Urban waterlogging model for Dongguan City
CHEN Yangbo;ZHOU Haolan;ZHANG Hui;DU Guoming;CHEN Junhe;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-sen University;Key Laboratory of Urban Processes of Guangdong Province;Bureau of Water Affairs of Huizhou City;
Study of evolution of water level in Poyang Lake and impact factors
DENG Zhimin;ZHANG Xiang;XIAO Yang;PAN Guoyan;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Water Resources Security;Wuhan University;Changjiang Water Resources Protection Institute;Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Bureau;
Communication pattern of multimedia gateway for emergency scheduling
XU Zengmin;HU Ruimin;CHEN Jun;YU Wei;FU Youming;LI Jun;National Engineering Research Center for Multimedia Software;School of Computer;Wuhan University;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Cryptography and Information Security;School of Mathematics and Computational Science;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;School of Electronic and Automation;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;