Two case reports of gastroendoscopy-associated Acinetobacter baumannii bacteremia
Chang-Hua Chen; Section of Infectious Diseases; Department of Internal Medicine; Changhua Christian Hospital; Changhua 500; Taiwan Shun-Sheng Wu; Section of Gastroenterology; Department of Internal Medicine; Changhua Christian Hospital; Changhua 500; Taiwan Chieh-Chen Huang; Department of Life Science; College of Life Science; National Chung Hsing University; Taichung 402; Taiwan
Persistent hypertransaminasemia in asymptomatic children: A stepwise approach
Pietro Vajro; Department of Medicine and Surgery; Pediatrics; University of Salerno; 84081 Baronissi; Italy Pietro Vajro; European Laboratory for Food Induced Disease; 84081 Baronissi; Italy Sergio Maddaluno; Claudio Veropalumbo; Department of Translational Medical Sciences; Pediatrics; Medical School of the University of Naples "Federico Ⅱ"; 80131 Naples; Italy
Sustained virological response: A milestone in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
Filomena Morisco; Rocco Granata; Maria Guarino; Laura Donnarumma; Laura Gaeta; Ilaria Loperto; Francesco Auriemma; Nicola Caporaso; Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia; Gastroenterology Unit; University of Naples "Federico Ⅱ"; 80131 Naples; Italy Tommaso Stroffolini; Dipartimento di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali; University of Rome "La Sapienza"; 00161 Rome; Italy Ivan Gentile; Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia; Infectious Diseases Unit; University of Naples "Federico Ⅱ"; 80131 Naples; Italy
Polyarteritis nodosa diagnosed by surgically resected jejunal necrosis following acute abdomen
Yuta Hiraike; Makoto Kodaira; Munetaka Sano; Yasuyuki Terazawa; Shingo Yamagata; Syuzo Terada; Department of Gastroenterology; Yaizu City Hospital; Yaizu City; Shizuoka 425-8505; Japan Masaharu Ohura; Department of Nephrology; Yaizu City Hospital; Yaizu City; Shizuoka 425-8505; Japan Ken Kuriki; Department of Pathology; Yaizu City Hospital; Yaizu City; Shizuoka 425-8505; Japan
Oncogene GAEC1 regulates CAPN10 expression which predicts survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Dessy Chan; Miriam Yuen-Tung Tsoi; Christina Di Liu; SauHing Chan; Johnny Cheuk-On Tang; State Key Laboratory of Chirosciences; Lo Ka Chung Centre for Natural Anti-cancer Drug Development; Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology; the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong; China Simon Ying-Kit Law; Department of Surgery; Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; the University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong; China Kwok-Wah Chan; Yuen-Piu Chan; Department of Pathology; Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; the University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong; China Vinod Gopalan; Alfred King-Yin Lam; Department of Pathology; Griffith Medical School and Griffith Health Institute; Griffith University; Gold Coast; Queensland 4222; Australia
Lipoic acid suppresses portal endotoxemia-induced steatohepatitis and pancreatic inflammation in rats
Yu-Feng Tian; Division of General Surgery; Department of Surgery; Yung Kung Campus; Chi-Mei Medical Center; Tainan 710; Taiwan Yu-Feng Tian; Department of Health and Nutrition; Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science; Tainan 717; Taiwan Chih-Tsueng He; Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism; Department of Internal Medicine; Tri-Service General Hospital; Taipei 114; Taiwan Yu-Ting Chen; Po-Shiuan Hsieh; Department of Physiology and Biophysics; National Defense Medical Center; Taipei 114; Taiwan Po-Shiuan Hsieh; Department of Medical Research; Tri-Service General Hospital; Taipei 114; Taiwan
MAWBP and MAWD inhibit proliferation and invasion in gastric cancer
Dong-Mei Li; Wen-Mei Li; Jian-Tao Cui; Yuan-Ming Pan; Rui Xing; You-Yong Lu; Laboratory of Molecular Oncology; Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research ; Peking University Cancer Hospital/Institute; Beijing 100142; China Dong-Mei Li; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; School of Medicine; Shihezi University; Shihezi 832000; Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; China Jun Zhang; Si-Qi Liu; Beijing Institute of Genomics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 101318; China
Extremely high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Bhutan
Ratha-korn Vilaichone; Gastroenterology Unit; Department of Medicine; Thammasat University Hospital; Pathumthani 12120; Thailand Varocha Mahachai; GI and Liver Center; Bangkok Medical Center; Bangkok 10310; Thailand Seiji Shiota; Yoshio Yamaoka; Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine; Oita University Faculty of Medicine; Yufu 879-5593; Japan Tomohisa Uchida; Nguyen Lam Tung; Masatsugu Moriyama; Department of Molecular Pathology; Oita University Faculty of Medicine; Yufu 879-5593; Japan Thawee Ratanachu-ek; Department of Surgery; Rajavithi Hospital; Bangkok 10400; Thailand Lotay Tshering; Department of Surgery; Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital; Thimphu; Bhutan Nguyen Lam Tung; Department of Gastroenterology; 108 Hospital; Hanoi 12771; Vietnam Toshio Fujioka; Department of Gastroenterology; Oita University Faculty of Medicine; Yufu 879-5593; Japan Yoshio Yamaoka; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Baylor College of Medicine and Michael DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Houston; TX 77030; United States
Prognostic value of preoperative mean corpuscular volume in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Yu-Zhen Zheng; Yong Li; Lan-Jun Zhang; Jian-Hua Fu; JunYe Wang; Department of Thoracic Oncology; Cancer Center; Sun Yat-Sen University; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Shu-Qin Dai; Department of Clinical Laboratory; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Wei Li; Department of Anesthesia; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Xun Cao; Intensive Care Unit; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Yong Li; Department of Pathology; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China
Massive hepatic necrosis with toxic liver syndrome following portal vein ligation
Aurélien Dupré; Johan Gagnière; Denis Pezet; Emmanuel Buc; Department of Digestive and Hepatobiliary Surgery; CHU Estaing; 1 place Lucie et Raymond Aubrac; 63003 ClermontFerrand; France Lucie Tixier; Department of Pathology; CHU Estaing; 1 place Lucie et Raymond Aubrac; 63003 Clermont-Ferrand; France David Da Ines; Department of Radiology; CHU Estaing; 1 place Lucie et Raymond Aubrac; 63003 Clermont-Ferrand; France Sébastien Perbet; Department of Anesthesia; CHU Estaing; 1 place Lucie et Raymond Aubrac; 63003 Clermont-Ferrand; France
Cathelicidin a potential therapeutic peptide for gastrointestinal inflammation and cancer
Jimmy Yip Chuen Chow; Department of Medicine; University of California; San Diego; La Jolla; CA 92037; United States Zhi Jie Li; Western Australia Institute for Medicine Research; the University of Western Australia; Crawley; WA 6009; Australia William Ka Kei; Institute of Digestive Diseases; the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong; China Chi Hin Cho; School of Biomedical Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong; China