Preventive effects of geranylgeranylacetone on rat ethanolinduced gastritis
Jian-Wen Ning;Jia Xu;Najeeb Sharify;Department of Emergency;the First Affiliated Hospital;College of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310003;Zhejiang Province;China Guan-Bin Lin;Department of Gastroenterology;Beilun Hospital;Ningbo 315806;Zhejiang Province;China Feng Ji;Department of Gastroenterology;the First Affiliated Hospital;College of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310003;Zhejiang Province;China
Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm caused by acute idiopathic pancreatitis
Yeon Hwa Yu;Joo Hyun Sohn;Tae Yeob Kim;Jae Yoon Jeong;Dong Soo Han;Yong Cheol Jeon;Department of Internal Medicine;Hanyang University College of Medicine;Guri;Gyunggi-Do 471-701;South Korea Min Young Kim;Department of Radiology;Hanyang University College of Medicine;Guri 471-701;South Korea
Plasma levels of acylated ghrelin in patients with functional dyspepsia
Joon Seong Lee;Tae Hee Lee;Joo Young Cho;Jin Oh Kim;Wan Jung Kim;Hyun Gun Kim;Seong Ran Jeon;Department of Internal Medicine;Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine;Soonchunhyang University Hospital;Seoul 140-743;Yeon Soo KimSouth Korea Department of Internal Medicine;Hallym University College of Medicine;Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital;Gangwon-do 200-704;South Korea Hoe Su Jeong;Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology;Hanyang University College of Medicine;222 Wangsimni-ro;Seongdong-gu;Seoul 133-792;South Korea
Antibiotic resistance and cagA gene correlation:A looming crisis of Helicobacter pylori
Adnan Khan;Amber Farooqui;Shahana Urooj Kazmi;Immunology and Infectious Diseases Research Laboratory;Department of Microbiology;University of Karachi;University Road;Karachi 75270;Pakistan Amber Farooqui;Division of Immunology;International Institute of Infection and Immunity;Shantou University Medical College;22 Xinling Road;Shantou;Guangdong 515041;China Hamid Manzoor;Syed Shakeel Akhtar;Muhammad Saeed Quraishy;Department of Surgery;Civil Hospital;Karachi 74200;Pakistan Hamid Manzoor;Syed Shakeel Akhtar;Muhammad Saeed Quraishy;Department of Medicine;Civil Hospital;Karachi 74200;Pakistan
Beneficial effects of fucoidan in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Naoki Mori;Koh Tomimori;Chie Ishikawa;Department of Microbiology and Oncology;Graduate School of Medicine;University of the Ryukyus;Nishihara;Okinawa 903-0215;Kazunori NakasoneJapan Nakasonekazu Medical Clinic;Naha;Okinawa 902-0062;Japan Koh Tomimori;Department of Psychiatry;Naha City Hospital;Naha;Okinawa 902-8511;Japan Chie Ishikawa;Transdisciplinary Research Organization for Subtropics and Island Studies;University of the Ryukyus;Nishihara;Okinawa 903-0213;Japan
Effect of soy protein supplementation in patients with chronic hepatitis C:A randomized clinical trial
Lucivalda PM Oliveira;Postgraduate Course in Medicine and Health and Nutrition Science Department;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Rosangela P de Jesus;Nutrition Science Department;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Ramona SSB Boulhosa;Lourianne N Cavalcante;Postgraduate Course in Medicine and Health;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Carlos Mauricio C Mendes;the Medicine and Health Postgraduation program;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Maria Cecilia Gnoatto;the Radiology Service;Prof.Edgard Santos University Hospital;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Denise C Lemaire;Laboratory of Immunology;Health Science Institute;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Maria Betania P Toralles;Pediatric Department;Federal University of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Andre C Lyra;Department of Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Federal University of Bahia and Gastro-hepatology Unit;Hospital S o Rafael of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil Luiz GC Lyra;the Medicine and Health Postgraduation program;Federal University of Bahia and Gastro-hepatology Unit;Hospital S o Rafael of Bahia;Bahia 40110-150;Brazil
Mycophenolate mofetil for maintenance of remission in steroid-dependent autoimmune pancreatitis
Jamie B Sodikoff;Steven A Keilin;Qiang Cai;Sheila J Bharmal;Field F Willingham;Division of Digestive Diseases;Department of Medicine;Emory University School of Medicine;Atlanta;GA 30322;United States Melinda M Lewis;Department of Pathology;Emory University School of Medicine;Atlanta;GA 30322;United States Gottumukkala S Raju;Department of Gastroenterology;the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center;Houston;TX 77030;United States
Enhanced apoptosis in post-liver transplant hepatitis C:Effects of virus and immunosuppressants
Eu Jin Lim;Peter W Angus;Liver Transplant Unit;Austin Hospital;Heidelberg;Victoria 3084;Australia Eu Jin Lim;Peter W Angus;Department of Medicine;University of Melbourne;Austin Health;Heidelberg;Victoria 3084;Australia Ruth Chin;Department of Medicine;University of Melbourne;Austin Health;Heidelberg;Victoria 3084;Australia Joseph Torresi;Department of Infectious Diseases;Austin Hospital;Heidelberg;Victoria 3084;Australia Joseph Torresi;Department of Medicine;University of Melbourne;Austin Health;Heidelberg;Victoria 3084;Australia