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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2012 Issue 27
Polo-like kinase 1,a new therapeutic target in hepatocellular carcinoma
Wei Chuen Mok;Shanthi Wasser;Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology;Agency for Science;Technology and Research;Singapore 138673;Singapore Theresa Tan;Department of Biochemistry;Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine;National University of Singapore;Singapore 117597;Singapore Seng Gee Lim;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine;National University Health System;Singapore 117597;Singapore Seng Gee Lim;Department of Medicine;National University of Singapore;Singapore 119074;Singapore
Factors predicting survival in patients with proximal gastric carcinoma involving the esophagus
Yi-Fen Zhang;Jiong Shi;Hui-Ping Yu;An-Ning Feng;Xiang-Shan Fan;Qin Huang;Department of Pathology;Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital;the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School;Nanjing 210008;Jiangsu Province;China Gregory Y Lauwers;Department of Pathology;Massachusetts General Hospital;Harvard Medical School;Boston;MA 02114;United States Hiroshi Mashimo;Department of Gastroenterology;Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System;Harvard Medical School;West Roxbury;MA 02132;United States Jason S Gold;Department of Surgery;Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System;Harvard Medical School;West Roxbury;MA 02132;United States Gang Chen;Department of Surgery;Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital;the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School;Nanjing 210008;Jiangsu Province;China Qin Huang;Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine;Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System;Harvard Medical School;West Roxbury;MA 02132;United States
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgeryvs laparoscopic ovariectomy:Complications and inflammatory response
Jan Martínek;Barbora Rotnáglová;Miroslav Zavoral;Department of Internal Medicine;1st Faculty of Medicine;University Military Hospital;16000 Prague;Charles University;Czech Republic Ondej Ryska;Radek Dolezel;Miroslav Ryska;Department of Surgery;2nd Faculty of Medicine;University Military Hospital;Charles University;16000 Prague;Czech Republic Tereza Filípková;Department of Surgery;Domazlice Hospital;34401 Domazlice;Czech Republic Stefan Juhas;Jan Motlík;Monika Holubová;Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics;Academy of Sciences;27721 Libechov;Czech Republic Vladimír Nosek;Department of Gastroenterology;Jablonec Hospital;46601 Jablonec nad Nisou;Czech Republic
Impact of lymphatic and/or blood vessel invasion in stage Ⅱ gastric cancer
Chun-Yan Du;Jing-Gui Chen;Ye Zhou;Guang-Fa Zhao;Hong Fu;Xue-Ke Zhou;Ying-Qiang Shi;Department of Oncology;Shanghai Medical College;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China Chun-Yan Du;Jing-Gui Chen;Ye Zhou;Guang-Fa Zhao;Hong Fu;Ying-Qiang Shi;Department of Gastric Cancer and Soft Tissue Surgery;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Shanghai 200032;China Xue-Ke Zhou;Department of Pathology;Cancer Center;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China
Multicausality in fatty liver disease:Is there a rationale to distinguish between alcoholic and non-alcoholic origin?
Henry Vlzke;Institute for Community Medicine;University of Greifswald;D-17487 Greifswald;Germany
Difficulty in differentiating two cases of sigmoid stenosis by diverticulitis from cancer
Noriko Nishiyama;Hirohito Mori;Hideki Kobara;Shintarou Fujihara;Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi;Tsutomu Masaki;Department of Gastroenterology and Neurology;Faculty of Medicine;Kagawa University;Kagawa 761-0793;Japan Kazi Rafiq;Department of Pharmacology;Faculty of Medicine;Kagawa University;Kagawa 761-0793;Japan
Weekend and nighttime effect on the prognosis of peptic ulcer bleeding
Young Hoon Youn;Yong Jin Park;Hyojin Park;Department of Internal Medicine;Gangnam Severance Hospital;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 135-720;South Korea Jae Hak Kim;Department of Internal Medicine;Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital;Dongguk University College of Medicine;Gyeonggi-do 410-773;South Korea Tae Joo Jeon;Department of Internal Medicine;Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital;Inje University College of Medicine;Seoul 139-707;South Korea Jae Hee Cho;Department of Internal Medicine;Kwandong University Myungji Hospital;Kwandong University College of Medicine;Gyeonggi-do 412-270;South Korea
Microbial profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in bile cultures from endoscopic retrograde cholangiography patients
Muhsin Kaya;Remzi Bestas;Department of Gastroenterology;School of Medicine;Dicle University;Diyarbakr 21280;Turkey Fatma Bacalan;Department of Clinical Microbiology;School of Medicine;Dicle University;Diyarbakr 21280;Turkey Ferhat Bacaksz;Esma Gülsun Arslan;Mehmet Ali Kaplan;Department of Internal Medicine;School of Medicine;Dicle University;Diyarbakr 21280;Turkey
Hepato-biliary profile of potential candidate liver progenitor cells from healthy rat liver
Cédric Maerckx;Isabelle Scheers;Tatiana Tondreau;David Campard;Omar Nyabi;Mustapha Najimi;Etienne Sokal;Laboratory of Pediatric Hepatology and Cell Therapy;Université Catholique de Louvain;1200 Brussels;Belgium
Endoscopic and clinicopathologic characteristics of early gastric cancer with high microsatellite instability
Jaehoon Jahng;Young Hoon Youn;Kwang Hyun Kim;Junghwan Yu;Hyojin Park;Sang In Lee;Department of Internal Medicine;Gangnam Severance Hospital;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 135-720;South Korea Yong Chan Lee;Department of Internal Medicine;Institute of Gastroenterology;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 100-753;South Korea Woo Jin Hyung;Sung Hoon Noh;Department of Surgery;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 100-753;South Korea Hyunki Kim;Hoguen Kim;Department of Pathology;Yonsei University College of Medicine;Seoul 100-753;South Korea
Natural history of Barrett’s esophagus
Rao Milind;Stephen E Attwood;Department of Surgery;North Tyneside General Hospital;North Shields;Tyne and Wear NE29 8NH;United Kingdom
Sedation-associated hiccups in adults undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy
Chien Cheng Liu;Cheng Yuan Lu;Chih Fang Changchien;Ping Hsin Liu;Department of Anesthesiology;E-DA Hospital;I-Shou University;Kaohsiung 82445;Taiwan;China Daw Shyong Perng;Department of Gastroenterology;E-DA Hospital;I-Shou University;Kaohsiung 82445;Taiwan;China
Gender preference and implications for screening colonoscopy:Impact of endoscopy nurses
Vui Heng Chong;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Department of Medicine;Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital;Bandar Seri Begawan;BA 1710;Brunei Darussalam
Edaravone inhibits apoptosis caused by ischemia/reperfusion injury in a porcine hepatectomy model
Mitsugi Shimoda;Yoshimi Iwasaki;Toshie Okada;Keiichi Kubota;Second Department of Surgery;Dokkyo Medical University;880 Kita Kobayashi;Mibu;Tochigi 321-0293;Japan
Inhibitory effects of carbon dioxide insufflation on pneumoperitoneum and bowel distension after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Shinji Nishiwaki;Motoshi Hayashi;Jun Takada;Masahide Iwashita;Atsushi Tagami;Hiroo Hatakeyama;Takao Hayashi;Teruo Maeda;Koshiro Saito;Department of Internal Medicine;Nishimino Kosei Hospital;Gifu 503-1394;Japan Hiroshi Araki;Department of Gastroenterology;Graduate School of Medicine;Gifu University;Gifu 501-1194;Japan
Evolution of continent ileostomy
Gurel Nessar;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Yuksek Ihtisas Hospital;Ankara 06100;Turkey James S Wu;Department of Colorectal Surgery;Digestive Disease Institute;Cleveland;OH 44195;United States
Quality audit of colonoscopy reports amongst patients screened or surveilled for colorectal neoplasia
Daphnée Beaulieu;Alan Barkun;Myriam Martel;Division of Gastroenterology;The McGill University Health Center;McGill University;Montreal H3G 1A4;Canada Alan Barkun;Clinical Epidemiology;the McGill University Health Center;McGill University;Montreal H3G 1A4;Canada
Zinc finger protein A20 protects rats against chronic liver allograft dysfunction
Jie Yang;Ming-Qing Xu;Lu-Nan Yan;Xiao-Bo Chen;Jiao Liu;Department of Liver and Vascular Surgery;Liver Transplantation Center;West China Hospital;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041;Sichuan Province;China
Effect of interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α on hepatitis B virus following lamivudine treatment
Hong Shi;Ning-Ping Zhang;Shun-Cai Zhang;Xi-Zhong Shen;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Zhongshan Hospital;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China Lu Lu;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Shanghai Second People’s Hospital;Shanghai 200011;China
Significance of regenerating islet-derived type Ⅳ gene expression in gastroenterological cancers
Masakatsu Numata;Department of Gastroenterological Surgery;Kanagawa Cancer Center;1-1-2 Nakao;Asahi-ku;Yokohama;Kanagawa 241-0815;Japan Takashi Oshima;Gastroenterological Center;Yokohama City University Medical Center;4-57 Urafune-cho;Minami-ku;Yokohama;Kanagawa 232-0024;Japan