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Foreign Literature
2004 Issue 2
ying guo shui cai hua
zhang rong sheng
On The Shakespearean Jesters
li wei min
Lazarillo and Gusman de Alfalache
li de en
An Interview with Sergei Esin
liu ya ding
On the Characteristics of Lyrics of G.Mistral
wang tong
On the Ethics of "Fidelity" in Literary Translation
gao yu
The Counter Memory in Homebase
liu kui lan
On Melville's Benito Cereno
lin yuan fu
The Failure of Jane Eyre
zhao hai hong
The Terminology of Literary Criticism:Semiology
luo zuo
The Terminology of Literary Criticism:Ambiguity
yin qi ping
The Terminology of Literary Criticism:Canon
liu yi qing
An Introduction to Identity
tao jia jun
A Reconsideration of E.W.Said and His Orientalism
wang yan
bao luo ke ai lue zuo pin qian xi
sun cheng ao
gu shi 9 ze
bao luo ke ai lue ; sun cheng ao
zui liang de sheng yin
ge lei si pei lei ; di ping
yi min gu shi
ge lei si pei lei ; zeng yan zuo
he fu qin de dui hua
ge lei si pei lei ; zeng yan zuo ; di ping