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Journal of Inorganic Materials
2014 Issue 1
Some Hot Topics in Electroceramics Research
LI Yong-Xiang;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Large Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Materials
LU Sheng-Guo;TANG Xin-Gui;WU Shang-Hua;ZHANG Qi-Ming;School of Materials and Energy;Guangdong University of Technology;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;Guangdong University of Technology;School of Electromechanical Engineering;Guangdong University of Technology;Department of Electrical Engineering and Materials Research Institute;The Pennsylvania State University;University Park;
(K, Na)NbO3-based Lead-free Piezoceramics: Status, Prospects and Challenges
WANG Ke;SHEN Zong-Yang;ZHANG Bo-Ping;LI Jing-Feng;State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials;Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Preparation of 0.84(K0.48Na0.52)NbO3-0.16K0.56Li0.38NbO2.97 Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics by Multi-layer Process
ZHANG Zhi-Qiang;LIU Zhi-Fu;LI Yong-Xiang;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of Sn Content on the Phase Structure and Electrical Properties of PbSnO3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Ternary Ceramics
WANG Da-Wei;ZHAO Quan-Liang;CAO Mao-Sheng;CUI Yan;ZHANG Shu-Jun;College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;North China University of Technology;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Materials Research Institute;Pennsylvania State University;University Park;
Structure and Properties of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1-xSnx)O3 Lead-free Ceramics with High Piezoelectric Constant
JIANG Xiang-Ping;LI Lu;CHEN Chao;TANG Jie;ZHENG Kai-Ping;LI Xiao-Hong;Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute;
First-principles Study of Intergrowth Bismuth Layer-structured Ferroelectric Bi7Ti4NbO21
LIU Feng;LU Yi-Qing;LI Yong-Xiang;The Key Laboratory of Inorganic Functional Materials and Devices;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Preparation and Characterization on Piezo-/Ferro-electric Properties of(1-x)(KNN+LT)+xBI Ceramics
CHU Tao;AI Liao-Dong;LONG Xi-Fa;Key Laboratory of Optoelectric Materials Chemistry and Physics;Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Growth and Characterization of a New Lead Lutetium Niobate with Lead Titanate Ferroelectric Crystal
LIU Ying;LONG Xi-Fa;Key Laboratory of Optoelectric Materials Chemistry and Physics;Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Preparation and Dielectric Properties of (BaxSr1-x)TiO3/Mg2TiO4 Composite Ceramics with A Functionally Graded Structure
LI Jun;WANG Xu-Sheng;CHAI Xiao Na;LIU Peng;Functional Materials Research Laboratory;Tongji University;School of Physics and Electronics;Fuyang Normal College;College of Physics and Information Technology;Shaanxi Normal University;
Structure and Dielectric Relaxation Behavior of Rutile-type FeTiNbO6 Ceramics
WANG Sai;HOU Yu-Dong;ZHENG Mu-Peng;Duan Cheng-Hui;ZHU Man-Kang;YAN Hui;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Giant Dielectric-permittivity Property of NaCu3Ti3NbO12 and NaCu3Ti3SbO12 Ceramics and Low Dielectric Loss in NaCu3Ti3SbO12 Ceramics
HAO Wen-Tao;XU Pan-Pan;ZHANG Jia-Liang;CAO En-Si;PENG Hua;Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control Systems;Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Physics and Optoelectronics;Taiyuan University of Technology;School of Physics;Shandong University;
Dielectric Property of High Density CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics
HAO Wen-Tao;ZHANG Jia-Liang;XU Pan-Pan;CAO En-Si;PENG Hua;Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control Systems;Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Physics and Optoelectronics;Taiyuan University of Technology;School of Physics;Shandong University;
Preparation and Dielectric Properties of the Three-phase Composites of Graphite Oxide/Barium Titanate/Epoxy Resin
KOU Si-Wang;YU Shu-Hui;SUN Rong;YANG Hai-Peng;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Giant Magnetodielectric Effect and Magnetic Properties of Ho0.5Pr0.5FeO3 Ceramics
XIE Hui;YUAN Shu-Juan;KANG Bao-Juan;LU Bo;CAO Shi-Xun;ZHANG Jin-Cang;Department of Physics;Shanghai University;Laboratory for Microstructures;Shanghai University;
Influence of CaSi Oxide on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Sr1-xLaxFe11.6-xCoxO19 Hexaferrite
CHEN Zhong-Yan;FENG Ze-Kun;ZHAN Zhen-Hua;WU Jie;School of Optical and Electronic Information;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;JPMF GuangDong Co.;Ltd.;
Preparation and Electrical Properties of (LaMn0.8Al0.2O3)1-x(Al2O3x(0.05≤x≤0.2) NTC Ceramics
ZHAO Li-Jun;ZHANG Hui-Min;CHANG Ai-Min;ZHAO Peng-Jun;ZHANG Bo;ZHANG Bing-Yin;Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices under Special Environments;Chinese Academy of sciences;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Materials and Devices;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of Y Substitution on Electrical Properties of Yn(Ba0.8Bi0.2)1–nFe0.9Sn0.1O3 Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistor Ceramics
YUAN Chang-Lai;LUO Ying;ZHOU Xiu-Juan;YANG Yun;CHEN Guo-Hua;LIU Xin-Yu;School of Material Science and Engineering;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Guilin Academy of Air Force;
Preparation and Corona Resistant of Polyimide/TiO2 Nanocomposite Films
KONG Yu-Nan;YIN Jing-Hua;TIE Wen-Lu;LIU Xiao-Xu;SONG Ming-Xin;LEI Qing-Quan;School of Applied Science;Harbin University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectric and its Application;Ministry of Education;Harbin University of Science and Technology;
Growth of Low-dimensional ZnO Materials on Graphite Substrate
ZHANG Zhi-Kun;ZHANG Yu-Zhi;BIAN Ji-Ming;SUN Jing-Chang;QIN Fu-Wen;LIU Wei-Feng;LUO Ying-Min;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Inorganic Coating Materials of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physics and Electronic Tech-nology;Liaoning Normal University;
Photoluminescence in Multifunctional Ferroelectrics: Pr-doped SrBi2Ta2O9
PENG Deng-Feng;ZOU Hua;LI Jun;CAO Qiu-Feng;HUI Xin-Wei;WANG Xu-Sheng;Functional Materials Research Laboratory;Tongji University;National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;Department of Physics and Materials Science;City University of Hong Kong;