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Foreign Literature Studies
2004 Issue 3
James Joyce:Criticism and Transcendence
guo jun
Ugliness, Negation of Reality and Salvation of Humanity
luo xian ke
Edward Said and the American Cultural Criticism
zhao yi fan
Wonderful Poetical Features in Finnegans Wake
feng jian ming
James Joyce in Feminist Perspectives
yuan de cheng
Afro-American Women Literature in Wilderness
zuo min
Toni Morrison's Cultural Ethnical Context
zhu xin fu
Saul Bellow's Humanism-Oriented Literary Creation
qi yong mei
The Stylistic Effects of The Ambassadors by Henry James
wang ling
Josie in Role Playing:Moon for the Misbegotten
shen jian qing
On Marquez's Idea of Literary Creation
deng zuo
ben qi ying wen zhai yao