Tumor size as a prognostic factor in patients with advanced gastric cancer in the lower third of the stomach
Hong-Mei Wang; Chang-Ming Huang; Chao-Hui Zheng; Ping Li; Jian-Wei Xie; Jia-Bin Wang; Jian-Xian Lin; Jun Lu; Department of Gastric Surgery; Affiliated Union Hospital of Fujian Medical University; Fuzhou 350001; Fujian Province; China Author contributions: Wang HM and Huang CM conceived of the study; analyzed the data; and drafted the manuscript; Zheng CH; Li P and Xie JW helped revise the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; Wang JB; Lin JX and Lu J helped collect data and design the study; and all authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Effect of the ginsenoside Rb1 on the spontaneous contraction of intestinal smooth muscle in mice
Lei Xu; Scientific Research Station for Post-doctoral Studies; Post-doctoral Research Centre; Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital; Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Zhongshan 528400; Guangdong Province; China Sui-Ping Huang; Department of Gastroenterology; Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital; Ersha Island Branch; Guangzhou 510405; Guangdong Province; China
Increased tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 expression in human colorectal adenomas
Kunihiro Hosono; Eiji Yamada; Hiroki Endo; Hirokazu Takahashi; Masahiko Inamori; Atsushi Nakajima; Division of Gas-troenterology; Yokohama City University School of Medicine; Yokohama 2360004; Japan Yoshitaka Hippo; Hitoshi Nakagama; Division of Cancer Development System; National Cancer Center Research Institute; Tokyo 1040045; Japan
Magnets, children and the bowel: A dangerous attraction?
Anil Thomas George; Department of Physiology; St Mark’s Hospital; London HA1 3UJ; United Kingdom Anil Thomas George; Sandeep Motiwale; Department of Paediatric Surgery; Queen’s Medical Center University Hospitals; Nottingham NG7 2UH; United Kingdom
c-Met in pancreatic cancer stem cells: Therapeutic implications
Marta Herreros-Villanueva; Division of Oncology Research; Department of Medicine; Schulze Center for Novel Therapeutics; Mayo Clinic; Rochester; MN 55905; United States Aizpea Zubia-Olascoaga; IkerChem; Oncology Therapeutics Department; 20009 San Sebastian; Spain Luis Bujanda; Department of Gastroenterology; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Hepáticasy Digestivas ; Donostia Hospital-Biodonostia Institute; University of the Basque Country; 20014 San Sebastian; Spain
Primary hepatic leiomyosarcoma with liver metastasis of rectal cancer
Kiyoto Takehara; Department of Gastroenterological Surgery; Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine; Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Okayama 700-8558; Japan Hideki Aoki; Yuko Takehara; Kohji Tanakaya; Hitoshi Takeuchi; Department of Surgery; National Hospital Organization Iwakuni Clinical Center; Yamaguchi 740-8510; Japan Rie Yamasaki; Department of Clinical Examination; National Hospital Organization Iwakuni Clinical Center; Yamaguchi 740-8510; Japan
Similar fecal immunochemical test results in screening and referral colorectal cancer
Sietze T van Turenhout; Frank A Oort; Jochim S Terhaar sive Droste; Chris JJ Mulder; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; VU University Medical Center; 1081 HV Amsterdam; The Netherlands Leo GM van Rossum; Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics and HTA; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center; 6500 HB Nijmegen; The Netherlands Robert JF Laheij; Jan BMJ Jansen; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center; 6500 HB Nijmegen; The Netherlands Anne F van Rijn; Paul Fockens; Evelien Dekker; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Academic Medical Center; 1105 AZ Amsterdam; The Netherlands René WM van der Hulst; Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Kennemer Gasthuis; 2035 RC Haarlem; The Netherlands Anneke A Bouman; Clinical Chemistry; VU University Medical Center; 1081 HV Amsterdam; The Netherlands Gerrit A Meijer; Department of Pathology; VU University Medical Center; 1081 HV Amsterdam; The Netherlands
Hepatitis B virus pre-S2 start codon mutations in Indonesian liver disease patients
Andi Utama; Marlinang Diarta Siburian; Ismail Fanany; Mariana Destila Bayu Intan; Rama Dhenni; Tri Shinta Kurniasih; Molecular Epidemiology Division; Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology; Universitas Pelita Harapan; Lippo Karawaci; Tangerang 15810; Banten; Indonesia Syafruddin AR Lelosutan; Gastroentero-Hepatology Division; Department of Internal Medicine; Gatot Soebroto Hospital; Jakarta 10410; Indonesia Wenny Astuti Achwan; Department of Internal Medicine; Mataram General Hospital; Mataram 83127; Indonesia Nasrul Zubir; Arnelis; Gastroentero-Hepatology Division; Department of Internal Medicine; M. Djamil Hospital; Padang 25127; Indonesia Benyamin Lukito; Department of Internal Medicine; Siloam Hospital Lippo Karawaci; Tangerang 15810; Banten; Indonesia Irawan Yusuf; Faculty of Medicine; Hasanuddin University; Makassar 90245; Indonesia Laurentius Adrianus Lesmana; Ali Sulaiman; Hepatology Division; Department of Internal Medicine; Faculty of Medicine; University of Indonesia; Jakarta 10430; Indonesia
Different risk factors influence peptic ulcer disease development in a Brazilian population
Rodrigo Buzinaro Suzuki; Rodrigo Faria Cola; Larissa Tranquilino Bardela Cola; Department of Genotyping; Hemocenter; Marilia Medical School; Marilia 17519-030; So Paulo; Brazil Rodrigo Buzinaro Suzuki; André Eterovic; Márcia Aparecida Sperana; Center for Natural and Human Sciences; Universidade Federal do ABC; Santo André 09210-170; So Paulo; Brazil Camila Garcia Ferrari; Department of Molecular Biology; Marilia Medical School; Marilia 17519-030; So Paulo; Brazil Fred Ellinger; Altino Luiz Therezo; Luis Carlos da Silva; Department of Pathology; Marilia Medical School; Marilia 17519-030; So Paulo; Brazil
Correlation between circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells and Th17 cells in esophageal cancer
Zhi-Jun Jiao; Jing-Jing Gao; Sheng-Hao Hua; Hui Wang; Xu-Hui Wang; Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology; Department of Laboratory Medicine;Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University; Zhenjiang 212013; Jiangsu Province; China De-Yu Chen; Institute of Oncology; Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University; Zhenjiang 212001; Jiangsu Province; China Wen-Hong Wang; Hua-Xi Xu; Department of Pathogenic Biology; School of Medical Science and Laboratory Medicine; Jiangsu University; Zhenjiang 212013; Jiangsu Province; China