Histone modifications and alcohol-induced liver disease:Are altered nutrients the missing link?
Akshata Moghe;Swati Joshi-Barve;Smita Ghare;Leila Gobejishvili;Irina Kirpich;Craig J McClain;Shirish Barve;University of Louisville Alcohol Research Center;Louisville;KY 40292;United States Akshata Moghe;Swati Joshi-Barve;Craig J McClain;Shirish Barve;Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology;Univer-sity of Louisville;Louisville;KY 40292;United States Swati Joshi-Barve;Smita Ghare;Leila Gobejishvili;Irina Kirpich;Craig J McClain;Shirish Barve;Department of Inter-nal Medicine;Division of Gastroenterology;Hepatology and Nu-trition;University of Louisville;Louisville;KY 40292;United States Craig J McClain;Robley Rex Veterans Affairs Medical Center;Louisville;KY;40206;United States
Differential protein expression during colonic adaptation in ultra-short bowel rats
Hai-Ping Jiang; Tao Chen; Dan Chen; Department of General Surgery; the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University; Guangzhou 510630; Guangdong Province; China Guang-Rong Yan; Institute of Life and Health Engineering and National Engineering and Research Center for Genetic Medicine; Jinan University; Guangzhou 510632; Guangdong Province; China
Fibronectin: Functional character and role in alcoholic liver disease
Razia S Aziz-Seible; Department of Biomedical Sciences; Creighton University; 2500 California Plaza; Omaha; NE 68178; United States Carol A Casey; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; University of Nebraska Medical Center; 985870 Nebraska Medical Center; Omaha; NE 68198-5870; United States Carol A Casey; Department of Internal Medicine; University of Nebraska Medical Center; 986350 Nebraska Medical Center; Omaha; NE 68198-6350; United States Carol A Casey; The Liver Study Unit; Omaha Veterans Affairs Medical Center; 4101 Woolworth Avenue; Omaha; NE 68105; United States
Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension with large regenerative nodules: A diagnostic challenge
Umberto Vespasiani Gentilucci; Paolo Gallo; Giovanni Galati; Sandro Spataro; Chiara Mazzarelli; Antonella Afeltra; Antonio Picardi; Clinical Medicine and Hepatology Unit; University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome; 00128 Rome; Italy Giuseppe Perrone; Clinical Pathology; University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome; 00128 Rome; Italy Riccardo Del Vescovo; Department of Radiology; University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome; 00128 Rome; Italy Adriano Pellicelli; Hepatology Unit; San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital; 00152 Rome; Italy
Targeting collagen expression in alcoholic liver disease
Kyle J Thompson;Iain H McKillop;Department of General Sur gery;Carolinas Medical Center;Charlotte;NC 28203;United State Laura W Schrum;Liver;Digestive and Metabolic Disorder Laboratory;Carolinas Medical Center;Charlotte;NC 28203 United States
microRNAs: Fad or future of liver disease
Ashley M Lakner; Herbert L Bonkovsky; Laura W Schrum; Department of Biology; University of North Carolina at Char- lotte; Charlotte; 28223 NC; United States Herbert L Bonkovsky; Laura W Schrum; Liver; Digestive and Metabolic Disorders Laboratory; and the Liver-Biliary-Pancreatic Center; Carolinas Medical Center; Charlotte; 28203 NC; United States Herbert L Bonkovsky; Department of Medicine; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill; 27514 NC; United States Herbert L Bonkovsky; Departments of Medicine and Molecu- lar; Microbial and Structural Biology; University of Connecticut Health Center; Farmington; 06030 CT; United States