Exceptionally rare cause of a total stomach resection
Jadwiga Snarska;Krzysztof Jacyna;Katarzyna Iwanowicz; Department of General Surgery;Faculty of Medical Sciences; University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;10561 Olsztyn; Poland Jacek Janiszewski;Department of Internal Diseases;Medical Care Centre of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration with the Warmia and Mazury Centre of Oncology in Olsztyn; 10561 Olsztyn;Poland Danuta Shafie;Department of Pathology;Faculty of Medical Sciences;University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;10561 Olsztyn;Poland Anna Zurada;Department of Anatomy;Faculty of Medical Sciences;University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;10561 Olsztyn;Poland
Endomysial antibodies predict celiac disease irrespective of the titers or clinical presentation
Kalle Kurppa;Tiia Rsnen;Sari Iltanen;Merja Ashorn; Markku Mki;Pediatric Research Centre;University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital;Fin-33014;Tampere; Finland Pekka Collin;Katri Kaukinen;Department of Gastroenterology and Alimentary Tract Surgery;Tampere University Hospital and School of Medicine;University of Tampere;Fin-33014; Tampere;Finland Heini Huhtala;Tampere School of Public Health;University of Tampere;Fin-33014;Tampere;Finland Pivi Saavalainen;Department of Medical Genetics and Research Program for Molecular Medicine;University of Helsinki; Fin-00014;Helsinki;Finland Katri Haimila;Jukka Partanen;Research and Development; Finnish Red Cross Blood Service;Fin-00310;Helsinki;Finland
Prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders in Chinese gastroenterological outpatients
Xiao-Jing Li;Ling Zhang;Lan Zhang;Mental Health Center of West China Hospital;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041; Sichuan Province;China Yan-Ling He;Shanghai Mental Health Center;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200030;China Hong Ma;Peking University Institute of Mental Health;Beijing 100007;China Zhe-Ning Liu;Mental Health Institute of the Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;Hunan Province;China Fu-Jun Jia;Guangdong Mental Health Center;Guangdong General Hospital;Guangzhou 510120;Guangdong Province;China
Lamivudine treatment enabling right hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma in decompensated cirrhosis
Koichi Honda;Masataka Seike;First Department of Internal Medicine;Oita University;Oita 879-5593;Japan Shin-ichiro Maehara;Koichiro Tahara;Hideaki Anai;Department of Surgery;National Hospital Organization Oita Medical Center;Oita 870-0263;Japan Akira Moriuchi;Department of Pathology;National Hospital Organization Oita Medical Center;Oita 870-0263;Japan Toyokichi Muro;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;National Hospital Organization Oita Medical Center;Oita 870-0263;Japan
Cervical inlet patch-optical coherence tomography imaging and clinical significance
Chao Zhou;Tsung-Han Tsai;Hsiang-Chieh Lee;James G Fujimoto;Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science;Research Laboratory of Electronics;Massachusetts Institute of Technology;77 Massachusetts Avenue;Cambridge; MA 02139-4307;United States Tejas Kirtane;Qin Huang;Hiroshi Mashimo;Gastroenterology Section;VA Boston Healthcare System/Harvard School of Medicine;150 S.Huntington Avenue;Boston;MA 02131; United States Desmond C Adler;Joseph M Schmitt;Light Lab Imaging-St Jude Medical;Inc.;Westford;MN 55117-9983;United States
Association between body mass index and erosive esophagitis:A meta-analysis
Nan Cai;Guo-Zhong Ji;Zhi-Ning Fan;Fa-Ming Zhang;ZhiFei Zhao;Wei Xu;Zheng Liu;Department of Digestive Endoscopy and Medical Center for Digestive Diseases;the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University;121 Jiangjiayuan Road;Nanjing 210011;Jiangsu Province;China Yan-Feng Wu;Department of Neurology;the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University;121 Jiangjiayuan Road; Nanjing 210011;Jiangsu Province;China
Serrated polyposis syndrome:Molecular,pathological and clinical aspects
Carla Guarinos;María Rodríguez-Soler;Research Unit;Hospital General Universitario de Alicante;03010 Alicante;Spain Cristina Sánchez-Fortún;Rodrigo Jover;Unidad de Gastroenterología;Hospital General Universitario de Alicante;03010 Alicante;Spain Cristina Alenda;Artemio Payá;Department of Pathology;Hospital General Universitario de Alicante;03010 Alicante;Spain
Concomitant lung metastasis in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Tian Yang;Jun-Hua Lu;Chuan Lin;Song Shi;Yi Wang; Meng-Chao Wu;Department of Hepatic Surgery;Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital;Second Military Medical University; Shanghai 200438;China Ting-Hao Chen;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;the First People’s Hospital of Ziyang;Ziyang 641205;Sichuan Province; China Rong-Hua Zhao;Department of Surgery;Royal University Hospital;College of Medicine University of Saskatchewan;Saskatoon;SK S7N0W8;Canada
Cost-benefit analysis of esophageal cancer endoscopic screening in high-risk areas of China
Juan Yang;Jin Niu;Chun-Xia Yang;Department of Epidemiology;West China School of Public Health;Sichuan University; Chengdu 610041;Sichuan Province;China Wen-Qiang Wei;You-Lin Qiao;Department of Epidemiology; Cancer Institute and Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College;Beijing 100021;China Zhi-Cai Liu;Department of Thoracic Surgery;Linzhou Cancer Institute;Linzhou 456550;Henan Province;China
Efficacy of mosapride citrate with polyethylene glycol solution for colonoscopy preparation
Masahiro Tajika;Yasumasa Niwa;Hiroki Kawai;Shinya Kondo;Department of Endoscopy;Aichi Cancer Center Hospital; Nagoya 464-8681;Japan Vikram Bhatia;Department of Medical Hepatology;Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences;New Delhi 110070;India Akira Sawaki;Nobumasa Mizuno;Kazuo Hara;Susumu Hijioka;Kazuya Matsumoto;Yuji Kobayashi;Akira Saeki; Asana Akabane;Kenji Yamao;Department of Gastroenterology;Aichi Cancer Center Hospital;Nagoya 464-8681;Japan Koji Komori;Department of Gastroenterological Surgery;Aichi Cancer Center Hospital;Nagoya 464-8681;Japan