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Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
2008 Issue 5
lun dian zhai deng
On the Ambiguous Theme of Young Goodman Brown
ZHOU Xiao-chuan;GAN Wen-ping
The Death Consciousness of Fei Ming's Novel
TAO Li-ping
Construction of Ethics of Literature and Art
ZENG Mei-qin
Development of Farmer Cooperative Economic Organization in Developed Countries and Its Enlightenment
XIAO Xiang-xiong;FENG Fei;XIONG Wen-hua
On Young People's Political Participation via the Internet
LI Shang-qi
The Concept of Republican Citizenship and Its Value
ZHANG Chang-lin
A Brief Analysis of Ancient Chinese Female Underwear
DU Juan
The Morals Interpretation of Aesthetic Modernity
CHEN Hai-ying
Fire and Water:Comparison and Review of Vitality between West and East
Taoism and the Spirit of "Beauty in No Trace" in Poetics
TU Cheng-ri
On the Educational Equity from the Viewpoint of Harmonious Society
WU Shu-xian;LI Qin
Transformation Target and Its Paths For the Development of Entrepreneurial Faculty
LI Zhi-feng;GONG Chun-fen
Ethical Justification on the Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods
ZHU Wen-hua;MAO Xin-zhi