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Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
2001 Issue 12
2001 nian zong mu lu
Venture of State-owned Bank Industry and Its Countermeasu res
han ping ; wang qiang
Study on the Internationalization of Chinese High-tech In dustries
peng yi xin ; zou shan gang
The Algorithm Analyzing of Key and the Design of Authe ntication in CA Based on PKI Technology
zhang hu yin ; wu jian jiang ; kou ning
IP QoS Discuss
tian bin ; xie zuo
The Design of Rubidium Maser Phase-locked Receiver
chen yong tai ; liu chao
Improvement Strategy for Web Response Performance in Netwo rk Education
xia hong xia ; zhao guang hui ; li hui ; zhao li jie
Analysis of Structure and Strength of FRPM Pipes Unde r Ground Use
zhang yuan ; liu hong bo
Study on Thermodynamic Properties of Processes
yu hua guang ; zou teng jun ; liu yi ; qu song sheng
Study and Discussion on Self-compacting Concrete Appli cation
chen zuo ; liu zhen
The Interfacial Characteristic of Steel Fiber Reinfor ced Polymer Cement Composites
hu long quan ; wu shao peng ; nan ce wen ; hu shu guang
Design and Study of the Fiber Optic Sensing Safety Supervi sory System
jiang de sheng ; qi yao bin ; li yan
The Numerical Algorithm of the Rail System Vibration Simulation for High-speed Moving Load
xie wei ping ; yu yan li ; li hong bing
Environmental Quality Assessment by Fuzzy Mathematics Method
yang wen dong
Synthesis of Nanosized SiO2 /Silicone /Acrylic Ester Com plex Emulsion
pang jin xing ; xiong yan ; zhang chao can ; wu li li
Study on Temperature-resistivity Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites
wang jun ; yang xiao li ; liu dong ; wang xiang ; wang lue