Care;Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre;6525 Nijmegen;The Netherlands;Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction;Department of Health Science and Technology;Aalborg University;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;
Pharmacological challenges in chronic pancreatitis
Anne Estrup Olesen;Anne Brokjaer;Iben WD Fisher;Isabelle M Larsen;Mech-Sense;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Aalborg University Hospital;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction;Department of Health Science and Technology;Aalborg University;9000 Aalborg;Denmark;Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology;Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences;University of Copenhagen;1455 Copenhagen;Denmark;
Endoscopic management of complications of chronic pancreatitis
Jean-Marc Dumonceau;Carlos Macias-Gomez;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Geneva University Hospital;1211 Geneva;Switzerland;Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit;Gastroenterology Service;Italian Hospital;1181 Buenos Aires;Argentina;
Multimodal treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma on cirrhosis: An update
Marco Vivarelli;Roberto Montalti;Andrea Risaliti;Hepatobiliary and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery;Department of Gastroenterology and Transplantation;Polytechnic University of Marche;60129 Ancona;Italy;Department of Surgery and Transplantation;University of Udine;33100 Udine;Italy;
Hepatobiliary manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease: The gut,the drugs and the liver
María Rojas-Feria;Manuel Castro;Emilio Suárez;Javier Ampuero;Manuel Romero-Gómez;Unit for Medical and Surgical Management of Digestive Diseases and CIBERehd;Valme University Hospital;University of Seville;E-41014 Sevilla;Spain;
Physiological and molecular biochemical mechanisms of bile formation
Vasiliy Ivanovich Reshetnyak;V.A. Negovsky Scientific Research Institute of General Reanimatology;Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;107031 Moscow;Russia;
Role of cyclooxygenase-2 in gastric cancer development and progression
Jian Cheng;Xiao-Ming Fan;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University;
Intestinal acyl-CoA synthetase 5: Activation of long chain fatty acids and behind
Christina Klaus;Min Kyung Jeon;Elke Kaemmerer;Nikolaus Gassler;Institute of Pathology;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;
1,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea enhances the inhibitory effect of Resveratrol on 5-fluorouracil sensitive/ resistant colon cancer cells
Dipon Das;Ranjan Preet;Purusottam Mohapatra;Shakti Ranjan Satapathy;Chanakya Nath Kundu;Cancer Biology Division;KIIT School of Biotechnology;KIIT University;Bhubaneswar;Odisha 751024;India;
Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma sized > 3 and ≤ 5 cm: Is ablative margin of more than 1 cm justified?
Shan Ke;Xue-Mei Ding;Xiao-Jun Qian;Yi-Ming Zhou;Bao-Xin Cao;Kun Gao;Wen-Bing Sun;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Chao-yang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University;Department of Radiology;Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University;Beijing 100043;China;Department of Interventional Medicine;Chao-yang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University;
Interleukin 28B-related polymorphisms: A pathway for understanding hepatitis C virus infection?
Raquel Francine Liermann Garcia;Simone Moreira;Ana Lucia de Araújo Ramos;Leslie Ecker Ferreira;Angelo Alves de Mattos;Cristiane Valle Tovo;Lysandro Alsina Nader;Juliene Antonio Ramos;Edson Rondinelli;Arnaldo de Jesus Dominici;Christian Evangelista Garcia;Mauro de Souza Leite Pinho;Carlos Eduardo Brando-Mello;Cristiane Alves Villela-Nogueira;Paulo Henrique Condeixa de Frana;Departamento de Medicina;Universidade da Regio de Joinville/Univille;Joinville;89219-719 Santa Catarina;Brazil;Departamento de Clinica Médica e Cirurgia Geral Hospital Municipal So José;Joinville;89202-000 Santa Catarina;Brazil;Departamento de Clínica Médica;Servio de Hepatologia;Faculdade de Medicina/Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;21941-913 Rio de Janeiro;Brazil;Servio de Gastroenterologia e Hepatologia;Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia/ISCMPA;Porto Alegre;90020-090 Rio Grande do Sul;Brazil;Servio de Endoscopia;Universidade Federal de Pelotas/UFPel;Pelotas;96010-610 Rio Grande do Sul;Brazil;Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho/UFRJ;21941-902 Rio de Janeiro;Brazil;Departamento de Gastroenterologia;Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranh o/UFMA;So Luis;65020-560 Maranho;Brazil;Servio de Gastroenterologia;Hospital Universitário Gaffrée Guinle/HUGG/UNIRIO;20270-004 Rio de Janeiro;Brazil;
Short and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic colectomy in obese patients
Andrea Vignali;Paola De Nardi;Luca Ghirardelli;Saverio Di Palo;Carlo Staudacher;Department of Surgery;San Raffaele Scientific Institute;University Vita Salute;20132 Milan;Italy;
Is increased red cell distribution width an indicating marker of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrotic stage?
Mustafa Cengiz;Burcu Aslan Candir;Güldal Yilmaz;Gülen Akyol;Seren Ozenirler;Department of Gastroenterology;Gazi University Faculty of Medicine;06500 Ankara;Turkey;Department of Internal Medicine;Gazi University Faculty of Medicine;06500 Ankara;Turkey;Department of Pathology;Gazi University Faculty of Medicine;06500 Ankara;Turkey;
Real-time virtual sonography visualization and its clinical application in biliopancreatic disease
Atsushi Sofuni;Takao Itoi;Fumihide Itokawa;Takayoshi Tsuchiya;Toshio Kurihara;Kentaro Ishii;Syujiro Tsuji;Nobuhito Ikeuchi;Reina Tanaka;Junko Umeda;Ryosuke Tonozuka;Mitsuyoshi Honjo;Shuntaro Mukai;Fuminori Moriyasu;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Tokyo Medical University;Tokyo 160-0023;Japan;
Hemorrhagic gastric and duodenal ulcers after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster
Kenichi Yamanaka;Hiroyuki Miyatani;Yukio Yoshida;Shinichi Asabe;Toru Yoshida;Misaki Nakano;Shin Obara;Hidehiko Endo;Department of Gastroenterology;Iwate Prefectural Kamaishi Hospital;Kamaishi 026-8550;Japan;Department of Gastroenterology;Jichi Medical University;Saitama Medical Center;Saitama 330-8503;Japan;Department of Surgery;Iwate Prefectural Kamaishi Hospital;Kamaishi 026-8550;Japan;
Differentiation between dysplastic nodule and early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: The utility of conventional MR imaging
Chen-Te Chou;Jung-Mao Chou;Ting-An Chang;Shiu-Feng Huang;Chia-Bang Chen;Yao-Li Chen;Ran-Chou Chen;Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science;National Yang-Ming Medical University;Department of Radiology;Chang-Hua Christian Hospital;Department of Pathology;Taipei City Hospital;Transplant Medicine and Surgery Research Centre;Chang-Hua Christian Hospital;Department of Radiology;Taipei City Hospital;
Curcumin protects against acetaminophen-induced apoptosis in hepatic injury
Gang Li;Jun-Bao Chen;Chao Wang;Zhi Xu;Hao Nie;Xiao-Yan Qin;Xiao-Mei Chen;Quan Gong;Department of Immunology;School of Medicine;Yangtze University;
Prognostic factors in non-malignant and non-cirrhotic patients with portal cavernoma: An 8-year retrospective single-center study
Xing-Shun Qi;Ming Bai;Chuang-Ye He;Zhan-Xin Yin;Wen-Gang Guo;Jing Niu;Fei-Fei Wu;Guo-Hong Han;Department of Liver Diseases and Digestive Interventional Radiology;Xijing Hospital of Digestive Diseases;Fourth Military Medical University;
Effect of low-dose amitriptyline on globus pharyngeus and its side effects
Le-Qing You;Jing Liu;Lin Jia;Shu-Man Jiang;Gui-Qin Wang;Department of Gastroenterology;Guangzhou First People’s Hospital;Guangzhou Medical University;Department of Gastroenterology;Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital;
Combined radiochemotherapy in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer: A meta-analysis
Yue Chen;Xian-Jun Sun;Ting-Hui Jiang;Ai-Wu Mao;Department of Radiology;Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine;Department of Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Liver;Gallbladder and Pancreas Diseases;Minhang Branch;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Intervention Center;Tongren Branch;Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine;
Massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to invasive hepatocellular carcinoma and hepato-gastric fistula
Hari Sayana;Osama Yousef;Wendell K Clarkston;Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Internal Medicine;University of Missouri Kansas City;Kansas City;MO 64108-2640;United States;
Pseudomembranous colitis associated with a triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication
Anca Trifan;Irina Girleanu;Camelia Cojocariu;Catalin Sfarti;Ana Maria Singeap;Carmen Dorobat;Lucia Grigore;Carol Stanciu;"Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy;700111 Iasi;Romania;Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;"St. Spiridon" Emergency Hospital;700111 Iasi;Romania;"St. Parascheva" Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases;700111 Iasi;Romania;
Successful treatment of multiple hepatocellular adenomas with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation
Sun Young Ahn;Soo Young Park;Young Oh Kweon;Won Young Tak;Han Ik Bae;Seung Hyun Cho;Department of Internal Medicine;Kyungpook National University Hospital;Daegu 700-721;South Korea;Department of Pathology;Kyungpook National University Hospital;Daegu 700-721;South Korea;Department of Radiology;Kyungpook National University Hospital;Daegu 700-721;South Korea;
Rifaximin and Crohn’s disease
Cosimo Prantera;Maria Lia Scribano;Gastroenterology Operative Unit;Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo-Forlanini;00152 Rome;Italy;