Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasonography
Nischita K Reddy;Department of Medicine;University of Texas Medical Branch;Galveston;TX 77555-0144;United States Ana Maria Ioncicǎ;Adrian Sǎftoiu;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova;Craiova 200349;Romania Peter Vilmann;Department of Surgical Gastroenterology;Gentofte and Herlev University Hospital;2730 Herlev;Copenhagen;Denmark Manoop S Bhutani;Department of Gastroenterology;Hepatology and Nutrition-Unit 1466;University of Texas;MD Anderson Cancer Center;Houston;TX 77030-4009;United States
S100A4 over-expression underlies lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in colorectal cancer
Li-Yong Huang;Ye Xu;Guo-Xiang Cai;Zu-Qing Guan;SanJun Cai;Department of Colorectal Surgery;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Shanghai 200032;China Li-Yong Huang;Ye Xu;Guo-Xiang Cai;Zu-Qing Guan;Wei-Qi Sheng;Hong-Fen Lu;San-Jun Cai;Department of Oncology;Shanghai Medical College;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China Wei-Qi Sheng;Hong-Fen Lu;Department of Pathology;Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center;Shanghai 200032;China Li-Qi Xie;Hao-Jie Lu;Department of Chemistry;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China Li-Qi Xie;Hao-Jie Lu;Institute of Biomedical Sciences;Fudan University;Shanghai 200032;China
Contrast-enhanced and targeted ultrasound
Michiel Postema;Emmy Noether Research Group;Institute of Medical Engineering;Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences;Ruhr-Universit t Bochum;44780 Bochum;Germany Department of Physics and Technology;Un versity of Bergen;5007 Bergen;Norway Department of Engineering;The University of Hull;Kingston upon Hull HU6 7RX;United Kingdom Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire;UPR 4301 CNRS affiliated to the University of Orléans;45071 Orléans;France Odd Helge Gilja;National Center for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology;Department of Medicine;Haukeland University Hospital;5021 Bergen;Norway Institute of Medicine;University of Bergen 5007 Bergen;Norway
Impact of diet on long-term decline in gastric cancer incidence in Poland
Mirosaw Jarosz;Ewa Rychlik;Department of Dietetics and Nutrition in Hospitals with Clinic of Metabolic Diseases and Gastroenterology;National Food and Nutrition Institute;02-903 Warsaw;Poland Wodzimierz Sekua;Katarzyna Figurska;Independent Laboratory of the Economics of Food and Nutrition;National Food and Nutrition Institute;02-903 Warsaw;Poland
Effect of ginger on gastric motility and symptoms of functional dyspepsia
Ming-Luen Hu;Keng-Liang Wu;Seng-Kee Chuah;WeiChen Tai;Yeh-Pin Chou;Yi-Chun Chiu;King-Wah Chiu;Tsung-Hui Hu;Division of Hepatogastroenterology;Department of Internal Medicine;Chang Gung Memorial HospitalKaohsiung Medical Center;Chang Gung University College of Medicine;Kaohsiung 83301;Taiwan Christophan K Rayner;Discipline of Medicine;University of Adelaide;Royal Adelaide Hospital;Adelaide SA 5000;Australia
Confocal laser endomicroscopy and immunoendoscopy for real-time assessment of vascularization in gastrointestinal malignancies
Dan Ionut Gheonea;Tatiana Crtnǎ;Tudorel Ciurea;Adrian Sǎftoiu;Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova;Craiova 200349;Romania Dan Ionu Gheonea;Physiology Department;University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest;Bucharest 050474;Romania Carmen Popescu;Cytology Laboratory;Emergency Hospital Craiova;Craiova 200642;Romania Anca Bǎdǎrǎu;Physiology Department;University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest;Bucharest 050474;Romania
Surgical vs percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma in dangerous locations
Ji-Wei Huang;Lu-Nan Yan;Hong Wu;Zhe-Yu Chen;Pankaj Prasoon;Yong Zeng;Department of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery;Division of Liver Transplantation;West China Hospital;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041;Sichuan Province;China Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro;Kristopher P Croome;Department of Surgery;University of Western Ontario;Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Surgery;London Health Sciences Centre;London Ontario;N6A 4S2;Canada
Endoscopic management of occluded biliary uncovered metal stents:A multicenter experience
Panagiotis Katsinelos;Athanasios Beltsis;Grigoris Chatzimavroudis;Sotiris Terzoudis;Kostas Fasoulas;Stefanos Atmatzidis;Department of Endoscopy and Motility Unit;"G.Gennimatas" General Hospital;55132;Thessaloniki;Greece Dimitris Paikos;Georgia Lazaraki;Ioannis Pilpilidis;Department of Gastroenterology;Theagenion Anticancer Hospital;54642;Thessaloniki;Greece George Paroutoglou;Department of Gastroenterology;University Hospital of Thessaly;41222;Larissa;Greece Dimitris Kapetanos;Department of Gastroenterology;"G.Papanikolaou" General Hospital;55236;Thessaloniki;Greece Christos Zavos;Jannis Kountouras;2nd Department of Internal Medicine;Medical School;Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;Ippokration Hospital;54642;Thessaloniki;Greece
Peroral cholangioscopy in the new millennium
Mansour A Parsi;Center for Endoscopy and Pancreatobiliary Dis-orders;Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology;Digestive Disease Institute;Cleveland Clinic;Cleveland;OH 44195;United States