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Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
2006 Issue 5
Dual Nationality in the Perspective of Globalization
XIAO Yongping;GUO Minglei
Study on Transference of Debt under English Law
GAN Yong
Channel of Natural Law's Effectuation on Positive Law
WANG Yanlin
On Public Interest and Public Use
LOU Liming
Study on Restraint and Psychological Prevention from Criminal Desire
On Political Technique
FANG Shengju
Researching Way and Analyzing Angle of Humanistic Politics
LIU Junxiang
Improving the Security System of Minimum Living Cost for Rural Residents
DENG Dasong;WU Xiaowu
Analyses of the Public Information Privatization
XIA Yikun
Housing Moneytarization Reform and Social Justice
ZHU Yapeng
On Harmonious Spirit of XUN kuang's Theory
XIA Shuyun
On Mr.LIU Jianquan's Thought of Human Nature
OUYANG Zhenren
Economic Freedom:An Androgenic Ethics Quality of Market Economy
LONG Jingyun
Discussion of Counting of Microcosmic Green GDP
Modern Finance:Subject,Framework & Rules
ZHANG Zhaoguo;ZHANG Wuxin;JIANG Houfeng
Financial Culture & Science of Financial Culture
XIA Ming;YANG Chunpu