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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2012 Issue 39
Comparison between different reconstruction routes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Yu-Zhen Zheng; Shu-Qin Dai; Wei Li; Xun Cao; Xin Wang; Jian-Hua Fu; Peng Lin; Lan-Jun Zhang; Bin Lu; Jun-Ye Wang ; Department of Thoracic Oncology; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Department of Clinical Laboratory; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China Department of Anesthesia; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; Guangdong Province; China
Photodynamic therapy prolongs metal stent patency in patients with unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Tae Yoon Lee; Young Koog Cheon; Chan Sup Shim; Young Deok Cho Digestive Disease Center; Department of Internal Medicine; Konkuk University Medical Center; Konkuk University School of Medicine; Seoul 143-729; South Korea Institute for Digestive Research and Digestive Disease Center; Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine; Seoul 140-743; South Korea
Software for automated classification of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy videos of colorectal polyps
Barbara André; Tom Vercauteren; Anna M Buchner; Murli Krishna; Nicholas Ayache; Michael B Wallace Image Computing Group;Mauna Kea Technologies; 75010 Paris; France Asclepios Research Team;The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control Sophia Antipolis; 06902 Sophia Antipolis; France Division of Gastroenterology; Hospital of theUniversity of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; PA 19104; United States Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Mayo Clinic Hospital in Jacksonville; Jacksonville; FL 3224; United States Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Mayo Clinic Hospital in Jacksonville; Jacksonville; FL 3224; United States
Inhibition of gastric perception of mild distention by omeprazole in volunteers
Akihito Iida; Hiroshi Kaneko; Toshihiro Konagaya; Yasushi Funaki; Kentaro Tokudome; Shinya Izawa; Yasuhiro Tamura; Mari Mizuno; Naotaka Ogasawara; Makoto Sasaki; Kunio Kasugai; Division of Gastroen-terology; Department of Internal Medicine; School of Medicine; Aichi Medical University; Aichi 480-1195; Japan Department of Internal Medicine; Hoshigaoka Maternity Hospital; Aichi 464-0026; Japan Marine Clinic; Nagoya; Aichi 460-0002;Japan
Checkmate to liver biopsy in chronic hepatitis C?
Anca Trifan; Carol Stanciu; "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy; "St. Spiridon" University Hospital; Independentei 1; 700111 Iasi; Romania
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor presenting with prominent calcification
Naoki Izawa; Takeshi Sawada; Ryuichi Abiko; Daisuke Kumon; Mami Hirakawa; Mika Kobayashi; Nobuyuki Obinata; Masahito Nomoto; Tadateru Maehata; Shun-ichi Yamauchi; Takefumi Kouro; Takashi Tsuda; Satoshi Kitajima; Hiroshi Yasuda; Keiichi Tanaka; Ichiro Tanaka; Masahiro Hoshikawa; Masayuki Takagi; Fumio Itoh Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; St. Marianna University School of Medicine; Kawasaki 216-8511; Japan Division of Gastroenterological and General Surgery; St. Marianna University School of Medicine; Kawasaki 216-8511; Japan Department of Pathology; St. Marianna University School of Medicine; Kawasak 216-8511; Japan
Peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal origin:Incidence,prognosis and treatment options
Yvonne LB Klaver; Valery EPP Lemmens; Simon W Nienhuijs; Misha DP Luyer; Ignace HJT de Hingh ; Department of Surgical Oncology;Catharina Hospital Eindhoven; Michelangelolaan 2; 5623 EJ Eindhoven; The Netherlands Department of Public Health; Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam; Dr Molewaterplein 50; 3015 CE Rotterdam; The Netherlands
Surgical outcome of pancreatic cancer using radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy procedure
Ye Rim Chang; Sung-Sik Han; Sang-Jae Park; Seung Duk Lee; Tae Suk Yoo; Young-Kyu Kim; Tae Hyun Kim; Sang Myung Woo; Woo Jin Lee; Eun Kyung Hong Department of Surgery; Seoul National University Hospital; Seoul 110-744; South Korea Center for Liver Cancer; National Cancer Center; Gyeonggido 411-764; South Korea
Colonic stenting vs emergent surgery for acute left-sided malignant colonic obstruction:A systematic review and meta-analysis
Guang-Yao Ye; Zhe Cui; Lu Chen; Ming Zhong; Department of General Surgery; Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine; Shanghai 2000 01; China
Thioredoxin and thioredoxin-interacting protein as prognostic markers for gastric cancer recurrence
Jae Yun Lim; Sun Och Yoon; Soon Won Hong; Jong Won Kim; Seung Ho Choi; Jae Yong Cho; Department of Medical Oncology; Gangnam Severance Cancer Hospital; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul 135-720; South Korea Department of Pathology;Gangnam Severance Cancer Hospital; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul 135-720; South Korea Department of Surgery;Gangnam Severance Cancer Hospital; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul 135-720; South Korea
A de novo germline MLH1 mutation in a Lynch syndrome patient with discordant immunohistochemical and molecular biology test results
Fabrice Airaud; Sébastien Küry; Isabelle Valo; Ingrid Maury; Dominique Bonneau; Olivier Ingster; Stéphane Bezieau CHU Nantes; Service de Génétique Médicale; 9 quai Moncousu; 44093 Nantes Cedex 1; France Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest; Service d’Anatomie et Cytologie Pathologique; 2 rue Moll; 49933 Angers Cedex 9; France CHU Angers; Service de Génétique Médicale; 4 rue Larrey; 49933 Angers; France
Molecular targets in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis
Ashwin D Dhanda; Richard WL Lee; Peter L Collins; C Anne McCune Department of Liver Medicine; University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust; BS2 8HW Bristol; United Kingdom Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine; School of Clinical Sciences; University of Bristol; BS9 1TD Bristol; United Kingdom
Severe acute cholangitis after endoscopic sphincterotomy induced by barium examination:A case report
Zhen-Hai Zhang; Ya-Guang Wu; Cheng-Kun Qin; Zhong-Xue Su; Jian Xu; Guo-Zhe Xian; Shuo-Dong Wu Department of HepatobiliarySurgery; Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shangdong University; Jinan 250021; Shandong Province; China the Second Department of General Surgery; the Second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University; Shenyang 110004; Liaoning Province; China
Dietary copper triggers onset of fulminant hepatitis in the Long-Evans cinnamon rat model
Ramsi Siaj; Vanessa Sauer; Sandra Stppeler; Hans-Ullrich Spiegel; Gabriele Khler; Andree Zibert; Hartmut HJ Schmidt Klinik und Poliklinik für Transplantationsmedizin;Universittsklinikum Münster; D-48149 Münster; Germany Abteilung Chirurgische Forschung; Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemein-und Viszeralchirurgie; Universittsklinikum Münster; D-48149 Münster; Germany Gerhard-Domagk-Institut für Pathologie; Universittsklinikum Münster; D-48149 Münster; Germany
Quantitation of HBsAg predicts response to entecavir therapy in HBV genotype C patients
Etsuro Orito; Kei Fujiwara; Hiroshi Kanie; Tesshin Ban; Tomonori Yamada; Katsumi Hayashi ; Department of Gastroenterology; Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital; Nagoya 466-8650; Japan
Treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer:Controversies and questions
Atthaphorn Trakarnsanga; Suthinee Ithimakin; Martin R Weiser Colorectal Service; Department of Surgery; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; New York; NY 10065; United States Department of Surgery; Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital; Mahidol University; Bangkok 10700; Thailand Division of Medical Oncology; Department of Medicine; Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital; Mahidol University; Bangkok 10700; Thailand
Diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:Increasingly difficult
Tetsuhide Ito; Guillaume Cadiot; Robert T Jensen Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science; Graduate School of Medical Sciences; Kyushu University; Fukuoka 812-8582; Japan Hepato-Gastroenterology Service; Centre hospitalier universitaire de Reims; Hospital Robert Debre; F-51092 Reims; France Digestive Diseases Branch; National Insitutes of Diabetes; Digestive and Kidney Diseases; National Institutes of Health; Bethesda; MD 20892; United States
Carbon dioxide insufflation for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:A meta-analysis and systematic review
Yao Cheng; Xian-Ze Xiong; Si-Jia Wu; Jiong Lu; Yi-Xin Lin; Nan-Sheng Cheng; Tai-Xiang Wu Department of Bile Duct Surgery; West China Hospital; Sichuan University; Chengdu 610041; Sichuan Province; China Chinese Cochrane Centre; Chinese Clinical Trial Registry; Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Centre; INCLEN Resource and Training Centre; West China Hospital; Sichuan University; Chengdu 610041; Sichuan Province; China
Ischemic colitis and large bowel infarction:A case report
Eugen Florin Georgescu; Doina Carstea; Daniela Dumitrescu; Ramona Teodorescu; Andrei Carstea Department of Internal Medicine 1/Gastroenterology; Filantropia University Hospital of Craiova; 200136 Craiova; Romania Department of Cardiology; Filantropia University Hospital of Craiova; 200136 Craiova; Romania Department of Radiology; University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova; 200349 Craiova; Romania
Experimental and clinical evidence of antioxidant therapy in acute pancreatitis
Mukaddes Esrefoglu; Department of Histology and Embryology; Bezmialem Vakif University Medical Faculty; 34093 Fatih; Istanbul; Turkey
Hepatothorax due to a right diaphragmatic rupture related to duodenal ulcer perforation
Se-Jin Baek; Jin Kim; Sung-Ho Lee Department of Surgery; Korea University Anam Hospital; Seoul 136-705; South Korea Department of Thoracic Surgery; Korea University Anam Hospital; Seoul 136-705; South Korea
Clostridium perfringens bacteremia caused by choledocholithiasis in the absence of gallbladder stones
Antwan Atia; Tejas Raiyani; Pranav Patel; Robert Patton; Mark Young Departments of Gastroenterology; James H Quillen VA Medical Center; Johnson; Mountain Home; TN 37615; United States General Internal Medicine; Quillen College of Medicine; East Tennessee State University; Johnson; Mountain Home; TN 37615; United States
Tracheobronchial nodules and pulmonary infiltrates in a patient with Crohn’s disease
De-Gan Lu; Xiao-Qing Ji; Qi Zhao; Cai-Qing Zhang; Zhen-Fang Li Department of Respiratory Medicine; Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital; Jinan 250014; Shandong Province; China Department of Digestive Medicine;Liaocheng People’s Hospital; Liaocheng 252000; Shandong Province; China
MUC5AC/β-catenin expression and KRAS gene alteration in laterally spreading colorectal tumors
Kosaburo Nakae; Hiroyuki Mitomi; Tsuyoshi Saito; Michiko Takahashi; Takashi Morimoto; Yasuhiro Hidaka; Naoto Sakamoto; Takashi Yao; Sumio Watanabe Department of Gas-troenterology; Juntendo University School of Medicine; 2-1-1 Hongo; Bunkyo-ku; Tokyo 113-8421; Japan Department of Human Pathology; Juntendo University School of Medicine; 1-1-19 Hongo; Bunkyo-ku; Tokyo 113-0033; Japan
Biochemical characteristics of neonatal cholestasis induced by citrin deficiency
Jian-She Wang; Xiao-Hong Wang; Ying-Jie Zheng; Hai-Yan Fu; Rui Chen; Yi Lu; Ling-Juan Fang; Takeyori Saheki; Keiko Kobayashi ; Department of Pediatrics; Jinshan Hospital;Fudan University; Shanghai 200540; China The Center for Pediatric Liver Diseases; Children’s Hospital of Fudan University; Shanghai 201102; China Department of Epidemiology; School of Public Health; Fudan University; Shanghai 200032; China Institute of Resource Development and Analysis; Kumamoto University; Kumamoto 860-0811; Japan Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics; Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences; Kagoshima 890-8544; Japan