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Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering
2002 Issue 2
Schiller and His Aesthetic Anthropology
zhang yu neng
On Schiller's Aesthetic Theory
lei wu feng
On the Aesthetic Function of Film and Television
zeng yao nong
Modernity and Analysis of Modern Discourse
wang kai
On the Essence of the Artistic Activity
ding san dong
On Aristotle's Analysis of Being
hua feng
Character, Mode and Personal Qualification of Scientific Creationary Thought
kang cun hui ; cao ju hua
The Inner Theoretical Bases of Foregrounding
luo zuo lun ; liu qiong
Erecting the Rainbow of Life--on D.H Lawrence's Raimbow
liu ji hua
Research on Global Logistics of US Enterprise
wang hui
The System Restrictions of Further Enlarging Domestic Demands
wang cun yuan
How to Make Green Products Nearing Consumers
zhang cai hua
Homogeneous Principle and Cadre's Specialization
yuan wen yi
Simple Discussion on Modern Internet Library
tu zuo jun ; huang jing dong
Research on Description Method of DC Subject Element
rao yan
Relation between Social Practice and Innovation Education
xia xuan yu ; luo jin yin
A Stylistic Analysis of The Death of Hitler
zeng ling zhou
On the Role of Time in the Novel The Great Gatsby
zhang hong