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Geomatics and Information Science of Wunan University
2014 Issue 10
Progress in Inversion for Tectonic Stress-strain Fields Using Geodetic Data
XU Caijun;YIN Zhi;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy;Ministry of Education;
Practical Methods for the Downward Continuation of Airborne Gravity Data in the Sea Area
HUANG Motao;OUYANG Yongzhong;LIU Min;ZHAI Guojun;DENG Kailiang;Navel Institute of Hydrographic Surveying and Charting;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Institute of Geospatial Information;Information Engineering University;
Estimation of Sea Ice Thickness at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica Based on a Combination of GPS and Tide Observations
XIE Surui;LI Fei;ZHAO Jiechen;ZHANG Shengkai;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Polar Surveying and Mapping;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center;State Oceanic Administration;
Application of Doppler Smoothing Pseudo-Range in GPS/INS Tightly-Coupled Navigation
ZHENG Nanshan;LI Zengke;China University of Mining and Technology;NASG Key Laboratory for Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics;
A New Time Synchronization System Based on the GEO ISLs
ZHENG Kun;DONG Xurong;YANG Yang;LI Xiaoyu;The Academy of Equipment;
Research on Common Mode Error Extraction Method for Large-Scale GPS Network
XIE Shuming;PAN Pengfei;ZHOU Xiaohui;Wuhan Geomatic Institute;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Investigation to Discontinuity in the IGS Final Ephemeris and Corresponding Treatment
LIU Yanyan;YE Shirong;JIANG Peng;HUANG Zhihua;CHEN Hao;DU Zhongjin;Rearch Center of GNSS;Wuhan University;Central and Southern China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;The Ninth Department of Overall Design Chinese Aerospace Science and Industry Group;Fujian Surveying and Mapping Institute;
Adaptive Collocation Based on Anisotropic Covariance Function
ZHANG Juqing;HAO Rong;ZHANG Qin;NIE Jianliang;School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics;Chang’an University;Open Research Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering;Land and Resources Ministry;Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Bureau of Shaanxi Province;
Single Epoch Ambiguity Resolution Success Rates Under Modified Objective Function Without Prior Baseline Information
ZHANG Liang;LV Hanfeng;WU Jie;College of Aerospace and Material Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
An Algorithm for the Multiview Target Point Cloud Global Registration
YANG Ronghua;LV Meiying;HUA Xianghong;School of Civil Engineering;Chongqing University;College of Mathematics Science;Chongqing Normal University;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Monitoring of Antarctic Sea Ice Based on the Multichannel MODIS Data
ZHANG Xin;ZHOU Chunxia;E Dongchen;AN Jiachun;Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping;Wuhan University;Changjiang Institute of Survey;Planning;Design and Research;
Detection and Correction of Phase Unwrapping Errors in InSAR Time Series Analysis with Discrete Coherent Points
LI Yongsheng;ZHANG Jingfa;LI Zhenhong;JIANG Wenliang;LUO Yi;ZHAO Yong;Key Laboratory of Crustal Dynamics;Institute of Crustal Dynamics;China Earthquake Administration;Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences;Newcastle University;Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering;
Phase Correlation Supported Low Altitude Images Matching with Repeated Texture
HE Haiqing;ZHANG Yongjun;HUANG Shengxiang;Faculty of Geomatics;East China Institute of Technology;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;
A Gross Error Detection Method of Vehicle-borne Cubic Panoramic Image Sequence
ZHANG Zhengpeng;JIANG Wanshou;ZHANG Jing;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;School of Geomatics;Liaoning Technical University;
Precise Registration of Scattered Cloud Data Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization
HAN Xianquan;ZHU Qing;DING Yulin;ZHOU Dongbo;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention Department;Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute;Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Institute of Space and Earth Information Science;the Chinese University of Hong Kong;National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning Science Hall;Huazhong Normal University;
3DBuilding Facades and Roofs Objects Extraction from Pixel Height Map
HUANG Min’er;DU Zhiqiang;ZHU Qing;ZHANG Yeting;HU Han;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;
Automatic Extraction of Building Roofs from LiDAR Data Using a Hybridized Method
GAO Guang;MA Hongchao;ZHANG Liang;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;
Sub-pixel Location of Feature Point Based on Taylor Expansion and Its Application
XIAO Xiongwu;GUO Bingxuan;PAN Fei;ZHANG Chunsen;XUE Wanchang;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;College of Geomatics;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
Intelligent Monitoring for Dense Crowd Using a Fisheye Camera
HU Xuemin;ZHENG Hong;GUO Lin;School of Physics and Electronics;Hubei University;School of Electronic Information;Wuhan University;
Extraction of the Floor Area Ratio in the Central District of Fuzhou City Based on an Improved Shadow Index Model
LIU Hui;College of Environment and Resources;Fuzhou University;Institute of Remote Sensing Information Engineering;Fuzhou University;
A Novel Spatial Index with a High-performance Spatial Join
FU Zhongliang;LIU Siyuan;YU Zhiqiang;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;Geographic Information Center of Zhejiang Province;
On the Store Strategy of Small Spatio-Temporal Data Files in Cloud Environment
XIONG Lian;XU Zhengquan;WANG Tao;GU Xin;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;
A Similarity Measurement Model for Multi-resolution Transmission of Curve Datasets over the Internet
CAO Zhenzhou;College of Geomatics Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;