Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis
Francesco Azzaroli;Laura Turco;Liza Ceroni;Stefania Sartoni Galloni;Federica Buonfiglioli;Claudio Calvanese;Giuseppe Mazzella;Department of Clinical Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;S.OrsolaMalpighi Hospital;University of Bologna;40138 Bologna;Italy;Department of Emergency;General Surgery and Transplantation;S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital;University of Bologna;40138 Bologna;Italy
Plasma DNA methylation of Wnt antagonists predicts recurrence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Ji-Bin Liu;Fu-Lin Qiang;Jing Dong;Jin Cai;Shu-Hui Zhou;Min-Xin Shi;Ke-Ping Chen;Zhi-Bin Hu;Institute of Life Science;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;Jiangsu Province;China;Nantong Tumor Hospital;Nantong 226361;Jiangsu Province;China Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics;Ministry of Education Key Lab for Cancer;Nanjing Medical University;Nanjing 210029;Jiangsu Province;China;School of Radiology and Public Health;Soochow University;Suzhou 215123;Jiangsu Province;China;Jiangsu Key Lab of Cancer Biomarkers;Prevention and Treatment;Cancer Center;Nanjing 210029;Jiangsu Province;China
Prognostic role of sensitive-to-apoptosis gene expression in rectal cancer
Sevgi A Ozden;Hazan Ozyurt;Zerrin Ozgen;Olca Kilinc;Mustafa Oncel;Aylin E Gul;Nimet Karadayi;Nedime Serakinci;Beki Kan;Oya Orun;Clinic of Radiation Oncology;Dr.Lütfi K|rdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital;34890 Istanbul;Turkey;Clinic of Radiation Oncology;Medical Park;81060 Istanbul;Turkey;Department of Biophysics;Marmara University School of Medicine;34668 Istanbul;Turkey;Clinic of Surgery;Dr.Lütfi K|rdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital;34890 Istanbul;Turkey;Department of Pathology;Dr.Lütfi K|rdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital;34890 Istanbul;Turkey;Telomere Aging Group;Center for IRS;Southern Denmark University;7100 Vejle;Denmark;Faculty of Medicine;Near East University;922022 Lefkosa;Mersin 10;Turkey;Department of Biophysics;Ac badem University School of Medicine;34848 Istanbul;Turkey
Erlotinib inhibits progression to dysplasia in a colitis-associated colon cancer model
Beatriz Pagán;Angel A Isidro;Myrella L Cruz;Yuan Ren;Domenico Coppola;Jie Wu;Caroline B Appleyard;Department of Physiology and Pharmacology;Ponce School of Medicine;Ponce;PR 00732;United States;Department of Molecular Oncology;H.Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute;Tampa;FL 33612;United States;Department of Anatomic Pathology;H.Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute;Tampa;FL 33612;United States
Human intestinal acyl-CoA synthetase 5 is sensitive to the inhibitor triacsin C
Elke Kaemmerer;Anne Peuscher;Andrea Reinartz;Christian Liedtke;Ralf Weiskirchen;Jürgen Kopitz;Nikolaus Gassler;Department of Pediatrics;RWTH Aachen University;Aachen;Germany and Institute of Pathology;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of Plant Biotechnology;Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology;52074 Aachen;Germany;Institute of Pathology;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Department of Medicine Ⅲ;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry;RWTH Aachen University;52074 Aachen;Germany;Institute of Pathology;University of Heidelberg;69120 Heidelberg;Germany
Proteome-based biomarkers in pancreatic cancer
Chen Sun;Ann H Rosendahl;Daniel Ansari;Roland Andersson;Department of Surgery;Clinical Sciences Lund;Skne University Hospital and Lund University;SE-221 85 Lund;Sweden;Harbin Medical University;Harbin 150081;Heilongjiang Province;China
Juvenile polyposis syndrome
Lodewijk AA Brosens;Danielle Langeveld;W Arnout van Hattem;Francis M Giardiello;G Johan A Offerhaus;Department of Pathology;University Medical Centre Utrecht;PO Box 85500;3508 GA Utrecht;The Netherlands;Department of Pathology;Academic Medical Centre;PO Box 22660;1100 DD Amsterdam;The Netherlands Division of Gastroenterology;Department of Medcine;The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine;Baltimore;MD 21205;United States