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Journal of Microwaves
2014 Issue 4
A Fast Analysis Method of Radar Cross Section in Spatial Domains
CHEN Wen-feng;GONG Shu-Xi;ZHAO Bo;ZHANG Peng-fei;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Laboratory;Xidian University;
Experimental Study on the Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Transmission Performance with Variation of the Incidence Angles
WANG Qian;LIU Xiao-chun;ZHANG Yun-xiang;The Aeronautical Science Key Lab for High Performance Electromagnetic Windows;The Research Institute for Special Structures of Aeronautical Composite AVIC;School of Electronic Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Analysis on the Characteristics of Microwave Coupling into the Cavity of Capacitance Proximity Fuze
WANG Hong-gang;TIAN Zhi-hao;LI Guo-lin;ZHANG Cun-bo;College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Research on Lightning Attachment Zone Dividing of Aircraft
TENG Xiang-ru;LIU Guang-bin;YU Zhi-yong;ZHAO Yu-long;ZHUANG Xin-wu;The Second Artillery Engineering University;College of National Defense Information Science;
Solving Dyadic Green’s Functions for Spherically Multilayered Media Ⅱ:Fast Calculation for Dyadic Green’s Functions
YU Tao;YIN Cheng-you;National Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology;Electronic Engineering Institute;
Design and Research of Flexible Microstrip Patch Antenna
CHENG Chun-xia;ZHANG Fu-shun;National Laboratory of Science and Technology on Antennas and Microwaves;Xidian University;
Design and Realization of a Broadband Multi-beam Microstrip Antenna Array
LEI Xue;CHEN Guo-hu;AN Na;TU Zhen;Information System Engineering Institute;Information Engineering University;
Simulation and Optimization of Millimeter Wave Conical Conformal Phased Array
HU Zhi-hui;JIANG Yong-hua;LIN Xiang;LI Jun;Department of Electronics and Information Engineering;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;91980 Unit of PLA;
A Novel Dual- Band High-Gain and High-Directivity Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on Zero-Index Metamaterial
CAI Tong;WANG Guang-Ming;LIANG Jian-Gang;Air and Missile Defend College;Air force Engineering University of China;
Design of a Tri-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for ITS Application
XU Wei;GU Chang-qing;College of Electronic and Information Engineering;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
High Gain Sparse Array Design by Using a FSS Superstrate Layer
MA Yao;GUO Chen-jiang;DING Jun;YUAN Zhen;ZHANG Jia-kai;College of Electronic and Information Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
A Wideband Power Divider Using Coupled Three-Line Microstrip Structure
XU Xin;TANG Xiao-hong;School of Electronic Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Compact Quad-Band Filters Using Nested DGS Resonator
WANG Lei;JIN Xiao;GUAN Bo-Ran;East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering;The Institute of Antenna and Microwaves;Hangzhou Dianzi University;
A Ka-band Third-order Cross-coupled Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter Base on LTCC
WANG Zheng-wei;LIU Ling-tao;HU Gang-yi;No.24 Research Institute of CETC;
A Wideband Phase Shifter for Electrically Adjustable Antennas in Mobile Communications
ZHANG Xiao;XUE Feng-zhang;LAI Zhan-jun;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;South China University of Technology;
Ground Wave Communication Jamming Effectiveness Evaluation on the Spherical Earth
MA Heng-min;ZHANG Qi;ZHU Hong;SONG Zheng;Air Force 95865 Troop;Electronic Engineering Institute of PLA;
Reduction of Spur in DDS Based on Appropriate Random Phasing in Phased Arrays
LIU Ting-hua;GUO Yan-chang;LIU Zhen-guo;LIU Zhao-lei;ZHANG Guang-yi;Zhongbo Information Technology Research Institute;Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology;State Key Lab. of Millimeter Waves;Southeast University;
Millimeter Wave Imaging System Design for Security Application Outdoors and Indoors
SHI Xiang;YANG Ming-hui;Changzhou Institute of Technology;Shanghai Institute of Micro systems and Information Technology of CAS;
Research on Electromagnetic Coupling Laws of a Metal Enclosure with a Short Penetrative Conductor
LI Kai;WEI Guang-hui;PAN Xiao-dong;LI Xin-feng;FAN Li-si;Institute of Electrostatic & Electromagnetic Protection;Ordnance Engineering College;
Design of the Spaceborne High Reliable Bare Die
JIANG Yong-hong;The 13th Research Institute;CETC;
Experimental Study of Six Species of Wood Treated by Microwave
HE Sheng;LIN Lan-ying;FU Feng;ZHOU Yong-dong;Key Laboratory of Wood Science and Technology of State Forestry Administration Research Institute of Wood Industry;CAF;China National Bauboo Research Center;Research Institute of Forestry New Technology;