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Special Structures
2009 Issue 2
The Nonlinear Analysis of the Communication Monopole
Tu Haiming;Gao Xianfeng;Shi Guofu
Study on Optimizatal Design of Nonlinear and Shallow Sphereal Network
Chen Zhiling;Jia Naiwen
Numerical Analysis of the Length of Core Pile for Reinforced Mixing Pile
ChenKun;Tan Yunfei;Yang Guohai
Suggestion and Discussion on Construction Joint of Mass Concrete
ZhangXiang;Song Lianliang
Research on Flexural Rigidity of the Ideal Slip-joint of Steel Monopole
LuoLie;LuLing;Huang Juzhi
Analysis and Studies on Structural Design of Transverse Bridge Cantilever
Du Baiji;Liu Jianshe;Guo Hongjun
Safety Evaluation for Existing Shield Tunnel Lining Structure
Zhao QingLi;YuanYong
Research on Design of the Platform for Mountanious Funicular Railway Engineering
Zhang Liqian;Guo Fumin;ZhaoFeng
Construction Monitoring and Analysis of PPMT in Shanghai Expo Area
HuXiang;Xue Weichen;Wang Hengdong
Economic Analysis of PPMT in Shanghai Expo Area
Xue Weichen;Wang Hengdong;HuXiang
Design of Strengthening Frame Structure with Specially-shaped Columns
Shi Dongsheng;MaZheng;WangMeng
Experimental Investigation of Wedge-type Anchors for CFRP Tendons
Ding Hanshan;Lin Weiwei;Zhang Yigui