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Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
2015 Issue 5
LLCHEN-A distributed hydrological model based on GIS and water resources prediction
LI Lan;CHEN Pan;MENG Jie;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;Water Resources Security Collaborative Innovation Center in Hubei Province;
Number net theory and sparse grid theory for stochastic modelling of saturated and unsaturated flow simulation
LAI Bin;CAI Shuying;YANG Jinzhong;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
Urban waterlogging model for Dongguan City
CHEN Yangbo;ZHOU Haolan;ZHANG Hui;DU Guoming;CHEN Junhe;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-sen University;Key Laboratory of Urban Processes of Guangdong Province;Bureau of Water Affairs of Huizhou City;
Study of evolution of water level in Poyang Lake and impact factors
DENG Zhimin;ZHANG Xiang;XIAO Yang;PAN Guoyan;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Water Resources Security;Wuhan University;Changjiang Water Resources Protection Institute;Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Bureau;
Mid-long-term prediction of floods at Lutaizi and Bengbu stations with commensurability method and grey relating analysis and pattern recognition method
HUANG Jinfeng;XIA Jun;DU Hong;ZHANG Liping;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;Reasearch Institute for Water Security;Wuhan University;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Water Resources Security;Wuhan University;
Reinforcement design methods for hydraulic concrete structures based on American specification
ZHANG Zhimin;SU Kai;WU Hegao;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
Advances in application of high performance computing to hydaulic structure numerical simulation
LAI Junjie;HE Ji;XIANG Qian;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
Experimental study of energy dissipator optimization of flood discharging structure of Chushandian hydropower station
HU Tao;WANG Junxing;LIU Jiachun;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;Enshi Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Quality Supervision Station;
Impact of early age temperature rising again on high arch dam stress
HUA Youhe;ZHOU Wei;LAI Guowei;ZHANG Chao;LI Liang;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
Research on methods of dam deformation monitoring model based on RVM theory
DU Chuanyang;ZHENG Dongjian;State Key Laboratory of Hydrology;Water Resources & Hydraulic Engineering;Hohai University;College of Water Conservancy & Hydropower Engineering;Hohai University;
Experimental research on seismic behavior of wall component with double steel plate and infill concrete
ZHANG Youjia;LI Xiaojun;College of Architecture Engineering;Northeast Dianli University;Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Durability test method and standard of asphalt pavement under salty and humid environment
ZHANG Zhengqi;WANG Zhixiang;LI Zhihong;GUO Hanping;Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education;Chang’an University;
Experimental study of using water mist segment as a fire compartment in tunnels
FANG Zheng;LUO Ke;SUN Jiayun;WANG Junheng;YUAN Jianping;School of Civil and Architectural Engineering;Wuhan University;
Analysis of transient characteristics of photovoltaic grid-connected system considering voltage fluctuation and illumination variation
TIAN Chunzheng;JIANG Xiaoling;DING Yan;GUAN Chaojie;JIN Jin;HU Po;State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Economic Research Institute;School of Electrical Engineering;Wuhan University;
Influence of photovoltaic penetration on power system frequency and its control strategy
JIANG Xiaoliang;DING Yan;QUAN Shaoli;GUAN Zhaojie;CHEN Li;HU Po;State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Economic Research Institute;School of Electrical Engineering;Wuhan University;
Analysis of small-signal stability of improved droop control of microgrid
YANG Tao;LU Gang;XU Jing;WEN Wu;Yichang Power Supply Company;School of Electrical Power Engineering;Wuhan University;
Early warning of ice-coating of transmission lines based on grey prediction method and real-time graphs
HOU Hui;LU Zeyan;DONG Zhaoyang;HE Xiongkai;YI Zefeng;TANG Aihong;School of Automation;Wuhan University of Technology;Electric Power Research Institute;China Southern Power Grid;School of Electrical and Information Engineering;The University of Sydney;Central Southern China Power Design Institute;
Line loss calculation of distribution network based on power flow iteration
QU Bingbing;ZHUAN Xiangtao;CUI Xue;School of Power and Mechanical Engineering;Wuhan University;School of Electrical Engineering;Wuhan University;
Research on method for evaluating braking energy recovery efficiency of battery electric vehicles
ZHANG Yan;DENG Yadong;LI Mengliang;XU Yueyun;KE Yongguo;YU Yang;Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components;Wuhan University of Technology;China Automotive Technology Research Center;
Moving target tracking based on Kalman predictor and multi-featured Camshift algorithm
WAN Zhongtian;XIAN Zhongye;HU Mingyu;CHEN Li;WANG Wen;XIAO Jilai;Foshan Power Supply Bureau;Guangdong Power Grid Co.;Ltd.;System Integration and Fault Diagnosis Laboratory;Wuhan University;Huawei Technologies Co.;Ltd.;
Slippage identification and fuzzy control for driving wheels of inspection robots along high-voltage transmission lines
XU Xianjin;WU Gongping;ZHENG Tuo;WANG Wei;ZHONG Fei;ZHANG Changhan;YANG Xiaojun;JI Yongqin;Hubei University of Technology;School of Power and Mechanical Engineering;Wuhan Universtiy;
Curve reconstruction from scattered plane points using cruster algorithm
ZHANG Caixian;PENG Xiaoling;WANG Xuewen;XU Zekai;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Department of Geographic Base Information;Shanxi Province;School of Life Science and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Communication pattern of multimedia gateway for emergency scheduling
XU Zengmin;HU Ruimin;CHEN Jun;YU Wei;FU Youming;LI Jun;National Engineering Research Center for Multimedia Software;School of Computer;Wuhan University;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Cryptography and Information Security;School of Mathematics and Computational Science;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;School of Electronic and Automation;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
DTN-based interconnection technique for heterogeneous space networks
ZHOU Hongbin;LI Yong;WU Jing;JIANG Hao;LI Wenxiang;The 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;School of Electronic Information;Wuhan University;School of Information Science and Engineering;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;