Screening Helicobacter pylori genes induced during infection of mouse stomachs
Aparna Singh;Nathaniel Hodgson;Ming Yan;Jungsoo Joo;Lei Gu;Hong Sang;Emmalena Gregory-Bryson;Yisheng Ni;Kimberly Smith;William G Coleman;Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics;National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases;National Institutes of Health;Bethesda;MD 20892;United States William G Wood;Sharon H Jackson;Laboratory of Host Defenses;National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases;National Institutes of Health;Bethesda;MD 20892;United States
In vivo detection of mucosal healing-involved histiocytes by confocal laser endomicroscopy
Gheorghe Hundorfean;Mircea T Chiriac;Markus F Neurath;Jonas Mudter;Medical ClinicⅠ;University of ErlangenNuremberg;91054 Erlangen;Germany Abbas Agaimy;Institute of Pathology;University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;91054 Erlangen;Germany Walter GeiBdrfer;Microbiology Institute-Clinical Microbiology;Immunology and Hygiene;University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;91054 Erlangen;Germany Jochen Wacker;Medical Clinic Ⅲ;University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;91054 Erlangen;Germany
Tissue transglutaminase levels above 100 U/mL and celiac disease:A prospective study
Amani Mubarak;Victorien M Wolters;Roderick HJ Houwen;Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology;Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital;University Medical Center Utrecht;3508 AB Utrecht;The Netherlands Frits HJ Gmelig-Meyling;Department of Immunology;University Medical Center Utrecht;3508 AB Utrecht;The Netherlands Fiebo JW ten Kate;Department of Pathology;University Medical Center Utrecht;3508 AB Utrecht;The Netherlands
Development of a quantum-dot-labelled magnetic immunoassay method for circulating colorectal cancer cell detection
Maria Gazouli;Anna Lyberopoulou;Nicholas P Anagnou;Department of Basic Medical Sciences;Laboratory of Biology;School of Medicine;University of Athens;11527 Athens;Greece Pericles Pericleous;Spyros Rizos;First Department of Surgery;"Tzaneion" General Hospital;18536 Piraeus;Greece Gerassimos Aravantinos;Third Department of Internal Medicine;Agii Anargyri Hospital;14564 Athens;Greece Nikolaos Nikiteas;Second Department of Propedeutic Surgery;University of Athens School of Medicine;Laiko General Hospital;11527 Athens;Greece Efstathios P Efstathopoulos;Department of Radiology;Attikon University Hospital;12462 Athens;Greece
Use of butyrate or glutamine in enema solution reduces inflammation and fibrosis in experimental diversion colitis
Rodrigo Goulart Pacheco;Christiano Costa Esposito;Lucas CM Müller;Alberto Schanaider;Department of Surgery;Experimental Surgery Center;Surgical Sciences Postgraduate Program;Medical School;Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil Morgana TL Castelo-Branco;Laboratory of Cellular Immunology;Department of Histology and Embryology;Institute of Biomedical Sciences;Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil Leonardo Pereira Quintella;Vera Lucia A Chagas;Department of Pathology;Medical School;Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil Heitor Siffert P de Souza;Department of Internal Medicine;Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho;Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;Rio de Janeiro;RJ 21941-913;Brazil
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography parameters in neural network diagnosis of liver tumors
Costin Teodor Streba;Dan Ionut Gheonea;Larisa Sandulescu;Tudorel Ciurea;Adrian Saftoiu;Cristin Constantin Vere;Ion Rogoveanu;Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova;200349 Craiova;Romania Mihaela Ionescu;Department of Bioinformatics and Statistics;University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova;200349 Craiova;Romania
Adalimumab in prevention of postoperative recurrence of Crohn’s disease in high-risk patients
Mariam Aguas;Guillermo Bastida;Belén Beltrán;Marisa Iborra;Pilar Nos;Gastroenterology Unit;Department of Digestive Disease;Networked Biomedical Research Center for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases;La Fe University and Politechnic Hospital;46026 Valencia;Spain Elena Cerrillo;Cristina Sánchez-Montes;Department of Gastroenterology;La Fe University and Politechnic Hospital;46026 Valencia;Spain Fernando Muoz;Leon Hospital Complex;42132 León;Spain Jesús Barrio;Río Hortega University Hospital;47001 Valladolid;Spain Sabino Riestra;Central University Hospital of Asturias;33006 Oviedo;Spain
Alginate controls heartburn in patients with erosive and nonerosive reflux disease
Edoardo Savarino;Patrizia Zentilin;Luca Bruzzone;Manuele Furnari;Vincenzo Savarino;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;University of Genoa;16126 Genoa;Italy Edoardo Savarino;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Surgical;Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences;University of Padua;35128 Padua;Italy Nicola de Bortoli;Irene Martinucci;Santino Marchi;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;University of Pisa;56100 Pisa;Italy
Comparison of bacterial quantities in left and right colon biopsies and faeces
Anna Lyra;Sofia Forssten;Sampo J Lahtinen;Krista Salli;Arthur C Ouwehand;DuPont Nutrition and Health;KantvikActive Nutrition;02460 Kantvik;Finland Peter Rolny;Yvonne Wettergren;Department of Medicine;Sahlgrenska Academy;University of Gothenburg;S-41685 Gothenburg;Sweden Lennart Cedgrd;Wasa MedicalsAB;Probiotic Division;S-302 91 Halmstad;Sweden Elisabeth Odin;Bengt Gustavsson;Department of Surgery;Sahlgrenska Academy;University of Gothenburg;S-41685 Gothenburg;Sweden
How many cases of laryngopharyngeal reflux suspected by laryngoscopy are gastroesophageal reflux disease-related?
Nicola de Bortoli;Irene Martinucci;Massimo Bellini;Linda Ceccarelli;Francesco Costa;Maria Gloria Mumolo;Angelo Ricchiuti;Santino Marchi;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Pisa;56124 Pisa;Italy Andrea Nacci;Bruno Fattori;Stefano Berrettini;Ear;Nose and Throat Audiology Phoniatrics Unit;University of Pisa;56124 Pisa;Italy Edoardo Savarino;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Padua;35100 Padua;Italy Vincenzo Savarino;Division of Gastroenterology;University of Genoa;16100 Genoa;Italy
Adeno-associated virus mediated delivery of Tregitope 167 ameliorates experimental colitis
Sander van der Marel;Anna Majowicz;Karin Kwikkers;Richard van Logtenstein;Sander J van Deventer;Harald Petry;Valerie Ferreira;Department of Research and Development;uniQure B.V.;1105 BA Amsterdam;The Netherlands Sander van der Marel;Anna Majowicz;Sander J van Deventer;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Leiden University Medical Center;2333 ZA Leiden;The Netherlands Anje A te Velde;Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research;Academic Medical Center;University of Amsterdam;1105 BK Amsterdam;The Netherlands Anne S De Groot;EpiVax Inc.;Providence;RI 02903;United States Anne S De Groot;The Institute for Immunology and Informatics;University of Rhode Island;Kingston;RI 02881;United States Sybren L Meijer;Department of Pathology;Academic Medical Center;University of Amsterdam;1105 AZ Amsterdam;The Netherlands Daniel W Hommes;Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases;UCLA Health System;Los Angeles;CA 90095;United States
Evaluation of magnifying colonoscopy in the diagnosis of serrated polyps
Shinya Ishigooka;Masahito Nomoto;Yoshinori Sato;Satoko Nakatsu;Midori Suzuki;Yoshiko Ikeda;Tadateru Maehata;Yoshiyuki Watanabe;Hiroshi Yasuda;Fumio Itoh;Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;St.Marianna University School of Medicine;Kawasaki 216-8511;Japan Nobuyuki Obinata;Yoshichika Oishi;Takashi Nakajima;Center of Gastroenterology;St.Marianna Toyoko Hospital;Kawasaki 211-0063;Japan Tomoaki Kimura;Hiro-o Yamano;Department of Gastroenterology;Akita Red Cross Hospital;Akita 010-1495;Japan
Temporal trends in the relative prevalence of dysphagia etiologies from 1999-2009
Trilokesh Kidambi;Tiffany Taft;Ikuo Hirano;Division of Gastroenterology;Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine;Chicago;IL 60611;United States Trilokesh Kidambi;Department of Medicine;University of California at San Francisco;San Francisco;CA 94143;United States Erin Toto;Nancy Ho;Department of Medicine;Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine;Chicago;IL 60611;United States
Chronic methadone use,poor bowel visualization and failed colonoscopy:A preliminary study
Siddharth Verma;Vincent Notar-Francesco;Smruti R Mohanty;Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;New York Methodist Hospital;Weill Cornell Medical College;Brooklyn;NY 11215;United States Joshua Fogel;Department of Finance and Business Management;Brooklyn College;Brooklyn;NY 11210;United States David J Beyda;Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;SUNY Downstate Medical Center University Hospital of Brooklyn;Long Island College Hospital;Brooklyn;NY 11201;United States Brett Bernstein;Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;Beth Israel Medical Center;Albert Einstein College of Medicine;New York;NY 10003;United States
Gene expression profiling and endothelin in acute experimental pancreatitis
Helieh S Oz;Karin N Westlund;Department of Physiology;College of Medicine;University of Kentucky Medical Center;Lexington;KY 40536;United States Helieh S Oz;J510 KY Clinic;Department of Internal Medicine;College of Medicine;University of Kentucky Medical Center;Lexington;KY 40536;United States Ying Lu;Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience;University of Texas Medical Branch;Galveston;TX 77555;United States Louis P Vera-Portocarrero;Medtronics Inc.;Minneapolis;MN 55432;United States Pei Ge;Ada Silos-Santiago;Ironwood Pharmaceuticals;Cambridge;Ironwood Pharmaceuticals;Cambridge;MA 02141;United States
Results of National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Croatia(2007-2011)
Miroslava Katii;Department of Gastroenterology;Merkur University Hospital;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Nataa Antoljak;Chronic Mass Disease Epidemiology Service;Croatian National Institute of Public Health and Zagreb University School of Medicine;Dr.Andrija tampar School of Public Health;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Milan Kujundzi;Department of Gastroenterology;Dubrava University Hospital;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Valerija Stameni;Dunja Skoko Poljak;Danica Kramari;Ministry of Health and Social Welfare;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Davor timac;Department of Gastroenterology;Rijeka University Hospital Centre;51000 Rijeka;Croatia Marija Strnad Peikan;Zagreb University School of Medicine;Dr.Andrija tampar School of Public Health;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Mirko amija;Zagreb University School of Medicine;10000 Zagreb;Croatia Zdravko Ebling;Osijek Health Centre;31000 Osijek;Croatia
Significant decrease in prevalence ofHelicobacter pylori in the Czech Republic
Jan Bure;Marcela Kopáová;Miluka kodová Fendrichová;Stanislav Rejchrt;TomáDouda;Ilja Tachecí;Second Department of Medicine Gastroenterology;Charles University in Praha;Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Králové;University Teaching Hospital;50005 Hradec Králové;Czech Republic Ilona Koupil;Centre for Health Equity Studies;Karolinska Institute;Stockholm University;17177 Stockholm;Sweden Bohumil Seifert;Norbert Král;First Faculty of Medicine;Institute of General Practice;Charles University;12108 Praha;Czech Republic Jana pirková;Viktor Voíek;Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Diagnostics;Charles University in Praha;Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Králové;University Teaching Hospital;50005 Hradec Králové;Czech Republic
Circular smooth muscle contributes to esophageal shortening during peristalsis
Anil K Vegesna;Larry S Miller;Department of Medicine;Section of Gastroenterology;Hofstra Northshore Long Island Jewish Hospital;Hofstra University School of Medicine;Manhasset;NY 11030;United States Keng-Yu Chuang;Ramashesai Besetty;Department of Medicine;Section of Gastroenterology;Temple University School of Medicine;Philadelphia;PA 19140;United States Steven J Phillips;Mary F Barbe;Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology;Temple University School of Medicine;Philadelphia;PA 19140;United States Alan S Braverman;Department of Urology;Temple University School of Medicine;Philadelphia;PA 19140;United States Michael R Ruggieri;Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Department of Urology;Temple University School of Medicine;Philadelphia;PA 19140;United States
Colometer:A real-time quality feedback system for screening colonoscopy
Dobromir Filip;Xuexin Gao;Leticia Angulo-Rodríguez;Martin P Mintchev;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of Calgary;Calgary;AB T2N 1N4;Canada Shane M Devlin;Alaa Rostom;Wayne Rosen;Christopher N Andrews;Faculty of Medicine;University of Calgary;Calgary;AB T2N 1N4;Canada
National trends in resection of the distal pancreas
Armando Rosales-Velderrain;Steven P Bowers;Ross F Goldberg;Tatyan M Clarke;Mauricia A Buchanan;John A Stauffer;Horacio J Asbun;Department of General Surgery;Mayo Clinic Florida;Jacksonville;FL 32225;United States