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World Journal of Gastroenterology
2006 Issue 22
Expression of E-selectin, integrinβ1 and immunoglobulin superfamily member in human gastric carcinoma cells and its clinicopathologic significance
Jin-Jing Ke; Qin-Shu Shao; Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital; Hangzhou 310014; Zhejiang Province; China Zhi-Qiang Ling; Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences; Hangzhou 310013; Zhejiang Province; China
Gene expression profiling defined pathways correlated with fibroblast cell proliferation induced by Opisthorchis viverrini excretory /secretory product
Chanitra Thuwajit; Peti Thuwajit; Daoyot Daorueang; Sopit Wongkham; Department of Biochemistry; Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Center; Faculty of Medicine; Khon Kaen University; Khon Kaen 40002; Thailand Sasithorn Kaewkes; Department of Parasitology; Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Center; Faculty of Medicine; Khon Kaen University; Khon Kaen 40002; Thailand Kazuhiko Uchida; Masanao Miwa; Institute of Basic Medical Science; University of Tsukuba; Tsukuba; Ibaraki 305-8575; Japan Supported by the Thailand Research Fund; Grant No. TRG4880004 and the Grants of Khon Kaen University 2004 and 2006; Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education; Science; Sports and Culture of Japan; the Grant for Student of Liver Fluke and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Center; Faculty of Medicine; Khon Kaen University; 2003-2005
Instructions to authors
Peliosis hepatis as an early histological finding in idiopathic portal hypertension: A case report
Annalisa Berzigotti; Donatella Magalotti; Paola Zappoli; Marco Zoli; Dipartimento di Medicina Intema; Cardioangiologia; Epatologia; Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi; Universita di Bologna; Italy Cristina Rossi; Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche ed Istocitopatologiche; Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi; Universita di Bologna; Italy Francesco Callea; Servizio di Anatomia Patologica; Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu; IRCCS; Roma; Italy
Synchronous and metachronous occurrence of gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric lymphoma: A review of the literature
Erhan Hamaloglu; Arif Ozdemir; Ahmet Ozenc; Department of Surgery; School of Medicine; Hacettepe University; 06100 Sihhiye; Ankara; Turkey Serdar Topaloglu; First Department of Surgery; Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital; 06100 Sihhiye; Ankara; Turkey
Role of microbubble ultrasound contrast agents in the non-invasive assessment of chronic hepatitis C-related liver disease
Scott Grier; Nayna Patel; Jeremy FL Cobbold; Howard C Thomas; Simon D Taylor-Robinson; Liver Unit; St Mary’s Hospital Campus; Faculty of Medicine; Imperial College London; London; United Kingdom Adrian KP Lim; Isobel J Cox; Department of Imaging Sciences; Hammersmith Hospital Campus; Faculty of Medicine; Imperial College London; London; United Kingdom
The vital threat of an upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Risk factor analysis of 121 consecutive patients
Peter Schemmer; Frank Decker; Genevieve Dei-Anane; Klaus Buhl; Christian Herfarth; Stefan Riedl; Deptartment of General Surgery; Ruprecht-Karls-University; 69120 Heidelberg; Germany Volkmar Henschel; Institute for Statistics and Medical Biometry; Ruprecht-Karls-University; 69120 Heidelberg; Germany
Noni juice is not hepatotoxic
Brett J West; C Jarakae Jensen; Research and Development Department; Tahitian Noni International; American Fork; Utah; United States Johannes Westendorf; University Medical School of Hamburg; Department of Toxicology; Hamburg; Germany
Bioinformatic approach for understanding the heterogeneity of cholangiocytes
Koji Fukushima; Yoshiyuki Ueno; Division of Gastroenterology; Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine; Seiryo; Aobaku; Sendai; 980-8574; Japan
Heterogeneity of the intrahepatic biliary epithelium
Shannon Glaser; Department of Medicine; Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Memorial Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Heather Francis; Sharon DeMorrow; Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Memorial Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Gene LeSage; University of Texas at Houston Medical School; Houston; TX. United States Giammarco Fava; Marco Marzioni; Department of Gastroenter-ology; Universita Politecnica delle Marche; Azienda Ospedaliera "Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona" Ancona; Italy Julie Venter; Department of Medicine; Scott & White Memorial Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Gianfranco Alpini; Central Texas Veterans Health Care System; Department of Medicine; Systems Biology and Translational Medicine; Scott & White Memorial Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States
Cholangiocytes and blood supply
Eugenic Gaudio; Antonio Franchitto; Luigi Pannarale; Guido Carpino; Department of Human Anatomy; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Rome; Italy Domenico Alvaro; Division of Gastroenterology; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Rome; Italy; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Polo Pontino; Latina; Italy Gianfranco Alpini; Central Texas Veterans Health Care System; and Department of Medicine and Systems Biology and Translational Medicine; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Heather Francis; Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Shannon Glaser; Department of Medicine and Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Domenico Alvaro; Division of Gastroenterology; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Rome; Italy; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Polo Pontino; Latina; Italy Paolo Onori; Department of Experimental Medicine; Section of Human and Clinical Anatomy; State University of L’Aquila; L’Aquila; Italy
Estrogens and the pathophysiology of the biliary tree
Domenico Alvaro; Maria Grazia Mancino; Division of Gastroenterology; University of Rome; "La Sapienza" Rome; Italy Domenico Alvaro; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Polo Pontino; Latina; Italy Gianfranco Alpini; Shannon Glaser; Department of Medicine; The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine; Scott & White Hospital; Temple; TX 76504; United States Gianfranco Alpini; Research; Central Texas Veterans Health Care System; Scott & White Hospital; Temple; TX 76504; United States Gianfranco Alpini; Systems Biology and Translational Medicine; The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine; TX 76504; United States Heather Francis; Shannon Glaser; Division of R&E; Scott & White Hospital; Temple; TX 76504; United States Paolo Onori; Department of Experimental Medicine; Section of Human and Clinical Anatomy; State University of L’Aquila; L’ Aquila; Italy Antonio Franchitto; Eugenio Gaudio; Department of Anatomy; University of Rome "La Sapienza" Rome; Italy
Apoptosis of human colon carcinoma HT-29 cells induced by ceramide
Xiao-Feng Zhang; Bai-Xiang Li; Rui Ren; Department of toxicology; Public Health College; Harbin Medical University; Harbin 150081; Heilongjiang Province; China Chun-Yan Dong; Department of Digestive Medicine; Changhai Hospital; Shanghai 200433; China
Bile acid interactions with cholangiocytes
Xuefeng Xia; Gene LeSage; University of Texas at Houston Medical School; Houston; TX; United States Heather Francis; Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Shannon Glaser; Department of Medicine; Division of Research and Education; Scott & White Hospital and The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center; College of Medicine; Temple; TX; United States Gianfranco Alpini; Central Texas Veterans Health Care System; and Department of Medicine and Systems Biology and Translational Medicine; United States
Biliary wound healing, ductular reactions, and IL-6/gp130 signaling in the development of liver disease
A J Demetris; John G LunzⅢ; Susan Specht; The Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute. Departments of Pathology. Division of Transplantation; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; Pittsburgh; PA 15213; United States Isao Nozaki; National Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital; Department of Surgery; 13 Horinouchi; Matsuyama; 790-0007; Japan
Nervous and Neuroendocrine regulation of the pathophysiology of cholestasis and of biliary carcinogenesis
Marco Marzioni; Giammarco Fava; Antonio Benedetti; Department of Gastroenterology; Universita Politecnica delle Marche; via Tronto 10; 60020 Ancona; Italy
Effect of abdominal trauma on hemorrhagic shock-induced acute lung injury in rats
Bulent Kilicoglu; Kemal Kismet; Department of Surgery; Ankara Training and Research Hospital; Ulucanlar; Ankara;Turkey Erol Eroglu; Department of Surgery; Suleyman Demirel University School of Medicine; Isparta; Turkey Sibel Serin Kilicoglu; Department of Histology and Embryology; Ankara University School of Medicine; Ankara; Turkey Fusun Eroglu; Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation; Suleyman Demirel University School of Medicine; Isparta; Turkey
Hepatocellular carcinoma in Lebanon: Etiology and prognostic factors associated with short-term survival
Cesar Yaghi; Ala I Sharara; Paul Rassam; Rami Moucari; Khalil Honein; Joseph BouJaoude; Rita Slim; Roger Noun; Raymond Sayegh; Service de Gastroenterologie; Hotel Dieu de France University Hospital; Beirut; Lebanon Ala I Sharara; Heitham Abdul-Baki; Mohamad Khalifeh; Departments of Internal Medicine and Surgery; American University of Beirut Medical Center; Beirut; Lebanon Paul Rassam; Service de Gastroenterologie; Hopital Saint Georges; Beirut; Lebanon
Roles of syndecan-1, bcl6 and p53 in diagnosis and prognostication of immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
Kim Vaiphei; Neeraj Kumari; Kusum Joshi; Department of Histopathology; PGIMER; Chandigarh; India Saroj Kant Sinha; Usha Dutta; Birinder Nagi; Kartar Singh; Department of Gastroenterology; PGIMER; Chandigarh; India
Calcium signaling in cholangiocytes
Noritaka Minagawa; Barbara E Ehrlich; Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology Yale University School of Medicine; New Haven; CT; United States Michael H Nathanson; Section of Digestive Diseases; Yale University School of Medicine; 1 Gilbert Street; Room TAC S241D; New Haven; CT 06519; United States
Cholangiocyte anion exchange and biliary bicarbonate excretion
Jesus M Banales; Jesus Prieto; Juan F Medina; Laboratory of Molecular Genetics; Division of Gene Therapy and Hepatology; University of Navarra School of Medicine; Clinica Universitaria and CIMA; Pamplona; Spain
Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment of vanishing bile duct syndromes
Thomas Pusl; Ulrich Beuers; Department of Medicine Klinikum Grosshadern; University of Munich; Germany