Adenoma incidence decreases under the effect of polypectomy
Isadora Rosa;Paulo Fidalgo;Joo P Silva;Susana M Ferro;Carlos N Leito;Gastroenterology Department;Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil;EPE;1099-023 Lisboa;Portugal Isadora Rosa;Paula Chaves;Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior;6200-506 Covilh;Portugal José Soares;Gastroenterology Department;Hospital de Santo António;EPE;4099-001 Porto;Portugal Susana Vinga;Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores:Investigao e Desenvolvimento;1000-029 Lisboa;Portugal Susana Vinga;Biostatistics Department;Faculdade de Ciências Médicas;1169-056 Lisboa;Portugal Carla Oliveira;Hospital de Santo António;EPE;4099-001 Porto;Portugal Paula Chaves;Pathology Department;Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil;EPE;1099-023 Lisboa;Portugal António G Oliveira;Biostatistics Department;Faculdade de Ciências Médicas;1169-056 Lisboa;Portugal José Soares;Gastroenterology Department;Hospital de Santo António;EPE;4099-001 Porto;Portugal
Gastric cancer incidence and mortality in Zhuanghe,China,between 2005 and 2010
Jing-Jing Jing;Yuan Yuan;Tumor Etiology and Screening Department of Cancer Institute and General Surgery;The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University;Key Laboratory of Cancer Control in Liaoning Province;Shenyang 110001;Liaoning Province;China Hui-Yuan Liu;Jin-Kuan Hao;Li-Na Wang;Yun-Ping Wang;The Center of Disease Prevention and Control;Zhuanghe 116400;Liaoning Province;China Li-Hua Sun;Office for Cancer Prevention and Control and Cancer Registry of Liaoning Province;Shenyang 110001;Liaoning Province;China
Tumors with macroscopic bile duct thrombi in non-HCC patients:Dynamic multi-phase MSCT findings
Qing-Yu Liu;Xiao-Feng Lin;Ming Gao;Department of Radiology;Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510120;Guangdong Province;China Hai-Gang Li;Department of Pathology;Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510120;Guangdong Province;China Wei-Dong Zhang;Department of Radiology;Cancer Center;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510060;Guangdong Province;China
Treatment of portal hypertension
Khurram Bari;Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao;Section of Digestive Diseases;Yale University School of Medicine;New Haven;CT and VA-Connecticut Healthcare System;West Haven;CT 06520;United States
Proteomic analysis of gastric cancer and immunoblot validation of potential biomarkers
Nina Kocevar;Radovan Komel;Medical Centre for Molecular Biology;Institute of Biochemistry;Faculty of Medicine;University of Ljubljana;Ljubljana 1000;Slovenia Federico Odreman;Alessandro Vindigni;International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Trieste;AREA Science Park;Trieste 34149;Italy Snjezana Frkovic Grazio;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Department of Gynecological Pathology and Cytology;University Clinical Hospital Ljubljana;Ljubljana 1000;Slovenia
Expression of HER2 and bradykinin B1 receptors in precursor lesions of gallbladder carcinoma
Cesar Toledo;Carola E Matus;Pamela Ehrenfeld;Carlos D Figueroa;Kanti D Bhoola;Maria T Poblete;Laboratorio de Patologia Celular;Instituto de Anatomia;Histologia y Patologia;Universidad Austral de Chile;Valdivia Box 567;Chile Ximena Barraza;Pamela Arroyo;Maeva del Pozo;Maria T Poblete;Servicio de Anatomia Patologica;Hospital Base;Valdivia 5090145;Chile Kanti D Bhoola;Lung Institute of Western Australia;Centre for Asthma and Allergy Research Institute;University of Western Australia;Perth 6006;Australia
CCL7 and CCL21 overexpression in gastric cancer is associated with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis
Tsann-Long Hwang;Shu-Fang Huang;Department of Surgery;Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Taoyuan 333;Taiwan Tsann-Long Hwang;Department of Medicine;Chang Gung University;Taoyuan 333;Taiwan Li-Yu Lee;Department of Pathology;Chang Gung Memorial Hospital;Taoyuan 333;Taiwan Chee-Chan Wang;Chi-Ming Wu;Department of Cosmetic Science;Vanung University;Chungli 320;Taiwan Ying Liang;Molecular Medicine Research Center;Chang Gung University;Taoyuan 333;Taiwan