S100A4 in esophageal cancer:Is this the one to blame?
Jianyuan Chai;Laboratory of GI Injury and Cancer;VA Long Beach Healthcare System;Long Beach;CA 90822;United States M Mazen Jamal;Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Medicine;University of California;Irvine;CA 92868;United States
Matrix metalloproteinases in the restorative proctocolectomy pouch of pediatric ulcerative colitis
Laura Mkitalo;Maija Piekkala;Mikko Pakarinen;Antti Koivusalo;Johanna Natunen;Risto Rintala;Kaija-Leena Kolho;Hospital for Children and Adolescents;Helsinki University Central Hospital;University of Helsinki;FIN-00029 Helsinki;Finland Merja Ashorn;Department of Pediatrics;Tampere University Hospital;Teiskontie 35;33521 Tampere;Finland Riitta Karikoski;Department of Pathology;HUSLAB;Helsinki University Central Hospital;Haartmaninkatu 3;FI-00029 Helsinki;Finland Ulpu Saarialho-Kere;Department of Clinical Science and Education and Section of Dermatology;Karolinska Institutet at Stockholm Sder Hospital;11883 Stockholm;Sweden
Human papilloma virus 16 E6 oncoprotein associated with p53 inactivation in colorectal cancer
Tan-Hsia Chen;Shu-Hau Chang;Wen-Wei Sung;Ya-Wen Cheng;Huei Lee;Institute of Medicine;Chung Shan Medical University;Taichung 402;Taiwan;China Tan-Hsia Chen;Department of Internal Medicine;Chung Shan Medical University Hospital;Taichung 402;Taiwan;China Chi-Chou Huang;Kun-Tu Yeh;Shih-Wen Chang;School of Medicine;Chung Shan Medical University;Taichung 402;Taiwan;China Chi-Chou Huang;Shih-Wen Chang;Department of Surgery;Chung Shan Medical University Hospital;Taichung 402;Taiwan;China Kun-Tu Yeh;Department of Pathology;Changhua Christian Hospital;Changhua 500;Taiwan;China Ya-Wen Cheng;Huei Lee;Department of Medical Research;Chung Shan Medical University Hospital;Taichung 402;Taiwan;China Ya-Wen Cheng;Huei Lee;PhD Program for Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery;College of Medical Science and Technology;Taipei Medical University;Taipei;115;Taiwan;China
Incidental gallbladder cancer during laparoscopic cholecystectomy:Managing an unexpected finding
Andrea Cavallaro;Gaetano Piccolo;Antonio Zanghì;Maria Di Vita;Alessandro Cappellani;Department of Surgery;General Surgery and Breast Unit;University of Catania;Via S.Sofia 78;95123 Catania;Italy Vincenzo Panebianco;Department of Surgery;General Surgery Unit of Taormina Hospital "San Vincenzo";98039 Messina;Italy Emanuele Lo Menzo;Division of Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery;University of Maryland;Baltimore;MD 21201;United States Massimiliano Berretta;Department of Medical Oncology;National Cancer Institute-IRCCS;33081 Aviano;Italy
Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase mRNA expression and the response of cholangiocarcinoma to 5-fluorouracil
Chariya Hahnvajanawong;Jariya Chaiyagool;Department of Microbiology;Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry;and Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Center;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand Wunchana Seubwai;Department of Forensic Medicine;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand Vajarabhongsa Bhudhisawasdi;Narong Khuntikeo;Ake Pugkhem;Department of Surgery;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand Nisana Namwat;Department of Biochemistry;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand Banchob Sripa;Department of Pathology;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand Wichittra Tassaneeyakul;Department of Pharmacology;Faculty of Medicine;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40002;Thailand
Osteopontin as potential biomarker and therapeutic target in gastric and liver cancers
Dong-Xing Cao;Zhi-Jie Li;Xiao-Ou Jiang;Yick Liang Lum;Ester Khin;John M Luk;Department of Pharmacology and Department of Surgery;National University Health System;National University of Singapore;Singapore 117597;Singapore Dong-Xing Cao;Guo-Hao Wu;Department of General Surgery;Zhongshan Hospital;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China Zhi-Jie Li;John M Luk;Department of Oncology;Roche R and D Center Ltd.;Shanghai 201203;China Nikki P Lee;John M Luk;Department of Surgery;The University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
Increased expression of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans in rat hepatocellular carcinoma tissues
Xiao-Li Jia;Shuang-Suo Dang;Yan-An Cheng;Xin Zhang;Wen-Jun Wang;Department of Infectious Diseases;The Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710004;Shaanxi Province;China Si-Yuan Li;Clare E Hughes;Bruce Caterson;Connective Tissue Biology Laboratories;Division of Pathophysiology and Repair;School of Biosciences;Cardiff University;Cardiff;Wales CF10 3AX;United Kingdom Si-Yuan Li;The Institute of Endemic Disease;Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;Shaanxi Province;China
Excisional hemorrhoidal surgery and its effect on anal continence
Yan-Dong Li;Jia-He Xu;Jian-Jiang Lin;Department of Surgery;School of Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310003;Zhejiang Province;China Wei-Fang Zhu;Department of Infectious Disease;School of Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310003;Zhejiang Province;China
Age distribution,polyps and rectal cancer in the Egyptian population-based cancer registry
Darlene Veruttipong;Amr S Soliman;Samuel F Gilbert;Department of Epidemiology;University of Michigan School of Public Health;Ann Arbor;MI 48109;United States Taylor S Blachley;Department of Biostatistics;University of Michigan School of Public Health;Ann Arbor;MI 48109;United States Ahmed Hablas;Mohamed Ramadan;Ibrahim A Seifeldin;Tanta Cancer Center and the Gharbiah Population-Based Cancer Registry;Tanta 31512;Egypt Laura S Rozek;Department of Environmental Health Science;University of Michigan School of Public Health;Ann Arbor;MI 48109;United States